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Parameters: Regex Expression and validation for Arc XP Identity APIs

Error codes resulting from POST, PATCH, or PUT requests are often due to invalid information being sent to the Arc XP Identity system. Regex validations are applied when calling:

Public APIsDeveloper APIs
POST /identity/public/v1/signup
PUT | PATCH /identity/public/v1/profile
POST /identity/api/v1/signup
PUT /identity/api/v1/profile/:uuid
POST /identity/api/v1/migrate

In the tables provided below, you could find some regex expression used to validate some of these values.

You can use a regex tester (for example, to know if the value you are trying to send is valid.

ParameterRegex exp | FormatSize
first name [a-zA-Z-_0-9]+min: 1
max: 100
last name[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+min: 1
max: 100
second last name[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+min: 1
max: 50
display name^[\p{L}'0-9]*[ \p{L}'-_0-9]*[\p{L}0-9]$min: 1
max: 100
birth year YYYY
birth month MM
birth day DD
contacts (phone)[0-9-]+ max: 19
Address (line1)[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+ min: 1
max: 256
Address (line2)[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+ min: 1
max: 256
Address (locality)[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+ min: 1
max: 100
Address (region)[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+ min: 1
max: 100
Address (postal)[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+ min: 1
max: 100
Address (country)^[A-Z]{2} min: 2
Attibute (name)NA min: 1
Attibute (value)NA min: 1