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Optimizing (unzipped) lambda size with pre-building large dependencies

With Engine 5.0.4, we released a new build configuration that helps optimize the compiled bundle on average 30% smaller server-side bundle size (in some samples up to 80%). See Optimize large bundles’ build size with content source compilation dependency duplication guide for more information.

When a PageBuilder bundle is deployed, client code (features, content sources, and so on) gets bundled together with PageBuilder’s core and packaged together to be placed into an AWS Lambda function.

AWS enforces a 250 MB lambda code size limit. This is unzipped code that runs the Engine and client bundle together.

Engine Lambda Content

PageBuilder code, Arc XP blocks, and custom blocks code, along with their dependency packages, all have to share this space inside the lambda functions.

PageBuilder’s own dependencies and other Arc XP dependencies (Themes and Outbound Feeds blocks, for example) make it hard to predict the reserved size to enforce a size limit for custom code.

Bundles that require larger and more complex dependencies may hit these limits sooner than expected.

Arc XP’s team is actively working on optimizing the standard build process to package and compress all dependencies more efficiently. In the meantime, you can optimize bundles bumping into these limits by performing a pre-deployer build that can do simple tree shaking and minification on its large dependencies.

Setting Up the Build Environment

To optimize the build process, you must first configure Webpack and install build dependencies. This guide uses highcharts as an example of a large dependency (40+ MB) that needs optimization.

  1. Configure Webpack

    1. Create a webpack.config.js file in your root folder. The webpack configuration defines how webpack processes your dependencies:
      • The entry property points to your source file (wrapper.js) containing dependencies to optimize.
      • The output.path property specifies the compilation output location (modules directory).
    var path = require('path')
    module.exports = {
    entry: './wrapper.js',
    mode: 'development',
    target: 'node',
    output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'modules'),
    filename: 'wrapper.js',
    libraryTarget: 'commonjs2',
    externals: {
    react: 'react',
    'react-dom': 'react-dom',
    'mock-require': 'mock-require'
    module: {
    rules: [
    test: /\.jsx?$/,
    use: {
    loader: 'babel-loader',
  2. Install Build Dependencies

    a. Run the following command to install the required development packages:

    npm install -D webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from babel-loader

    b. Add the pre-build script to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "pre-build": "webpack --mode production"
  3. Identify Dependencies to Optimize

    a. Run the size analysis command:

    du -hs * | gsort -h -r # On non-Mac systems, use 'sort' instead of 'gsort'.

    b. Review the output to identify large dependencies:

    49M amazingcharts
    24M date-fns
    7.2M @babel
    5.7M es-abstract
    4.9M lodash
    4.0M styled-components
    3.8M luxon
    3.6M polished
  4. Create Dependency Wrapper

    a. Create a wrapper.js file in your root folder.

    b. Import and export the identified large dependencies:

    module.exports = {
    "highcharts": require("highcharts"),
    "highcharts-react-official": require("highcharts-react-official"),

    c. Run the pre-build command:

    npm run pre-build
  5. Update Package Configuration

    a. Move optimized dependencies from dependencies to devDependencies in package.json. This action prevents including raw node_modules versions in deployment.

  6. Update Import Statements

    a. Replace original imports with references to the compiled wrapper:

    // Path to the compiled wrapper.js in the modules directory
    const wrapper = require('../../../../modules/wrapper');
    const Highcharts = wrapper['highcharts'];
  7. Test and Deploy

    a. Test your local changes with the following steps:

    i. Remove original package folders:

    rm -rf node_modules/[package-name]

    ii. Restart development environment:

    fusion stop
    fusion start

    iii. Verify page rendering.

    b. Deploy your bundle with the following steps:

    i. Deploy your bundle to a non-production environment.

    ii. Test in preview mode.

    iii. If successful, proceed to production deployment.

Example Results

Tests of this optimization process with the highcharts library (40+ MB disk space) give the following results:

  • Original deployment:

    • Total lambda function size: 145 MB
    • node_modules size: 95 MB
  • After optimization:

    • Total lambda function size: 93 MB
    • node_modules size: 41 MB

This optimization frees approximately 50 MB of space by applying the technique to a single large package dependency.