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Site Properties

Site Properties are site-specific values that may be accessed anywhere in your bundle. These differ from Environment Variables because:

  • They cannot be encrypted/decrypted.
  • They are site-specific.


Site Properties have a set of “global” properties that act as defaults; if a site-specific property of the same name exists, however, the site-specific property overrides the default.

Global Properties

Global property files are expected to be defined and named in one of the following formats: /properties/index.(js|json)



export default {
description: 'Acme, Inc.',
twitter: ''

Site-Specific Properties

Site-specific property files are expected to be defined and named in one of the following formats: /properties/sites/{siteName}.(js|json)



export default {
description: 'Acme Feed: A Listicle Site',
twitter: ''


Site Properties are accessible in two main ways: by invoking a function with the name of your site as an argument, or as a prop called siteProperties available on any Consumer wrapped component.

Function Invocation

The “function invocation” syntax expects a single argument: the name of the site you are trying to get Site Properties for. Most of the time, this will be the value of the Consumer prop ArcSite.

The getProperties function is imported from the fusion:properties namespace.


import getProperties from 'fusion:properties'
import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from react
class SocialLinks extends Component {
render () {
const {twitter} = getProperties(this.props.arcSite)
return (
<li><a href={twitter}>Twitter</a></li>
export default SocialLinks

_siteProperties_ on Consumer components

If you already have a Consumer wrapped component, and simply want the Site Properties for the current arcSite, you can simply use the siteProperties prop that is part of the Consumer.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from react
class SocialLinks extends Component {
render () {
const {twitter} = this.props.siteProperties
return (
<li><a href={twitter}>Twitter</a></li>
export default SocialLinks