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How To Identify Which MX Renders a Page

When troubleshooting issues about your page in the browser, if you are serving your site with multiple Micro Experiences, brings the question, which MX was responsible to render this page. This is probably your starting point when you identify an issue in a page that you want to troubleshoot.

There are two ways to quickly identify which MX rendered your page.

Method 1: Response headers in the public page

When PageBuilder renders a page, there is a new response header x-arc-pb-mx-id that describes the Micro Experience ID that was responsible to render that page.

You can easily see this in your browsers Developer Tools > Network tab, with filtering your network logs by showing only “Doc” (document) requests and if you are not using “preserve log” option, and refresh you page, the first request on top of the list will be your requests HTML response. You can select that request and in the Headers section of your developer tools, you’ll be able to see all response headers returned for this request, and x-arc-pb-mx-id will show which MX rendered your page.

Here is an example of a page (homepage) that was rendered by the default MX (default MX id is always 00000000):

Public page response with mxid header

Here is another example page, (under same site) that is rendered by another MX:

Public page response with mxid header

Method 2: Using resolver debugger in PageBuilder Developer Tools

You can also use Resolver Debugger tool under PageBuilder > Developer Tools that will help you understand which MX renders your page.

Resolver Debugger is not a new tool, and it works identical to how it has been working in the past. You first select a site, then enter the URI of your page and click Debug URI button. Resolver debugger would tell you the resolver used, page or template it resolved, and content the URI matches with, if it’s a dynamic URI for a piece of content that will be rendered by a template.

Resolver Debugger response with MX

It’s not important which MX you select and use resolver debugger tool. Resolver debugger works globally in your Arc Admin, and it will tell you correct MX if you debug a URI that belongs to a different MX than what you selected.

Resolver Debugger response with wrong MX warning

You can click and jump to that experience’s Resolver debugger tool that will prefill the site, and URI that you can run the URI again and get the regular resolver response in that MX.