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How To Update Traffic Routes Between Multiple Experiences

MX Routing Models

See “How does Arc XP CDN and PageBuilder route your traffic to the correct MX?” section in How does Micro Experiences work to learn more about Micro Experience routing.

Update MX Router Mappings

Once you construct your siteMappings (site ↔︎ path prefix pairs), you should use MX Management API’s Update MX endpoint (PATCH /pagebuilder/mx/{mx-slug}) to send the new mappings.

Keep in mind that you need to send the full siteMappings array contents. So make sure you included all existing siteMappings. You can call same endpoint with GET method to get current list of mappings.

Terminal window
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api.{env}.{org}{mx-slug}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ARC-TOKEN-HERE}' \
--data '{
"siteMappings": [
"path": "/elections/election2024",
"site": "thedaily"
"path": "/elections/candidate",
"site": "thedaily"

After this update, MX router will start using the new experience to render your pages.

See MX Service API docs for full reference and to learn about other endpoints.

ℹ️ Note: MX Management API responses are cached for 5 minutes. When you call “List MX” or “Get MX” endpoints, you may not see the updates right away.

ℹ️ Note: Your pages will still need to wait CDN cache to expire. Until CDN cache expires and requires a new render from PageBuilder, you will still see cached page from your current (default) experience.

Expected time to see updates depends on if the URL was rendered by a page, or a template. For pages, total time to refresh, can be up to 10 minutes, for template-based URLs this can be up to 20 minutes. You can trigger a cache clear request from Delivery > Cache Clear UI app to minimize this time down which can still be up to 5 minutes until your changes takes effect.