options are available to be defined on the PoWa element. More options are planned and will be made available as development progresses.
Data Attribute | Default Value | Description |
data-ads | true | When set to false , this setting disables ads on the player. |
data-ad-bar | false | Displays an ad control bar with countdown and ad skip. |
data-api | Decides which API to point to. Generally prod or sandbox . | |
data-aspect-ratio | 0.5625 | The default value of 0.5625 relates to a 16:9 video. A 4:3 video should have a value of 0.75 . Float values (height divided by width) for other aspect ratios should be defined to ensure the promo screen and player are properly sized for the promo image and content of the video. |
data-autoinit | native-hls | When set to false , only the promo screen is created and presented to the user. The player is not created until the user interacts with the promo screen. When set to true , this increases the delay between user interaction and ad or video start but reduces page load time. When autoinit is set to true , it also saves on bandwidth usage in cases where the user never plays the video. The default value, native-hls , sets autoinit to true when the browser supports HLS natively. The player requires less code to function optimally and only the video metadata is loaded. |
data-autoplay | When set to true , the video begins playing as soon as the player is instantiated. Note: All modern browsers Block Autoplay By Default. We recommend you use data-muted with data-autoplay . | |
data-border-radius | When set to true , this attribute rounds the borders by 8 pixels; however, if you want to define the radius as more or less than 8 pixels, you can enter any integer (instead of true ) to define the radius in pixels. See Video Center Player - Round player corners. | |
data-controls | false | When set to false , the player controls are disabled. |
data-debug | false | When set to true , the player relays all events to the developer console. When set to full , the player relays all information to the developer console. |
data-env | Decides which version of code to load. Generally prod or sandbox . | |
data-loop | When set to true , the player loops the video; meaning, the video starts over when it reaches the end. | |
data-loop-with-controls | When set to true , the player shows controls and loops the video; meaning, the video starts over when it reaches the end. | |
data-org | The organization ID. Ensures that the proper configuration is loaded for the player. Can be obtained from your Arc engagement manager. | |
data-playthrough | If your Video Center instance is configured to provide recommended videos, a value of true results in the player continuing to play recommended videos after the specified (data-uuid ) video has completed. | |
data-promo-image | If desired, override the promotional image defined in Video Center with an image URL. | |
data-stream | Mainly for testing, specifies the exact video stream (URL) to use. | |
data-sticky | When set to true , this attribute makes the video player sticky. | |
data-subtitles | Force use of subtitles. Does not get stashed as a user setting. data-subtitles=“English” | |
data-track | Mainly for testing, specifies the URL to be used for closed captions (.vtt) | |
data-uuid | The UUID of the video to be played. Can be obtained from Video Center. | |
data-muted | When set to true , the player“true” to mute. | |
data-volume | Set to values 0.0 - 1.0 to control volume. For example, a setting of data-volume=”0.5″ sets the volume at 50%. |