Arc XP Video Reference App for Tizen
The Arc XP Video Reference App for Tizen
The Arc Video Reference App
is a reference app we built and tested to help you more efficiently create your own Samsung Tizen Smart TV application that allows for the streaming of video content.
We’re delivering a set of HTML and Javascript source files for the Tizen Reference App. You can customize the reference app itself, or reuse bits of the code in your own Tizen apps. Since the core of the Reference App is our existing web player, all the existing documentation for the web player still applies as well.
Reference app features
The Arc Video Reference App for Tizen supports most features of our Video SDKs and web player:
- Adaptive-bitrate delivery
- Live Streams
- Playlists
- Simple integration with Arc’s Video API
- Open Measurement Certification for mid-roll ads
- Server-side inserted mid-roll ads
- Support for embedded and sidecar closed captions
- Geographic restrictions
- Event tracking for custom analytics
- Prebuilt analytics packages:
- Customizable look and feel
- Remote control support
- TV-based UI elements
- Have Tizen Studio Downloaded and installed
- Samsung Tizen Smart TV set to Developer mode
- Development environment connected to a Samsung Tizen Smart TV
- A provisioned Video Center Player
Getting started (setup)
- Start a new Tizen Studio project
- Choose Template project
- Choose TV
- Choose Web Application (leave unchecked)
- Choose Basic Project
- Project Name (fill-in whatever you prefer)
- Finish
- The Tizen Editor window should load automatically
- Not required to change any Settings
- Start building
Replace the below will provide a reference app that we built as a base for you to start:
Replace index.html
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"><meta name="description" content="PoWa Player on Tizen SmartTV"/><title>PoWa on Tizen</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"/><script></script><script><env>/powaBoot.js"></script></head><body><divclass="powa"id="powa-player"data-org="<org>"data-uuid="<UUID>"data-autoplay="true"></div></body></html>Replace
with your organization’s org ID. Replace<UUID>
with the UUID of the live stream you would like to test. Replace<env>
with the appropriate environment (prod or sandbox).Note: currently the only environment supporting modifications for the Tizen platform is tizen. i.e. You should not yet point to the prod or sandbox environments but, rather,tizen.
Replace main.js
const styleDefaults = {zIndex: 100,position: 'absolute',top: '20px',left: '20px',color: 'cornflowerblue',fontSize: '24px',textShadow: '0px 0px 3px rgba(237,188,100)',display: 'flex',flexDirection: 'column',};const forEach = (obj, iteratee) => {for (let key in obj) {iteratee(obj[key], key, obj);}};const createElement = (style = {}, type = 'div') => {const el = document.createElement(type);forEach(style, (value, attr) =>[attr] = value);return el;}const meta = createElement(Object.assign({}, styleDefaults, {top: '20px',left: '20px',}));const track = createElement(Object.assign({}, styleDefaults, {right: '20px',flexDirection: 'column-reverse',alignItems: 'flex-end',}));const log = (el, message) => {const entry = document.createElement('div');entry.innerHTML = message;el.append(entry);};const logObj = (el, obj) => {forEach(obj, (val, key) => {log(el, `${ key }: ${ val }`);});log(el, '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-');};window.addEventListener('powaReady', ({detail: {id, powa}}) => {powa.getElement().append(meta);powa.getElement().append(track);const logMeta = () => {const mtSession = powas[id].powaTrack.find(event => event.event === 'mtSession');meta.innerHTML = '';log(meta, PoWa.BUILD);log(meta, `CC: ${ tizen.tvinfo.getCaptionValue('CAPTION_ONOFF_KEY') === 'CAPTION_ON' }`);log(meta, `Muted: ${ tizen.tvaudiocontrol.isMute() }`);log(meta, `Volume: ${ tizen.tvaudiocontrol.getVolume() }`);log(meta, `PoWa Muted: ${ powa.muted() }`);log(meta, `PoWa Volume: ${ powa.volume() }`);log(meta, `mtID: ${ }`);log(meta, `UUID: ${ powa.getDataset().uuid }`);};const logError = (event) => log(track, `${ event.type }: ${ event.mediaError || event.message || event.error || 'ERROR' }`);// initial display of metadatalogMeta();// update metadata on volume changetizen.tvaudiocontrol.setVolumeChangeListener(logMeta);// update metadata on Caption state changetizen.tvinfo.addCaptionValueChangeListener('CAPTION_ONOFF_KEY', logMeta);// log powa events that have happened so far to the screenpowas[id] => || {type: event.event}).forEach(event => {if (['adError', 'error', 'powaError'].includes(event.type)) logError(event);else log(track, `${ event.type }`);});log(track, '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-');// listen for all ('*') PoWa eventspowa.on('*', event => {switch(event.type) {case 'adError':logError(event);break;case 'adMute':// Tizen does not support a 'muted' listener// PoWa reports 'adMute' during adslogMeta();log(track, `adMute: ${ event.muted }`);break;case 'adTime': break;case 'error':logError(event);break;case 'meta': break;case 'muted':// Tizen does not support a 'muted' listenerlogMeta();log(track, `muted: ${ event.muted }`);break;case 'powaError':logError(event);break;case 'time': break;default: log(track, event.type);}});// listen for remote control eventsdocument.addEventListener('keydown', event => {switch(event.keyCode) {case 37:log(track, 'Remote: LEFT');powa.jump(-10);break;case 38:log(track, 'Remote: UP');break;case 39:log(track, 'Remote: RIGHT');powa.jump(15);break;case 40:log(track, 'Remote: DOWN');break;case 13:log(track, 'Remote: OK');powa.togglePlay();break;case 10009:log(track, 'Remote: RETURN');tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().exit();break;default:log(track, `Remote: ${ event.keyCode }`);break;}});}); -
Replace style.css
body {margin: 0;padding: 0;} -
Connect the development machine to a Samsung Tizen Smart TV (if not connected you will be running the build on Tizen simulator)
Right-click on your project > Run as > Tizen Web Application
You should see the Arc Video reference app load on the connected TV
Voila! Now you have successfully built a Samsung Tizen Smart TV application for streaming videos using the Arc Video reference app. Moving forward you can further customize the experience for your brand and your users.