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Optimize large bundles' build size with content source compilation dependency duplication

This feature was introduced in Engine 4.1.8 and 5.0.4 releases that brings additional compiler options using a new arc.config.json configuration file. See arc.config.json documentation to learn more about other compiler options.

Introduction and Demo

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    Optimize large bundles' build size for Lambdas

    Learn how to optimize build sizes to avoid deployment failures due to Lambda file limitations

  • When Engine compiles your bundle source code into Lambda-ready code, it produces individual server-side mini bundles for each of your content sources so that when a /pf/api/content call is received, a leaner Lambda handler can be executed to fetch content. This process produces unnecessary code duplication when many content sources import the same dependencies. Depending on the number of content sources and imported dependencies, this caused the compiled server-side code to be bloated and resulted in deployment failures due to exceeding the AWS Lambda file size limitations.

    This new feature utilizes webpack.externals to minimize the duplication of dependencies inside the Lambda after compilation by allowing the exclusion of node_modules to be removed from content sources. This is possible because content sources are invoked server-side.

    Two new variables are exposed to engine through an optional file in the root of your bundle called arc.config.json:

    • compiler.contentSources.excludeModules is essentially a boolean flag for now, but allowing * opens the possibility to support file globs in the future. When this property is set to *, it will exclude all dependencies in node_modules from being bundled into the content source.
    • compiler.contentSources.includeModules allows developers to explicitly bundle specific modules into the content source when this functionality is enabled. This allows customers to retain some backwards compatibility when opting into this. In this example, we are showcasing a common logging library for typescript (typescript-logging) that has side effects when included from node_modules. If importing a dependency from node_modules affects the behavior of your content source, you may want to designate the dependency to be bundled directly into your content source to maintain the existing behavior.
    1. Create or update the arc.config.json in the root of your bundle to have the following properties:

      "compiler": {
      "contentSources": {
      "excludeModules": "*",
      "includeModules": ["typescript-logging"]
    2. Re-run the bundle and check the file sizes for .fusion/build/content/sources


    We have tested a few bundles that exceed lambda size limits. After evaluating different build artifacts, we found that compiled content sources were the main culprit for deployment issues on the AWS Lambda filesystem.

    By enabling this configuration, the PageBuilder compiler will exclude node_modules from bundling into the content sources. In this example, the majority of content sources were importing the same dependency. The actual JavaScript in the content/sources folder was quite optimized and DRY (don’t repeat yourself), but 1MB of dependencies multiplied by 100 content sources would previously generate 99MB of duplicated code. By removing this duplication during compilation, this yields a substantial file size reduction.

    We simply enabled build configuration in the example above, and checked the total build folder size using the du -h -d 2 .fusion/build command, that just calculates the directory sizes starting from .fusion/build directory down to 2 levels deep.

    Here are some examples we ran in our benchmarks:

    Bundle1 - 77% size reduction


    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    101M	build/content/sources
    101M	build/content
    476K	build/components/output-types
    652K	build/components
    16K	build/environment
    102M	build


    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    23M	build/content/sources
    23M	build/content
    476K	build/components/output-types
    652K	build/components
    16K	build/environment
    24M	build

    Bundle2 - 65% size reduction

    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    336M    build/content/sources
    336M    build/content
    6.0M    build/components/output-types
    6.2M    build/components
    12K    build/environment
    343M    build
    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    79M    build/content/sources
    79M    build/content
    6.0M    build/components/output-types
    6.2M    build/components
    12K    build/environment
    86M    build

    Bundle 3 - 39% size reduction

    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    44K    build/content/schemas
    119M    build/content/sources
    119M    build/content
    19M    build/components/output-types
    20M    build/components
    28K    build/environment
    140M    build
    â–¶ du -h -d 2 .fusion/build
    44K    build/content/schemas
    66M    build/content/sources
    66M    build/content
    19M    build/components/output-types
    20M    build/components
    28K    build/environment
    86M    build

    Additional context about size limits

    AWS Lambda enforces a 250MB total size limit that is shared between PageBuilder Engine core, Arc Blocks (if used), and the custom bundle code.