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Choosing which browsers PageBuilder Engine to support

PageBuilder Engine 4.0 brings support for Browserslist. Developers can configure their bundles to specify which browsers and versions to support so that Engine can include and remove the appropriate JS (for example, polyfills) and CSS.

Enabling Browserslist support

To enable Browserslist, you must specify a new field in your bundle’s package.json.

For example:

"browserslist": [
"defaults and supports es6-module",
"maintained node versions"

By default, Fusion provides defaults and not ie 11. To review the default configuration of the browserlist that Engine supports, see Browserslist.

After you add your desired browserslist configuration, run npx browserslist to validate it and receive a list of supported browsers.

Verifying the generated output

To analyze the generated JS and CSS, run:

npx webpack-bundle-analyzer .fusion/dist/stats.json .fusion/dist/components/combinations/


At this time, PageBuilder Engine supports only a provided configuration in your bundle’s package.json file. The .browserslistrc files are not supported at this time.