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Custom fields in PageBuilder Engine

Custom fields are implemented using React’s PropTypes library. They are available on both Feature and Chain type components.

PageBuilder Engine looks for a static property on your component named propTypes, which should be an object. This object should contain a customFields key, whose value is PropTypes.shape().PropTypes.shape() expects a single argument, which is an object whose keys are the names of the custom fields you are enumerating, and the values being their PropTypes.

Changing IDs and Types

When you add a feature or chain to a page or template, a configuration for it is saved in PageBuilder. If either the ID or the Type of a customField changes, it has an immediate impact on the previously added instances and their render.

The configuration saved on pages and templates no longer matches the configuration a feature or chain has, which results in the malformed or lost data of all customFields that have received a change.

To prevent any interference of old and new data, you must remove the feature or chain and re-add and reconfigure them on all pages and templates .



Also aliased as PropTypes.boolean.


Will produce a checkbox input in PageBuilder and return true or false depending on the selection.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { showDesc } = props.customFields
return (
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
{showDesc && (<p>Lorem ipsum</p>)}
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
myBool: PropTypes.boolean
export default MyComponent



Specifies the content schema that this component is compatible with so that a PageBuilder user can select from a dynamic list of content sources that match that schema. Once the editor has selected the content source to use, PageBuilder allows the user to set the parameters of that content source so they can be used by the feature to fetch content.

The contentConfig custom field returns an object with two keys to the feature: a string representing the content source name is returned to the component as contentService, and the parameters to query the content source are returned as an object named contentConfigValues.



  • schemaName (String, Array[String]): Represents the name of a schema of the required data. Schemas are no longer supported, but you can define the content sources and data structure that this component is compatible with. The String, Array[String] has to match the schemaName on content sources. See Content Source API.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class Songs extends Component {
constructor(props) {
const { songListConfig } = this.props.customFields
const { contentService, contentConfigValues } = songListConfig
songList: {
source: contentService,
query: contentConfigValues,
filter: '{ results { name } }'
render() {
{ =>
Songs.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
songListConfig: PropTypes.contentConfig('songSchema').tag({
group: 'Configure Content'
export default Songs



Will produce a datepicker input in PageBuilder and return a string containing the user-selected date.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render a datepicker in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.



Will produce a date-and-time picker input in PageBuilder and return a string containing the user-selected date and time.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render a date-and-time picker in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.



Will produce a disabled textarea in PageBuilder and return a string containing the value of the textarea. This is commonly used for custom fields that use plugins to set the field value rather than users editing the textarea directly.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render a disabled textarea in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.



Will produce an email input in PageBuilder and return a string containing the email the user entered.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render an email input that validates proper email format in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.



Will produce a textarea in PageBuilder and return a string containing the value of the textarea, which is expected to be a valid JSON string.

PageBuilder Engine will attempt to validate that the returned string is in proper JSON format, and will log a warning if this is not the case.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { jsonStr } = props.customFields
return (
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
jsonStr: PropTypes.json
export default MyComponent



Will produce a series of “key/value pair” text inputs that allow PageBuilder Editor to set the keys and values of an object, and have that object returned to the component.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const ElectionResults = (props) => {
const { candidateVotePercent } = props.customFields
return (
{Object.keys(candidateVotePercent).map(candidateName =>
<strong>{candidateName}</strong> has {candidateVotePercent[candidateName]} of the vote so far
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
candidateVotePercent: PropTypes.kvp
export default MyComponent



Will produce a simple label in PageBuilder displaying the name of the custom field and a description (if provided). This type of field is used for providing contextual information in the PageBuilder interface from a particular component. It does not return data back to PageBuilder Engine itself, it is purely for the PageBuilder editorial experience.


See PropTypes.string example.



Will produce a series of text inputs in PageBuilder that allows the editor to enter many values, which will be returned as an array of strings to the component.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const TopicsList = (props) => {
const { topics } = props.customFields
return (
{ =>
TopicsList.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
topics: PropTypes.list
export default TopicsList



Will produce a number input field in PageBuilder that allows users to enter a number value, which then gets returned to the component.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { description } = props.globalContent
const { maxChars } = props.customFields
const slicedContent = description.slice(0, maxChars)
return (
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
maxChars: PropTypes.number
export default MyComponent


Also aliased as select()


Will produce a select input in PageBuilder that allows users to select from one of the enumerated options in the array. Values in the array can be matched to human-readable text via the labels property passed to the Tag method.

To enable alpha sorting, pass ordered property in the following ways:

  • when ordered is set to false, the items will be placed in order as they are in a feature’s source code.
  • when ordered is set to true, the items will be placed in alphabetical order.
  • default: same as ordered is true.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { listType } = props.customFields
const El = (listType === 'ol') ? 'ol' : 'ul'
return (
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
listType: PropTypes.oneOf([
'ol', 'ul'
labels: {
ol: 'Ordered List',
ul: 'Unordered List'
ordered: false
export default MyComponent



Will produce a textarea in PageBuilder and return a string containing the value of the textarea.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render a textarea in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.


Also aliased as text


Will produce a text input in PageBuilder that allows users to type a string value, which then gets returned to the component.


import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react'
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const { headline } props.customFields
return (<h1>{headline}</h1>)
MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
headline: PropTypes.string
export default MyComponent



Will produce a URL input in PageBuilder and return a string containing the URL the user entered.

For PageBuilder Engine’s purposes, this is an alias for PropTypes.string. It exists only to denote that this field should render a URL input that validates proper URL format in PageBuilder.


See PropTypes.string example.

Global Options

These options are available as properties/methods that can be added to any PageBuilder Engine PropType.



Denotes that a certain prop is required. Will throw warnings in development if the chosen prop is not present.


MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
headline: PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default MyComponent



The tag() method provides a way of adding additional metadata that PageBuilder requires about a custom field. It takes an object containing this metadata in key/value pair form as an argument.



optionMap (Object): A map of metadata options about this particular custom field.

  • optionMap.defaultValue (?): The default value this custom field should take.
  • optionMap.description (String): A text description about the purpose of this custom field for users to better understand it.
  • (String): The name of a group of common custom fields. PageBuilder will aggregate custom fields with the same group name into a common UI interface element.
  • optionMap.formPlugin (String): The name of a plugin used by this custom field. See the Plugin API for more info.
  • optionMap.format (String): An ISO 8601 compliant date format string, for datepicker custom fields.
  • optionMap.hidden (Boolean): Whether to show or hide the custom field.
  • optionMap.label (Object or String): An object mapping an i18n locale short code to a translated string. Optionally, a String can be provided to always use the same human-readable label regardless of locale.
  • optionMap.labels (Object): An object mapping a value listed in the array of a oneOf custom field to a more human-readable string
  • optionMap.max (Number): Maximum number allowed for a number type custom field.
  • optionMap.min (Number): Minimum number allowed for a number type custom field.
  • optionMap.step (Number): Interval to increase or decrease by for every change to a number type custom field.


MyComponent.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
myNumberField: PropTypes.number.tag({
label: {
en: 'My Number',
es: 'Mi NĂşmero'
group: 'examples',
hidden: false,
max: 100,
min: 0,
step: 5
mySelectField: PropTypes.oneOf([
'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
defaultValue: 'bar',
description: 'This custom field is useless',
group: 'examples',
labels: { foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar', baz: 'Baz' }
export default MyComponent