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Consumer API

The Consumer is a higher-order function that can be used to “Decorate” PageBuilder Engine components and provide them with useful Props and Instance Methods via React’s Context API. The Consumer function can wrap any component type, although it is most typically used for Features. It can be used for both class-based components and functional components to provide props, however functional components will be unable to use the Instance Methods provided by Consumer.


The Consumer function is imported from the fusion:consumer namespace. It can be invoked as a function or using decorator syntax; both produce the same result.


Decorator Syntax

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class MyComponent extends Component {
export default MyComponent

Function Syntax

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class MyComponent extends Component {
export default Consumer(MyComponent)


Consumer components will be provided with all Context Props, along with the following:

editableContent() (Function)


A function that adds the necessary attributes to make the element’s content “editable”. Use this method to allow PageBuilder editors to change individual ANS content nodes before rendering. This function can be run on a single content node, or on multiple labeled content nodes.


Single Node Syntax

editableContent(contentObj, contentKeyPath)

  • contentObj (ANS Object): The root ANS content object that the contentKeyPath should pull from.
  • contentKeyPath (String): The ‘key path’ within the ANS object to find the content node that should be editable.

Multi-Node Syntax

editableContent(contentObj, contentNodeMap)

  • contentObj (ANS Object): The root ANS content object that the contentKeyPath should pull from.

  • contentNodeMap (Object): A map of labels (acting as keys) to their corresponding contentKeyPath values.

    • contentNodeMap.{contentLabel} (String): Here, {contentLabel} represents the name of the property this content node represents. This label will be capitalized and displayed to an editor in the UI. The value of the key is a contentKeyPath string, as in the “single node” syntax above.


This function returns 3 attributes to be added to the target element. PageBuilder Engine uses these attributes to identify the element and apply the content edits.

  • contentEditable: An HTML attribute denoting that this element is editable in the browser.
  • data-content-editable: An attribute representing the ID of the piece of content and property to be mapped in the ANS document.
  • data-feature: Returns the Feature ID of the feature this method is added to.


Single Node Content Editable

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class EditableHeadline extends Component {
render() {
// This `content` would come from a content fetch performed elsewhere in this component
const { content } = this.state
return (
<h1 {...this.props.editableContent(content, 'headlines.basic')}>
export default EditableHeadline

Multi-Node Content Editables

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class EditableHeadline extends Component {
render() {
// This `content` would come from a content fetch performed elsewhere in this component
const { content } = this.state
return (
<h1 {...this.props.editableContent(content, {
headline: 'headlines.basic',
subheadlines: 'subheadlines.basic',
description: 'description.basic',
{content && content.headlines ? content.headlines.basic : ''}
{content && content.subheadlines ? content.subheadlines.basic : ''}
{content && content.description ? content.description.basic : ''}
export default EditableHeadline

searchableContent() (Function)


A function that adds the necessary attributes to enable search integrations in PageBuilder Editor. Use this method to allow PageBuilder editors to replace content source values using the built-in content search tools.

searchableContent() will generate multiple data attributes. Also, the parent container must include a style of position: relative for proper button placement in the Editor UI.


searchableContent(contentObj, customFieldMap)

  • contentObj (ANS Object): The root ANS content object that customFieldMap.{contentSourcePath} should pull from.

  • customFieldMap (Object): A map of custom fields to their corresponding contentKeyPath values.

    • customFieldMap.{contentSourcePath} (String): Here, {contentSourcePath} represents the key path in the content source that will be overridden with the searched content. The value in this map is the content key path in the searched content response.


This function returns 4 attributes to be added to the target element. PageBuilder Engine uses these attributes to identify the element and apply the content edits.

  • contentEditable: An HTML attribute denoting that this element is editable in the browser.
  • data-content-editable: An attribute representing the ID of the piece of content and property to be mapped in the ANS document.
  • data-feature: Returns the Feature ID of the feature this method is added to.
  • data-searchable: An HTML attribute denoting that this element is searchable in the browser.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class SearchableImage extends Component {
render() {
// This `content` would come from a content fetch performed elsewhere in this component
const { content } = this.state
const { customFields, searchableContent } = this.props
// This example replaces two custom fields (imageOverrideUrl and imageOverrideAltText) with content from the Photo Center API
return (
<div style={{ position: 'relative' }}>
<img src={customFields.imageOverrideUrl || content.promo_items.basic.url}
alt={customFields.imageOverrideAltText || content.promo_items.basic.subtitle}
{...searchableContent(content, {
'promo_items.basic.url': 'additional_properties.resizeUrl',
'promo_items.basic.subtitle': 'subtitle'
export default SearchableImage

searchableField() (Function)


A function that adds the necessary attributes to enable search integrations in PageBuilder Editor. Use this method to allow PageBuilder editors to replace a Custom Field using the built-in content search tools.

searchableField() will generate multiple data attributes. Also, the parent container must include a style of position: relative for proper button placement in the Editor UI.


Single-Field Syntax


  • customFieldKey (String): The custom field that will be replaced with the value provided by the selected content.

Multi-Field Syntax


  • customFieldMap (Object): A map of custom fields to their corresponding contentKeyPath values.

    • customFieldMap.{customFieldKey} (String): Here, {customFieldKey} represents the custom field that will be overridden with the searched content. The value in this map is the content key path within the searched content response.
    • contentIntegrationType (String): The type of content integration to associate with the contentConfig
    • optionsParameter (Object): An object which at this time, only takes a contentSource prop. The value should be the name of the content source 
      • Example: { contentSource: 'story-search' }


This function returns 4 attributes to be added to the target element. PageBuilder Engine uses these attributes to identify the element and apply the content edits.

  • contentEditable: An HTML attribute denoting that this element is editable in the browser.
  • data-field-editable: An attribute representing the custom field to be overridden
  • data-feature: Returns the Feature ID of the feature this method is added to.
  • data-searchable: An HTML attribute denoting that this element is searchable in the browser.
  • data-content-source: An attribute for setting the content source to use for the block. 


Single-Field Example

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class SearchableImage extends Component {
render() {
// This `content` would come from a content fetch performed elsewhere in this component
const { content } = this.state
const { customFields, searchableField } = this.props
// This example replaces the imageOverrideUrl custom field with the default image URL provided by the Photo Center API
return (
<div style={{ position: 'relative' }}>
<img src={customFields.imageOverrideUrl || content.promo_items.basic.url}
{...searchableField('imageOverrideUrl' 'story', {content-Source: 'story-search' })}
export default SearchableImage

Multi-Field Example

import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class SearchableImage extends Component {
render() {
// This `content` would come from a content fetch performed elsewhere in this component
const { content } = this.state
const { customFields, searchableField } = this.props
// This example replaces two custom fields (imageOverrideUrl and imageOverrideAltText) with content from the Photo Center API
return (
<img src={customFields.imageOverrideUrl || content.promo_items.basic.url}
alt={customFields.imageOverrideAltText || content.promo_items.basic.subtitle}
'imageOverrideUrl': 'additional_properties.resizeUrl',
'imageOverrideAltText': 'subtitle' }, 'story', { contentSource: 'story-search'
export default SearchableImage

Instance Methods

addEventListener() - (Function)


This method adds an event listener to a PageBuilder Engine component that will respond to events of the specified eventName by invoking the specified eventHandler. Events are dispatched by invoking DispatchEvent in other PageBuilder Engine components. Listeners can be removed by the RemoveEventListener method.


addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler)

  • eventName (String): The name of the event to subscribe to.
  • eventHandler(payload) (Function): The function that will handle the event when it is triggered. This function receives the event’s payload as its only argument.


This method returns undefined; its effect is to ‘subscribe’ the event handler to the appropriate event.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class ErrorMessage extends Component {
componentDidMount () {
this.addEventListener('errorOccurred', (error) => {
const errorMsg = error && error.message ? error.message : 'Something went wrong'
this.setState({ message: errorMsg })
export default ErrorMessage

dispatchEvent() - (Function)


This method dispatches an event from a PageBuilder Engine component of the specified eventName with an arbitrary payload to be received by another component’s event handling function (which gets subscribed via the AddEventListener method).


dispatchEvent(eventName, payload)

  • eventName (String): The name of the event to dispatch, which listeners can subscribe to.
  • [payload] (?): An arbitrary payload attached to the event, for the handler to use in processing.


This method returns undefined; its effect is to dispatch the event to each subscriber.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class WeatherLookup extends Component {
handleFormInput(value) {
if (!value || value.length < 5) {
this.dispatchEvent('errorOccurred', {
val: value,
message: 'Zip code must be at least 5 characters long.'
export default WeatherLookup

fetchContent() - (Function)


The fetchContent method is second-level syntactic sugar for using both GetContent and React’s setState together. It takes a map whose keys are the names of content to be stored in the component’s state (using setState), and the values are configuration options used to fetch content from a content source (using getContent). fetchContent will then fetch the content using the content configuration and set it on the component’s state using the key names in contentConfigMap.



  • contentConfigMap (Object): An object whose keys are the names of content to be stored in the component’s state, and the values are configuration objects identical to those of the GetContent parameters.

  • contentConfigMap.{contentKey} (Object): Here, {contentKey} represents the name of a property the developer chooses to set on the component’s state object. Multiple {contentKey} objects can exist on the same contentConfigMap object.

    • contentConfigMap.{contentKey}.source (String): See source parameter in GetContent method.
    • contentConfigMap.{contentKey}.query (Object): See query parameter in GetContent method.
    • [contentConfigMap.{contentKey}.inherit] (Boolean): See inherit parameter in GetContent method.
    • [contentConfigMap.{contentKey}.staticMode] (Boolean): See staticMode parameter in GetContent method.


This method returns undefined; its effect is to set the state properties listed in the contentConfigMap with the appropriate values.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class Topics extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
topics: {
source: 'content-feed',
query: { feedType: 'taxonomy.tags.slug', feedParam: '*', limit: 5, offset: 0, order: 'display_date:desc' },
filter: '{ headline }'
render () {
return (
{ =>
export default Topics

getContent() - (Function)


The getContent method will fetch content, both on the server and the client, from a content source (identified by the sourceName argument) defined in the bundle.


For syntactic sugar, there are 2 ways to invoke the getContent method: with the arguments expanded and passed individually, or as keys of an object.

Expanded Syntax

getContent(sourceName, query, [filter], [inherit])

  • sourceName (String): The name of the content source from which you want to fetch. This content source must be configured in your bundle.
  • query (Object): This will depend on the definition of the content source, but will be an object containing key/value pairs used to uniquely identify the piece of content you want to fetch.
  • [filter] (String): A GraphQL query string that will be applied to the resultant data to minimize the payload size. This is beneficial for both client-side and server-side fetching, as server-side fetched data must be included in the final HTML rendering to prevent content flashing. See The Content Filtering Guide For More Details.
  • [inherit] (Boolean): A dynamic boolean to determine if globalContent should be used to override the config settings provided. If this value is true, the globalContent will be returned in both the cached property and as the resolution of fetched.
  • [staticMode] (Boolean): A flag to indicate that the content fetched for this will only be used within Static components and that there is no logic that requires that data on the client. This option prevents the content fetched from being passed to the client for when the app gets hydrated client-side. It also prevents this content fetch from happening client-side. This means that a content fetch using this flag will always return nothing when run in a browser.

Object Syntax


  • options (Object): An object containing the following properties:

    • options.sourceName (String): See sourceName parameter above.
    • options.query (Object): See query parameter above.
    • [options.filter] (String): See filter parameter above.
    • [options.inherit] (Boolean): See inherit parameter above.
    • [options.staticMode] (Boolean): See staticMode parameter above.


An object with 2 keys: { cached, fetched }cached will be an object containing data already pre-fetched synchronously on the server from the content source. fetched will be a Promise that resolves to an object containing newly fetched data from the content source.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class WeatherForecast extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { forecast: null }
componentDidMount () {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((location) => {
// If we get the user's location, call getContent to fetch data from the DarkSky API
const { fetched } = this.getContent({
// Specifying the `dark-sky` content source
sourceName: 'dark-sky',
// `query` object needs `lat` and `lng` arguments to query the DarkSky API
query: { lat: location.coords.latitude, lng: location.coords.longitude },
// GraphQL filter so we get only the data we need
filter: '{ daily { summary }}'
// Use the `fetched` Promise to get our response and set the forecast info in the component's state
fetched.then(response => {
this.setState({ forecast: response.daily.summary })
render() {
const { forecast } = this.state
return forecast ? (<p>{forecast}</p>) : null
export default WeatherForecast

removeEventListener() - (Function)


This method ‘unsubscribes’ the specified event handling function (eventHandler) from the eventName specified. The eventHandler must be a reference to the exact function instance that was added via AddEventListener, not a copy.


removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler)

  • eventName (String): The name of the event to unsubscribe the handler from.
  • eventHandler (Function): A reference to the exact instance of the handler function that was previously added.


This method returns undefined; its effect is to ‘unsubscribe’ the event handler from the appropriate event.


import Consumer from 'fusion:consumer'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class ErrorMessage extends Component {
handleErrorMsg (error) {
const errorMsg = error && error.message ? error.message : 'Something went wrong'
this.setState({ message: errorMsg })
componentDidMount () {
this.addEventListener('errorOccurred', this.handleErrorMsg.bind(this))
componentWillUnmount () {
this.removeEventListener('errorOccurred', this.handleErrorMsg)
export default ErrorMessage