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Getting Access To Micro Experiences

Micro Experiences (MX) is a powerful feature designed to enhance your digital content management by enabling the creation of multiple, independent PageBuilder instances. This guide will walk you through the requirements and the steps to get access to MX and what to expect once it’s provisioned.


  • Update to Engine 5.1 or above: This is an additive change from Engine 5.0.x versions. It is safe to update and does not require any engineering effort from your developer team.
    • Once you update to Engine 5.1 (or above), and MX is provisioned, you should not downgrade to a previous Engine version below 5.1 in all of your experiences. Engine 5.1 brings Micro Experience routing support that can not be used together with older Engine versions in your environment.
  • Compatibility review: PageBuilder and Arc XP features that integrate with PageBuilder that are not supported fully on secondary MX should stay in the default experience. Review the service compatibility in the Introducing Micro Experiences doc.

Provisioning Process

To create a new MX instance, you’ll need to contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) or Arc Customer Success (ACS) team with the following details:

  • Name of the MX: Specify the name you would like to assign to your new MX. This name will be used to identify the MX in your Arc home. All MX names will be prefixed with “PB” (e.g., PB-Sports) in Arc Home.
  • Environments: By default, new MX will be provisioned in all environments. But if your use case to use that MX for testing, or QA purposes and not need production environments, please specify which environments during the provisioning request.
  • (If you have multi-org setup) Organization name: Name of the organization identifier. You see this in your browser’s address bar when you login to Arc Home.

Once the MX is provisioned, the new PageBuilder tile will appear in your Arc home next to your current PageBuilder Editor tile with the name you provided. Now you can use all PageBuilder features under the new tile.

What to Expect

When you request a new MX instance, the Arc XP team will handle the setup and ensure that it is properly configured according to your organization’s needs. The provisioning process is typically swift, and your TAM or ACS representative will keep you informed throughout. Once provisioned, the new MX instance will be accessible alongside your existing PageBuilder instance(s), ready for your teams to use.

Multiple MX in Arc Home

You can now create pages/templates, configure resolvers in the new Micro Experience’s PageBuilder, use Deployer to deploy bundle code to your new experience, or use Theme settings to configure your Arc Blocks styling settings. Keep in mind, until you update your new Micro Experience’s siteMappings using MX service, no reader traffic will be routed to this MX yet. You can continue with Adopting Multiple Experience Strategy and Configuring Them guide.

If you are launching a new experience (like launching a new site, or a new section) using Micro Experiences, the rest of the process should be fairly straightforward to build a bundle code, pages and everything from scratch using the new Micro Experience.

If you are planning to migrate parts of your existing experiences, see Planning your Micro Experience Migration guide.


To maintain simplicity, MX instances inherit the same permissions structure as your existing PageBuilder instance.

Same Permissions

Staff members who have access to PageBuilder will automatically have access to all MX instances with the same rights.

For example, if a staff member has the ability to create and edit content but does not have the permissions to “Create and Edit Resolvers” or “Delete Resolvers,” these same permissions will apply across all MX instances. This ensures a consistent and streamlined experience for your team.