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Fusion Context isAdmin Use

Fusion Context provides several properties that offer information about the Arc XP website.

The isAdmin property is a Boolean value that is true if the component is rendered on the PageBuilder Admin Preview (thus the admin name) and false if the component is rendered on the standard view.

import React from 'react'
import Context from 'fusion:context'
const Ad = ({ isAdmin}) => !isAdmin && <div id='some-ad'></div>
export default (props) =>
{isAdmin ?
<div>Is PB Preview</div> :
<div>This is the real page</div>

Performance Advantages

Understanding the location of the rendered page is essential for effectively managing previews from components that could lead to performance challenges during PageBuilder preview.

Additionally, this knowledge is valuable for establishing mock values for components whenever necessary.


Custom ads blocks may perform several HTTP calls that may compromise Page Builder performance. Consider using isAdmin to add a place holder or not to render any ads at all.

import React from 'react'
import Context from 'fusion:context'
const Ad = ({ isAdmin}) => !isAdmin && <div id='some-ad'></div>
export default (props) =>

Paywalls, Subscriptions, and User Sessions

Some pages may utilize user information that cannot be previewed due to the absence of user data in PageBuilder.

You can use isAdmin to feed mock information to user components.


If no better alternative exists, and a component generates dynamic content beyond the Arc XP boundaries (for example, making HTTP requests without utilizing a content source), we recommend implementing a condition to verify the isAdmin property. This condition helps to avoid rendering a preview in PageBuilder, which could potentially harm performance.