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Output Type API

Use output types to define the HTML wrapping that is applied to server responses (like head, title, meta, link, and script tags). You must define anything that is part of the server-generated HTML but is not specific to a page or template in an output type.

When rendering a page, the system uses the outputType query parameter to determine which output type handles the request. If no parameter is specified, the system uses the default output type.



You must store and name an output type in the following format: /components/output-types/{outputTypeName}.(js|jsx)

Using that format builds a component where the {outputTypeName} portion of the file path represents the name of the output type. The outputTypeName value should not contain any periods.



import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<title>{props.metaValue('title') || 'Default Title'}</title>
<props.MetaTags />
<props.Libs />
<props.CssLinks />
<link rel='icon' type='image/x-icon' href={`${props.contextPath}/resources/img/favicon.ico`} />
<h1>Welcome to PageBuilder Engine!</h1>
<div id='fusion-app'>
<props.Fusion />


All properties that the Context component makes available are also available on output types. See the Context Component API for a list of these properties.

children (Array)

React uses the convention of a property named children to define content that should be inserted inside your component. We respect this convention for output types. In this case, the children property defines the rendered content of the page. If you want to perform client-side-only rendering, do not include this property in your page.



import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<div id='fusion-app'>

metaValue() (Function)

Similar to the MetaTag component, but this property returns only the value, not a fully rendered HTML meta tag.



This function returns a string with the value of the requested metadata variable (not a fully rendered HTML tag). If no value is found for the provided name parameter, it returns undefined.


import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<title>{props.metaValue('title') || 'Default Title'}</title>

Property Components

Property components extend the functionality of output types. This section presents a list of property components, their parameters, return values, and examples.

Also aliased as <props.CssTags />

This component includes the stylesheet <link>s for the appropriate page or template and/or output-type. This property inserts a <link> reference tag. In the case of page or template, the file name is content hashed to the specific state of the page or template. For inline styles, see <Props.Styles />.

CssLinks properties have children so that PageBuilder Engine can generate deterministic IDs for them (unless an ID is already specified). Therefore, we recommend adding a <link> as a child of CssLinks with a defined ID.


You can invoke the CssLinks component on its own or with children. It renders <link> tags for both the output type stylesheet as well as the template-specific stylesheet.

<props.CssLinks /> <props.CssLinks>{children}</props.CssLinks>

  • children(linkTag) (HTML): Accepts number of script tags in plain HTML containing stylesheet URLs.
  • stylesheetObj (Object): A wrapper object containing the outputTypeHref and templateHref key and value pairs.
  • stylesheetObj.outputTypeHref (String): The stylesheet URL for CSS included in the Output Type itself.
  • stylesheetObj.templateHref (String): The stylesheet URL for CSS included in the components specific to this page or template implementation.
Renders <link> tags for the output type and specified template.

Without Children


import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.CssLinks />

With Children


import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<link id="predefinedId" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href="linkToCdn" />

props.Fusion (Component)

This component includes a special script block that includes PageBuilder Engine-specific values, as well as the server-fetched content cache that is used during client-side refresh to prevent content flashing.

Content refresh may be specifically disabled. This applies only to content that was previously fetched server-side and is available in the content cache; any content that is not in the cache is fetched from the client, regardless. This feature is generally useful only in the case of pre-rendered HTML. On-demand HTML is already aware that its content is fresh and does not attempt client-side fetching.

PageBuilder Engine properties have children so that PageBuilder Engine can generate deterministic IDs for them (unless an ID is already specified). Therefore, we recommend adding a <script> as a child of Fusion with a defined ID.


You can invoke the Fusion component on its own or with children.

<props.Fusion [disableGlobalContent] [disableContentCache] />

If invoked with children, it accepts any number of script tags.


  • children(script) (HTML): Accepts the number of script tags in plain HTML.
  • disableGlobalContent (bool) disables encoding global content in the returned HTML under window.Fusion object.
  • disableContentCache (bool) disables encoding content cache in the returned HTML under window.Fusion object.

This will help customer developers to optimize SSR HTML size. (Note: Disabling globalContent or contentCache will result client-side refresh to make API calls may impact client-side performance).

Renders bootstrapped PageBuilder Engine-specific values, as well as cached content fetched from the server side, to the DOM for PageBuilder Engine’s use.

Without Children

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.Fusion />

With Children

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<script>console.log('Hello PageBuilder Engine Props!')</script>

props.Libs (Component)

This component includes the scripts necessary to perform client-side re-render and content refresh. This includes both a shared React script and a specific page and template script.

Libs properties have children so that PageBuilder Engine can generate deterministic IDs for them (unless an ID is already specified). Therefore, we recommend adding a <script> as a child of Libs with a defined ID.


You can invoke the Libs component on its own or with children.

<props.Libs /> If invoked with children, it accepts any number of script tags.


  • children(script) (HTML): Accepts the number of script tags in plain HTML.

Renders the React engine script and PageBuilder Engine template script necessary to re-hydrate and re-render the React app client side.

Without Children

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.Libs />

With Children

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<script>console.log('Hello Libs Props!')</script>

props.MetaTag (Component)

Also aliased as <props.MetaTags />

This component inserts meta tags into your rendered HTML. If a name is provided, it inserts the single specified meta tag. If no name is given, it inserts all meta tags that are enabled in the PageBuilder Editor app.


The system passes parameters to the MetaTag component as properties.

<props.MetaTag [name] [default] />

  • name (String): A string representing the name of the <meta> tag to be rendered; this should correspond to a meta option set in PageBuilder Editor.
  • default (String): The default value this <meta> tag should contain if a value has not been set in PageBuilder Editor.|Renders the specified <meta> tag by name if one is provided; if not, it renders all <meta> tags for this page.

Renders the specified <meta> tag by name if one is provided; if not, it renders all <meta> tags for this page.


import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.MetaTag name='description' default='This is a page about cats.' />

props.Resource (Component)

This component provides access to the content of static resource files.


The system passes parameters to the Resource component as properties.

<props.Resource [path] [encoding] />

  • path (String): A string representing the path of the file to be accessed.
  • encoding (String): The preferred encoding of the resultant string (should be one of ascii, base64, binary, buffer, hex, or utf8; the default is utf8).|Renders the return value of the passed renderProp

Renders the return value of the passed renderProp.


import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.Resource path='resources/css/main.css'>
{({ data }) => data ? <style dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data }} /> : null}

props.Styles (Component)

This component includes the generated CSS for the appropriate page or template and output-type. It inserts the computed inlined styles appropriate to the rendering. For a reference link, see <Props.CssLinks /> previously.

Styles properties have render children so that PageBuilder Engine can generate deterministic IDs for them (unless an ID is already specified). Therefore, we recommend adding a <style> as a child of Styles with a defined ID.


You can invoke the Styles component on its own or with Render Props. If invoked on its own, it renders <style> tags, including the CSS for both the output type stylesheet as well as the template-specific stylesheet.

<props.Styles /> If invoked with a render property, it accepts a function that gets passed the URLs for both the output type stylesheet and template-specific stylesheet passed to it, which the function can then use to render the <link> tags on its own.


  • renderProp(stylesObj) (Function): Function whose purpose is to render <link> tags, given an object containing stylesheet URLs.
  • stylesObj (Object): A wrapper object containing the outputTypeStyles and templateStyles key and value pairs.
  • stylesObj.outputTypeStyles (String): The CSS for the output type itself.
  • stylesObj.templateStyles (String): The CSS for the components specific to this page and template implementation.|Renders the return value of the passed renderProp if one is provided; otherwise, it renders <style> tags for the output type and specified template containing relevant CSS.

Renders the return value of the passed renderProp if one is provided; otherwise, it renders <style> tags for the output type and specified template containing relevant CSS.

Without a Render Property

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
<props.Styles />

With a Render Property

import React from 'react'
export default (props) => {
return (
{({outputTypeStyles, templateStyles}) => {
// Only rendering the outputTypeStyles, not the templateStyles
return (<style id='predefinedId' amp-custom='true'>{outputTypeStyles}</style>)

Static Values

Some components provide static values. This section presents a list of static value components and examples.

contentType (String)

This component provides a specific value to be used as the Content-Type header in the response. If no value is provided, it defaults to text/html if the render results in a string, or application/json otherwise.


const JsonOutputType = (props) => {
JsonOutputType.contentType = 'application/json'
export default JsonOutputType

displayPropTypes (Object)

This function implements React’s PropTypes, which is available on each feature. These are defined the same way as propTypes on Features and Chains; however, unlike custom fields, the values can differ across output types. displayProperties are useful for high level page functionality such as hide/show logic, layout grids, or any other settings that you want each feature to have.

The value Props.DisplayProperties is available on Features and contains the key names defined here and the values set in PageBuilder.


On the Output Type

import React from 'react'
const DefaultOutputType = (props) => {
DefaultOutputType.displayPropTypes = {
isStatic: PropTypes.bool,
width: PropTypes.number,
anchor: PropTypes.string
export default DefaultOutputType

fallback (Boolean or Array of Strings)

When rendering, PageBuilder Engine must determine which version of a component it should render relative to the output type being constructed (in this case component means Features, Chains, or Layouts). This property determines how (if at all) child components within a certain output type get rendered.

By default, PageBuilder Engine selects the version of the component that is named after the relevant output type and its file extension (for example, if the output type being rendered is amp.jsx, it looks for a component file named amp.jsx). If only one version of a component exists (for example, a single default.jsx file), by default, all other output types fall back to that single version of the component. Using the fallback property, however, you can specify:

  • That child components of this output type should not render at all if there is no corresponding version of the component, or
  • An array of “fallback” versions for the given output type that PageBuilder Engine should attempt to render, in order, if there is no corresponding version of the component

The options above use the Boolean version or the Array of Strings version of this property, respectively.


Boolean Version

import React from 'react'
const AmpOutputType = (props) => {
// If no `amp` version exists
// for a given child component
// of this Output Type, that
// component will not render
AmpOutputType.fallback = false
export default AmpOutputType

Array of Strings Version

import React from 'react'
const FbInstantOutputType = (props) => {
// If no `fb-instant` version exists
// for a given child component of
// this Output Type, that component
// will fallback to the `amp` version
// if it exists, then the
// `default` version
FbInstantOutputType.fallback = ['amp', 'default']
export default FbInstantOutputType

transform (Object)

This function extends an output-type to provide separate output-types that are post-render modifications of the original. The transform object should consist of functions whose names are unique output-type names. When a request is made where the output-type is specified as one of these transform types, a render is performed using the base OutputType component. The transform function is then called, with the render data and context passed as arguments. The transform function should return an object with a data property that is used as the body of the response, and optionally a contentType property to be used as the Content-Type header.


The following example results in two available output-types: default and json. Each performs a render using the DefaultOutputType component. A request for ?outputType=default returns the rendered HTML, while a request for ?outputType=json returns a JSON object with context information.

DefaultOutputType.transform = {
json({ context }) {
const { props, contentCache } = context;
return {
contentType: 'application/json',
data: {
tree: props.tree,
globalContent: props.globalContent,
featureContent: contentCache,

spa (Boolean or Array)

This attribute denotes which output types you want to use the SPA rendering workflow by adding the attribute .spa = true. Because the SPA rendering workflow is enabled at the output type level, any pages that are rendered with an output type marked as “SPA enabled” use that workflow, and any pages rendered with non-SPA-enabled output types use the “traditional” rendering workflow. If a reader is navigating between pages rendered with different output types, PageBuilder Engine always uses the traditional rendering workflow. In other words, SPA rendering works only when navigating between pages of the same output type, even if both output types are SPA-enabled.

You can also choose to make an output type SPA-enabled only for specific sites. To do this, you must set the attribute in an array instead of a Boolean .spa = [site1_id, site2_id, ...].


import React from 'react'
const SPAOutput = (props) => (
<html lang="en">
// The line below denote
// this Output Type as "SPA enabled" = true;
export default SPAOutput