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Configuring Closed Captioning on iOS and tvOS

The ArcMediaPlayer module supports two kinds of closed captions:

  • Captions that are embedded in the video stream data (“embedded captions”).
  • Captions that are contained in an associated Video Text Track .vtt file (“client-side captions”).

Each asset will support one or the other type, but never both. Furthermore, VTT captions are supported only in on-demand (VOD) videos.

Embedded captionsClient-side captions
Video-on-Demand (VOD)âś…ArcMediaPlayerViewController only
Livestream Videoâś…n/a

Embedded Captions

Embedded captions are configured in Arc Video Center, which encodes them into the video stream. Captions are styled according to the operating system’s accessibility settings. No further configuration has to be done in the ArcMediaPlayer framework.

Client-Side Captions

If no captions are embedded in a stream, but there’s an associated .vtt file, the ArcVideo object that’s returned by the ArcMediaClient will contain the URL for the .vtt file. When the video is played in an ArcMediaPlayerView, the captions will be displayed in the view’s captionsLabel, which is in a fixed position in the bottom third of the player view. There are two properties for customizing the look of the captionsLabel:

  • clientSideCaptionTextColor: The color of the captioning text. The default is UIColor.white.
  • clientSideCaptionTextShadowColor: The color of the text drop shadow. The default on iOS is UIColor.darkText, and on tvOS, it’s UIColor.darkGray.

Displaying Captions

There are two ways to toggle captions on and off:

Embedded (iOS)Embedded (tvOS)Client-side (iOS)Client-Side (tvOS)
User Interface CC Buttonâś…âś… *
Programmaticallyâś…âś…âś… *âś… *

* ArcMediaPlayerViewController only

Player User Interface


Both the ArcMediaPlayerViewController and AVPlayerViewController have a CC button on iOS. If captions are available for a video (either embedded or client-side), the button will be enabled. Press it to toggle captions on and off. Note that if you’re using the ArcMediaPlayerViewController, and captions are toggled off, the button’s alpha value will be 50%.


For tvOS, only the AVPlayerViewController has a UI for toggling captions. It can be accessed by sliding down from the top of the remote control touch surface, then selecting the appropriate option.



For both tvOS and iOS, there are 3 functions on the ArcMediaPlayerViewController for captions: showClosedCaptions(), hideClosedCaptions(), and toggleClosedCaptions(_). If the current video doesn’t have any captions, these won’t do anything.


Unlike the custom ArcMediaPlayerViewController, the AVPlayerViewController itself does not control captioning. Instead, you have to toggle captioning on the AVPlayerItem that’s currently playing (i.e. AVPlayer.currentItem). The SDK adds functions for doing this:

  • AVPlayerItem.showEmbeddedCaptions()
  • AVPlayerItem.hideEmbeddedCaptions()
  • AVPlayerItem.hasEmbeddedCaptions(): determines whether the stream even contains captions