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Configuring Ads with the iOS SDK

The ArcMediaPlayer module currently supports two kinds of ads:

  • Google Interactive Media Ads (hereafter “Google IMA”).** Offers pre-roll ads for on-demand videos (VODs) and livestreams, plus mid-roll and post-roll ads for VODs
  • Arc Server-side Dynamic Ad Insertion (hereafter “Arc DAI”). Inserts mid-roll ads into livestream videos.
iOS VODtvOS VOD*iOS LivestreamtvOS Livestream*
Google IMAâś…âś…pre-roll onlypre-roll only
Arc DAIâś…âś…

For both types of ads, the Mobile Video SDK handles all of the reporting and tracking for you.

Google IMA Ads

Google IMA ads are handled by the SDK’s GoogleIMAAdController class. GoogleIMAAdController implements AdController, and is already instantiated and assigned to the AVPlayerController.adController property for you when you get the player controller from the player view controller.

Default IMA ads for your application are configured by passing an ad tag URL to the GoogleIMAAdController’s configure(adTagUrl:) function before playing an ad. Google has sample tag guides for iOS and TvOS. Consult your Google ad campaign settings to create ad tags that are specific to your organization and application(s).

let playerController: AVPlayerController = <...>
if let adController = playerController.adController as? GoogleIMAAdController {
adController.configure(adTagUrl: URL(string: “”)!)

IMA ads can also be customized on a per-video basis by setting the adTagURL property on each ArcVideo that you load from the module client: orgName,
mediaID: mediaID,
adSettings: mediaTailorSettings,
accessToken: accessToken,
handleResult: { [weak self] (videoResult) in
switch videoResult {
case .success(let video):
video.adTagUrl = URL(string: “”)!

The GoogleIMAAdController class has numerous other public functions and properties, but almost all of them are simply implementations of the various IMA SDK protocols, so you shouldn’t need to change or override any of them.

Configuring Your App for Arc DAI

Server-side ads do not have an SDK-wide configuration, so there is no corresponding AdController implementation for them. Instead, all server-side ads are configured on a per-video basis by passing a MediaTailorSettings object to the call.

MediaTailorSettings has a number of properties:

  • adParams: A MediaTailorAdParams object that contains any number of parameters, and the SDK passes them to the ad decision server immediately after a video starts. Work with your ad team and/or consult the linked documentation for recommended values.
  • beaconHeaders: Advertisement lifecycle and user interaction events during livestream ads are called tracking events. Each tracking event fires a beacon back to the ad server for reporting and monetization, and beaconHeaders are the HTTP headers that are passed with these beacon requests. Consult the linked documentation for recommended values.
  • mediaTailorHeaders: A dictionary of HTTP headers that are sent with requests to the ad decision server. Consult the linked documentation for recommended values.
  • trackingUrl: A URL that the SDK polls every few seconds to find out what ads will be coming up during playback. This is used internally, and you should not change it.

This is an example from the sample app’s NewVideoViewController:

let device = UIDevice.current
let userAgent = “(\(device.model); \(device.systemName) \(device.systemVersion); Scale/1.00)”
var mediaTailorSettings = MediaTailorSettings()
mediaTailorSettings.adParams = MediaTailorAdParams(adsParams: ["deviceType": device.model,
“[session.user_agent]”: userAgent])
mediaTailorSettings.mediaTailorHeaders = ["User-Agent": userAgent]
mediaTailorSettings.beaconHeaders = ["User-Agent": userAgent] orgName,
mediaID: mediaID,
adSettings: mediaTailorSettings,
accessToken: accessToken,
handleResult: { [unowned self] (videoResult) in