Arc XP Subscriptions - Active Subscription Renewal Offboarding Migration
There will be times when clients will move their subscriptions off of Arc XP. There are extracts and processes that are available for clients to self-service this migration. The only step in the process that clients are not able to complete themselves is when extracting the payment gateway tokens for renewals. This document describes the timeline, processes, and responsibilities when migrating Subscriptions from Arc XP.
Steps & Responsibilities
Off-boarding from subscriptions involves a coordinated effort between the customer, Arc XP, and the new provider. Here is an outline of the responsibilities for different aspects of the steps involved in the migration.
Support Process
- Submit all questions related to the migration process, running extracts, and additional requests through ACS tickets.
Confirm Migration Plans
- Coordinate with the new provider to confirm the migration process, timeline, and understanding of their any unique procedures.
- Submit a feature request for consideration with your TAM at least 90 days prior to the migration completion deadline in the case that additional data is desired.
New Subscriptions Switch-over
- Update user flows on the site to utilize the new provider’s APIs and checkout functionality.
- Remove all Arc checkouts from the site
Active Subscription Migration & Renewal Payment Migration
- Utilize extracts for self-service migration.
- Extract Subscription and Financial data for comprehensive migration.
- Use Subscription and Financial extracts to retrieve comprehensive datasets.
- Create mappings between Arc’s price codes, subscription start dates, and new provider’s data structures.
Payment Gateway Token Extract
- Open an ACS support ticket for a Subscriptions Payment Token migration extract from the Subscriptions team.
- Plan ticket creation three weeks in advance of the manual query execution date.
- Specify the date for the report execution (after Arc XP’s new subscriptions and renewals processing).
- Allow 72 hours for the results to be returned.
- Ensure new subscriptions are stopped in Arc XP before running the payment token report. The token file is only available once and a “diff” cannot be provided.
Data Retention & Cleanup
- Download and save any data needed for financial and tax records.
Arc XP
Support Process
- Respond based on SLA timing.
Confirm Migration Plans
- Review & respond to client requests.
- Confirm any requests that can be accommodated and the timing.
New Subscriptions Switch-over
- N/A
Active Subscription Migration & Renewal Payment Migration
- Make Subscription extracts available with information for paid and non-paid subscriptions.
- Make developer API available with pricing schedule information.
- Make Financial extract available with past financial transactions for subscriptions.
Payment Gateway Token Extract
- Provide payment token extract for active subscriptions.
- Follow the defined process for executing and supplying token extracts.
Data Retention & Cleanup
- Remove all financial and subscription data on date when contract for Sales ends.
New Vendor
Support Process
- Respond based on SLA timing.
Confirm Migration Plans
- Collaborate with the customer to confirm migration plans.
- Adhere to the unique procedures of the new provider.
New Subscriptions Switch-over
- Implement the necessary changes for new subscriptions on the customer’s site.
Active Subscription Migration & Renewal Payment Migration
- Work with the customer to map data structures between Arc’s price codes and the new provider’s pricing.
Payment Gateway Token Extract
- Ensure there is no rollback once tokens are loaded into the new provider’s system and renewals are turned on.
Data Retention & Cleanup
- N/A
By following these outlined responsibilities, the off-boarding process can be executed smoothly and efficiently.
Timeline & Flow
Timing and the steps for migration will be confirmed with the new provider. The flow below is a general guide of what to expect for the key migration steps. This is not to be used as a complete list of steps for migration as may of the procedures will be determined by the new provider.
Support Process
- All questions on the migration process and running extracts should be submitted through ACS tickets.
Confirm Migration Plans
Clients will need to confirm the timeline and process for migration with the new provider as they will have unique procedures.
- Arc XP will review the timeline for any conflicts.
New Subscriptions Migration
Clients can switch over new subscriptions at any time. The user flows on the site need to be updated to use the new provider’s APIs and checkout functionality. All Arc checkouts should be removed.
Active Subscription Migration & Renewal Payment Migration
Clients can self service much of the migration process using extracts. The Subscription and Financial extracts provide all the Subscription information and most of the payment information. The only data that is not possible for clients to extract is the subscription payment tokens. Arc XP will provide a CSV containing the subscription ID and the payment partner and token that was current on the subscription at the time of the extract.
Migrating Subscription Data
To download Subscription data, clients can use the subscription and financial extracts. These allow clients to retrieve an entire dataset in one download. Details on these extracts can be found in the Data Extraction Framework ALC documentation.
Subscription Extract
- Provides a list of both paid and non-paid subscriptions
- All will have SKUs while only paid subscriptions will have price codes
- To obtain pricing schedule for each of the subscriptions in this extract, clients can call the following developer API:
GET /retail/api/v1/pricing/cycle/:priceCode/:cycleIndex/:startDate
- Clients will need to create mappings between Arc’s price codes (and subscription start dates) and pricing data structures with the new provider
Financial Extract
- Provides all the past financial transactions for subscriptions with amortization dates (past payments, refunds and amortization data)
- Clients can correlate a subscription and financial transactions via the subscription ID which is included in both extracts
Requesting a payment gateway token extract
Arc XP will provide data only for subscriptions that are active at the time of the extract. In other words, we will only provide tokens that the client has a chance of using in the future. Additionally, tokens will only be available for active subscriptions. Subscriptions in a terminated status will not have a token associated. It is important to consider the timing of when the file should be extracted to not have renews overlap in both systems.
The following process should be followed when clients request an extract with the token from the Subscriptions team.
- Open an ACS support ticket, requesting a Subscriptions Payment Token migration extract from the Subscriptions team. Plan on creating the support ticket 3 weeks in advance of when the manual query needs to be executed so that the team has time to prepare and execute your report. Allow 72 hours after the execution date for the results to be returned.
- Provide the date on when the report should be executed. New subscriptions and renewals should be turned off in Arc prior to this date so there is no duplicated data.
- The payment token report will be in CSV format containing the subscription ID and the payment partner and token that was current on the subscription at the time of the extract.
- The TAM will receive and distribute the report.