Use sales developer APIs to migrate users into Arc XP Sales
You can migrate active subscriptions and their transactions (for example, payments and refunds) into Arc XP Subscriptions with no impact to your users. This process includes migrating and creating user accounts, products, prices, and offers for the digital subscription records.
Arc XP Subscriptions (Sales) accepts payment methods in the form of tokens from one of our approved PCI-compliant payment providers like Stripe Intents or Braintree.
Payment provider setup:
You can configure the payment provider of your choice in the Admin tool. See Payment gateway providers. -
Product and prices configuration
: Configure your subscription products and prices in Subscriptions Retail Admin. You can link Arc XP products and price rates to the migrated subscriptions from the previous provider. Copy into Arc XP the same product SKUs and price structures (for example, rates, currency) that existed in the previous provider. -
Migrate user accounts
: Arc XP Sales links each subscription to its owner in Arc XP Identity. For subscriptions to be connected correctly, you must migrate current users need into Arc XP Subscriptions using the Batch Migration Developer API. -
Configure tax structure
: If required, set up your tax structure. Arc XP Subscriptions currently offers two types of tax calculators: custom tax & Taxamo integration. -
Request a placeholder provider
: Migrated end users with subscriptions that plan to renew need to give the customer consent and agree that the accounts and payment details are correct before their renewals are processed. Because of this, during the subscription migration, all originalpayment providers are set aside
to be referred to during a final migration step.The support team substitutes a placeholder payment provider (
paymentProviderTypeId: 14
), which is assigned to the migrated subscriptions. Now, any renewals that should happen after the migration are not charged until the customer has seen and agreed to the changes. When the customer agrees that their subscriptions are correct, the subscriptions team switches the placeholder provider with the actual provider ID for each migrated user subscription, and renewals are processed as normal. -
Payment method migration
: Arc XP Subscriptions can work with payment providers that we currently support to transition your payment tokens.If switching payment providers, then the PCI data needs to be extracted from the legacy provider and imported into the new provider, who then needs to provide a payment token to Arc XP that will be used for upcoming renewal payments. Clients must work with both payment providers to transition the payment information and obtain a JSON file with the payment tokens. This is needed during the subscription migration step.
Migrate subscriptions
: After you complete the previous steps, you can start migrating your subscriptions. You can migrate your subscriptions by calling the Developer Subscription Migration API.Use a file containing all subscriptions and payment tokens with the Migration API. Migration API is not a standard
POST, like all the other APIs, but a multi-part file upload. This is due to the allowed size of the submitted data which can go up to 3MB.A WebSocket event of type
is sent for each imported record.Terminal window curl --request POST \--url 'https://{base_URL}/sales/api/v1/migrate?site={siteID}' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ARC_ACCESS_TOKEN}' \--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \--form subs=@/path/to/file/subs_to_migrate.json
In the next section, you will find details about the information that needs to be considered depending on the subscription type. For example, if you are trying to migrate a <LinkedSubscription>
please check the Linked Subscriptions section.
Migrating Subscriptions: detailed information
Once the previous steps have been carried out, you can start to migrate subscriptions.
Main request
{ "subscriptions": null | [ { <LinkedSubscription> | <SharedSubscription> | <FreeSubscription> | <PaidSubscription> }, { <LinkedSubscription> | <SharedSubscription> | <FreeSubscription> | <PaidSubscription> }, { ... } ], "payments": null | [ { <PaymentInfo> }, { <PaymentInfo> }, { ... }, ]}
Linked subscriptions
Linked is a subscription that is managed externally to Arc XP Subscriptions.
Dependencies: The following elements should be created in the system before migration: client (“ownerClientID”), product (“sku”), payment provider (“providerID”).
LinkedSubscription{ “type”:”linked”, "legacyID" *: "<legacy subscription ID – max 2048 characters>", "ownerClientID" *: <Arc Identity client ID>, "sku" *: <Arc Retail SKU>, “nextEventDateUTC” *: ”<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – e.g. 2019-04-25 01:02– expiration date>”, "paymentMethod": { "providerID" *: <integer provided by Arc> }, "attributes": [ { "name": "numSharesAllowed", "value": "integer – number of shares allowed – defaults to 0" }, { "name": "linkToken", "value" *: "id in external system – max 2048 characters" } ]}
Shared subscription
Shared is a subscription that is linked to a subscription managed by Arc XP Subscriptions.
Dependencies: The following elements should be created in the system before migration: client (“ownerClientID”), product (“sku”), payment provider (“providerID”), parent subscription (“value” for “name”: ” parentLegacyID”).
SharedSubscription{ “type”:”shared”, "legacyID" *: "legacy subscription ID - max 2048 characters", "ownerClientID" *: "Arc Identity client ID", "sku" *: "<Arc Retail SKU>" “paymentMethod”:{ “providerID” *: <integer – provided by Arc> }, “attributes”: [ { "name”: ” parentLegacyID”, “value” *: “<parent subscription’s legacy ID – must have been imported prior>” } ]}
Free subscription
Free is a subscription provided by the system during a certain period of time without paying for it.
Dependencies: The following elements should be created in the system before migration: client (“ownerClientID”), product (“sku”), payment provider (“providerID”).
FreeSubscription{ “type”:”free”, "legacyID" *: "<legacy subscription id - max 2048 characters>", "ownerClientID" *: "<Arc Identity client ID>", "sku" *: "<Arc Retail SKU>", “nextEventDateUTC” *: ”<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – e.g. 2019-04-25 01:02– expiration date>”, “paymentMethod”:{ “providerID” *: <integer – provided by Arc> }}
Paid subscription
Paid is a subscription acquired by a customer through a payment process.
Dependencies: The following elements should be created in the system before migration: client (“ownerClientID”), product (“sku”), price (price code), payment provider (“providerID”).
Paid subscriptions require tokenized card info (paymentMethod.token), the token format depends on the payment provider. Some examples are provided below.
Payment provider | Format | Example |
Stripe Intents | <Token> (27 chars) | pm_1JsRLCCB9PxBy8pMCsf0AAQ2 |
Braintree | <UUID>~<card type> (36 chars~cardType) | 88888888-4444-4444-4444-121212121212~MASTERCARD |
PaidSubscription{ “type”:”paid”, “legacyID” *:”<legacy subscription ID – max 2048 characters>”, “ownerClientID” *:”<Arc Identity client ID”>”, “sku” *:”<Arc Retail SKU>”, “priceCode” *:”<Arc Retail price code>”, “currentCycle” *: <integer – where in the pricing sequence is this sub>, “nextEventDateUTC” *: ”<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – next renewal due date>”,
“paymentMethod” *: { “providerID” *: <integer – provided by Arc>, “token” *: ”<string – token from payment gateway>”, “firstSix”: ”<first six digits of credit card>”, “lastFour”: ”<last four digits of credit card>”, “expiration”: ”<MMyy>”, “cardholderName”: ”<string>”, “identificationNumber”: ”<string>” }
“billingAddress” *: { “line1”:”<string>”, “line2”:”<string>”, “locality”:”<string>”, “region”:”<string>”, “postal”:”<string>”, “country” *:”<two characters e.g. US>” }
“attributes": [ { “name”:” numSharesAllowed”, “value”: <integer – number of shares allowed – defaults to 0> }, { “name”:” campaignCode”, “value”:”<string for tracking purposes – max 2048 characters>”, }, { “name”:” priorPaymentsURL”, “value”:”<link to legacy system – max 2048 characters>” } ]
PaymentInfo { "legacySubcriptionID" *: "<ID of associated legacy subscription>", "type" *: "payment", "paymentDateUTC" *: "<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm - e.g. 2019-04-21 01:02>", "amount" *: <e.g. 1.23> "currency" *: "<e.g. USD>" “tax” *: <e.g. 0>, “periodFromUTC” *: ”<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – e.g. 2019-04-21 01:02 – accounting start time>”, “periodUntilUTC” *: ”<YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – e.g. 2019-05-18 01:02 – accounting end time>”, "providerReference": ”<if supplied may enabled refunds on legacy payments>”, "refunds" : null | [ { "refundDateUTC" *: "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mm – e.g. 2019-04-25 01:02 – refund date" "amount" *: <e.g. 0.5 – refunded amount> "currency" *: "<e.g. USD>" "tax" *: <e.g. 0 – tax portion of refund> "providerReference": ”<provider's reference number>”, } ] }
Migrating a PayPal Subscription
In order to migrate PayPal Subscriptions, you should first enable and configure additional settings. PayPal refers to those billing agreements starting with B- (ex: B-7TL686699Y2543901).
- The client’s PayPal account must be enabled for reference transactions via PayPal’s classic NVP/SOAP API. For this, the client must work with its PayPal rep.
PayPal can also be configured with the Braintree payment gateway. Braintree requires that reference transactions be available in the client’s PayPal account. For migrating PayPal Subscriptions via Braintree you will need:
- Migrate PayPal billing agreements to Braintree. The client must work directly with its Braintree rep to migrate PayPal billing agreements. This is out of the purview of Arc XP Subscriptions.
Risk, Assumptions, and Dependencies
- Clients are responsible for working with payment gateway needs in order to migrate the payment tokens.
- Arc XP Subscriptions is not PCI compliant so payment methods can only be imported in tokenized form for using tokens that work with one of Arc XP Sales’ payment providers.
- It is assumed that the client will use Arc XP Identity for user management
- It is assumed that client will use Arc XP Retail for product management.