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Product Documentation

Set up and publish offers

The Arc Subscriptions Offers tool allows marketers to easily manage products and marketing campaigns to drive their business forward. To build compelling Offers and Campaigns, marketers start with creating Products and Prices. Before proceeding, please set up the products and their prices as outlined in Set up products and prices.

Create Offer

Once you have your products and prices configured, you can build offers to showcase what you’re selling. You can filter offers by status by clicking the filter icon on the left side and clicking on the desired status.


Click create offer to start a new offer. Give your offer a name and select which template should be used to render the offer. The templates select list is configured in settings and should resolve to a PageBuilder page.


Next up, add a headline, subheadline, and disclaimer as needed. Adding images is also optional.

Custom variables provide a way to add arbitrary key/value pairs to your offer response, which is helpful to extend the fields that are configurable in the UI.

Add at least one product to the offer. Each product must have at least one pricing strategy. A product can feature two or more pricing strategies, typically used to highlight different term lengths.


Schedule Campaigns

Add one or more campaign code. This code is what you’re using in your marketing and provides a way to control access to an offer. For example, you can run a flash sale that last three days like this:


When configuring campaign codes, you can specify if it can be used by customers with an existing subscription by configuring the allowed uses.

Finally, you’re ready to share your offer with the world! Hit the publish button in the top right hand corner and start sending traffic to a valid campaign code.

Products, prices and offers all have a “published” status, but you only need to publish the offer. All products and pricing strategies that are included in that offer will be marked as published as well. Once an entity is published, only limited changes are allowed so that existing customers’ subscriptions are not affected.

Publish offer

You may set up any number of products, prices, or offers in Arc Subscriptions, however your default offer will be the one shown on the paywall. You can choose which offer is default at the offer setup in Arc Subscriptions” into this section. Since a default offer only can be set up as default once it’s published