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Product Documentation

Create and Manage Integrations

This document walks you through the workflow for creating and managing integrations. Also see Swagger doc →.

Create an Integration

You will need to create your integration for each environment.

POST /admin/integration/

The payload:

"integrationName": "{integrationName}",
"description": "{description}",
"email": "{email}",
"runtime": "node"

Download Starter Package

Once you create an integration, a starter package is created for you, deployed, and available to download.

To get the name of your new bundle, start by listing the bundles for your integration:


Using the -o option in a cURL allows you to specify where to download the resource and what to name it and the -L to follow redirects.

curl -L -o \
'https://api.{:org}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [token]'

You can also use Postman’s “Send and Download” option when sending the request.

Add Starter Code to Repo

Unzip the zip file and then initialize a git repository inside of it to track your changes.

Update an Integration

PUT /admin/integration/{integrationName}

With this endpoint, you can update the alarm email and enable or disable an integration.

List Integrations

GET /admin/integration

This endpoint will list all of your integrations and their details:

status”provisioning complete” or “provisioning in progress”
liveBundleShows the name of the bundle that is currently live/promoted
createdThe date the integration was created formatted as "2023-06-30T19:44:02.02Z"
updatedThe date the integration was updated formatted as "2023-06-30T19:44:02.02Z"

Get an Integration’s Details

GET /admin/integration/{integrationName}

This endpoint gets you the data about a single integration. Example return payload:

"runtime": "{runtime}",
"description": "{description}",
"integrationName": "{intName}",
"enabled": true,
"created": "2023-06-30T19:44:02.02Z",
"email": "{email}",
"liveBundle": "{bundleName}",
"status": "create complete" or "provisioning in progress"

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