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Deploying new outbound feeds features

Each new version of outbound feeds (OBF) is announced in our release notes with details on enhancements and bug fixes.

When Arc XP releases a new version of outbound feeds, it does not have any impact to your environments until you initiate the process to upgrade. To use the latest version of the OBF blocks, you must deploy a bundle after the release date. You can redeploy the current bundle or deploy a new bundle. When you deploy a bundle, the system downloads the latest blocks. New releases do not have any impact on deployed or running bundles.

New releases are first be available in Sandbox. You should deploy your bundle in your outboundfeeds-sandbox environment after the announcement that the release is available in Sandbox. This allows you to test that your feeds still function as expected. When the release is available in Production and you validated the changes in Sandbox, you can deploy a bundle in your outboundfeeds environment and validate it is functional.

Redeploying outbound feeds bundles

To redeploy the currently-running bundle, navigate to the deployer by clicking the Developer Tools menu, then clicking Deployer.

You can redeploy a bundle in one of two ways. If the current live bundle is on the Engine “PB Release” version you want to use, you can use the duplication function.

Click the ellipsis on the running bundle, select Duplicate, and the system creates a new instance of that bundle and downloads the latest blocks. After the blocks download and the spinner stops, the bundle is ready. To test a bundle that isn’t live, you can add a &d=x parameter to your OBF requests, where x is the version listed in the Deployer. When you are satisfied the bundle is working correctly, you can promote to the live bundle.

Alternately, you can redeploy a bundle with a different Engine version (ideally the latest version).

The Deployer page is split into two sections: Running and Bundles. In the Running section, look for the name of the bundle with the green Live tag. Find that bundle name in the lower Bundles section. Click the ellipsis at the right and select Deploy. Select the highest Engine version available. OBF is always tested with the latest engine version. The new bundle moves to the Running section. It can take several minutes for the bundle to be unzipped, the latest blocks downloaded, and a new Lambda started. When the spinner stops, you can test that the new bundle is functional. To test a bundle that isn’t live, you can add a &d=x parameter to your OBF requests, where x is the version listed in the Deployer. After your testing is complete, you can promote the bundle to live. Now you can clean up old bundles by terminating non-live bundles and deleting them.

New Blocks

If a release contains new blocks, you must update your OBF repository’s blocks.json and create and deploy a new bundle to be able to use the new blocks. For a list of the current list of blocks, see Sample configuration file.

If you haven’t performed any local fusion development, see How to set up a new outbound feeds repository to clone your repository so you can make the changes and create a new bundle using the npx fusion zip command. The fusion zip command is not the same as zipping up the repository using the zip command. Be sure to use npx fusion zip to generate your bundle. The PageBuilder Engine team is constantly making improvements to Engine, so we recommend using the latest versions of Engine and the fusion CLI. In your local environment, be sure to upgrade the @arc-fusion/cli version in your package.json to get the latest features. Be sure to keep the FUSION_RELEASE updated in your .env file.

Feed Blocks

Outbound feeds uses the same tagging scheme as Themes, which lets you mix Themes and OBF blocks.

  • Production releases are tagged with stable.
  • Sandbox releases are tagged with beta.

The value of the BLOCK_DIST_TAG set in environment/ORG-outboundfeeds.js and environment/ORG-outboundfeeds-sandbox.js determines which tag the system uses. If BLOCK_DIST_TAG is not set, the system defaults to stable.