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Updating blocks.json and Outbound Feeds Development

This is the main configuration file used to control which blocks are imported and to set global variables. Your repo’s blocks.json was setup with all the available blocks in the blocks array. Normally the only things you need to change in blocks.json are the siteProperties. As new blocks are made created, you will need to update the blocks array with the new blocks and create a new bundle.

Sample Configuration File

"org": "@wpmedia/",
"blocks": [
"values": {
"default": {
"siteProperties": {
"feedTitle": "Outbound Feeds",
"feedDomainURL": "http://localhost",
"feedLanguage": "en",
"resizerURL": "http://localhost/resizer",
"feedDefaultQuery": "[{\"term\":{\"type\":\"story\"}},{\"range\":{\"display_date\":{\"gte\":\"now-2d\",\"lte\":\"now\"}}}]"
"sites": {
"website1": {
"siteProperties": {
"feedTitle": "website 1",
"feedDomainURL": "",
"feedLanguage": "en",
"resizerURL": ""
"website2": {
"siteProperties": {
"feedTitle": "website 2",
"feedDomainURL": "",
"feedLanguage": "es",
"resizerURL": ""

Blocks Configs

  • org: The name of the npm repository, is should always be @wpmedia.
  • blocks: An array of npm packages that will be loaded by the arc-fusion/cli at run time.
  • values: global configuration variables. The values set in default will be used by all websites. Any values set in a website specific section will override that default settings.

Site Configs

Inside the values key are the site properties. Replace the default values with your specific site values. They are broken out into two groups: default and sites. The system uses the default values unless that value is also set in a website section. You should have a section for each of your websites. The website key must match the website _id used in Site Service. For example, if all but one of your websites use English, in default you can set feedLanguage: "en". Then in the one website that uses Spanish, you can set feedLanguage: "es".

No other website would need to have feedLanguage set.

  • feedDomainURL - The fully qualified url for the site. It must not end in a slash.
  • resizerURL - The fully qualified url for the sites resizer. It must not end in a slash. Typically this is the same as the feedDomainURL with /resizer at the end.
  • feedTitle - The name of your website. This will be used as the title in RSS feeds
  • feedLanguage - The ISO-3166 two letter country code.
  • feedDefaultQuery - Optional, this overrides the default query used in feeds-source-content-api-block, which is stories with last_updated_date from the last two days. You can override this value in the resolver by setting Term-Include and Term-Exclude values, for example, if you want to use display_date instead of last_updated_date. The feedDefaultQuery value must be a valid Json array in the following format: