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Product Documentation

Draft API

The Draft API standardizes Arc XP content publishing by providing a basic set of document save and publish operations that currently support story documents and will be extended to support additional content types in the future. The Draft API is a developer API to create, update, and delete documents. You should not call the Draft API from PageBuilder Engine or other frontend or rendering systems. If you need to retrieve documents or redirects for PageBuilder Engine, use the Content API.

Common use cases

Recovering previous versions of a story with story ID

When returning story revisions, you can receive 25 revisions through the API. To continue to revisions beyond the last 25, use the after parameter.

https://api.[orgId][storyId]/revision returns {"revisions": [...], "last": "[revisionID]"}. (This example excludes the revisions array for clarity.)

To get the next page, use the after parameter: https://api.[orgId][storyId]/revision?after=[revisionID]. If no more records exist, the result does not include the last field in the response.