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Product Documentation

Web Delivery Error Handling

This page covers the TTL settings for each error code.

Error CodeTotal
Engine cache/resizer(Image)/immutable
400 Bad Request2m/5m/5m
401 Unauthorized2m/5m/5m
402 Payment Required2m/5m/5m
403 Forbidden2m/5m/5m
404 Not Found2m/2m/1year
405 Method Not AllowedNot cached
406 Not AcceptableNot cached
407 Proxy Authentication RequiredNot cached
408 Request TimeoutNot cached
409 ConflictNot cached
410 Gone2m/2m/1year
411 Length RequiredNot cached
412 Precondition FailedNot cached
413 Payload Too LargeNot cached
414 URI Too LongNot cached
415 Unsupported Media TypeNot cached
416 Range Not SatisfiableNot cached
417 Expectation FailedNot cached
418 Iā€™m a teapotNot cached
421 Misdirected RequestNot cached
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)Not cached
423 Locked (WebDAV)Not cached
424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)Not cached
425 Too EarlyNot cached
426 Upgrade RequiredNot cached
428 Precondition RequiredNot cached
429 Too Many RequestsNot cached
431 Request Header Fields Too LargeNot cached
451 Unavailable For Legal ReasonsNot cached
500 Internal Server Error2m/5m/5m
501 Not ImplementedNot cached
502 Bad Gateway2m/5m/5m
503 Service Unavailable2m/5m/5m
504 Gateway Timeout2m/5m/5m
505 HTTP Version Not SupportedNot cached
506 Variant Also NegotiatesNot cached
507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)Not cached
508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)Not cached
510 Not ExtendedNot cached
511 Network Authentication RequiredNot cached