How to use the data extraction framework to bulk download user data
Arc XP Subscriptions provides the Data Extract Framework for generating reports. The API is protected by a rate limit, which by default allows 4 requests per hour.
You can download all extracts by POSTing to the following developer API (with a valid PAT):
curl --location --request POST '<extract name>' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ARC_ACCESS_TOKEN}' \--header 'Arc-Site: staging' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"startDate": 1727200066000,"endDate": 1729792066000}'
Each request is required to submit a start date and end date, which represent the time range in Unix epoch time for which you need to retrieve records for.
The extracts contain a stream of individual JSON documents rather than one single JSON document. This is due to the potential size of the extract and that the APIs cannot hold that amount in memory at the same time. To validate as JSON when loading into your system, wrap the file in [ ]
(brackets), and then do a find and replace all operation, at the end of each object replacing }
with },
except for the last object.
The response will be in JSON and the format will be unique for each type of report.
Response from API
{"site":["theguide"],"subscriptions":[],"clientId":"abf2073a-ce5b-4dbd-bed9-941aae676427","address":[],"identity":[{"lastLogin":1728070635000,"type":"Password","createdOn":1728070635000}],"profile":{"emailVerified":true,"firstName":"PW Cassandre","lastName":"Test Stark","contact":[],"attribute":[],"email":""},"sales":{"firstName":[],"lastName":[],"secondLastName":[],"createdOn":1728070635000},"status":"Active"}{"site":["theguide"],"subscriptions":[],"clientId":"ee87743f-3157-4977-8af2-52ad60793b75","address":[],"identity":[{"lastLogin":1728070686000,"type":"Password","createdOn":1728070686000}],"profile":{"emailVerified":false,"firstName":"PW Kenyatta","lastName":"Test Green","contact":[],"attribute":[],"email":""},"sales":{"firstName":[],"lastName":[],"secondLastName":[],"createdOn":1728070686000},"status":"Active"}
Making the response a valid JSON
[{"site":["theguide"],"subscriptions":[],"clientId":"abf2073a-ce5b-4dbd-bed9-941aae676427","address":[],"identity":[{"lastLogin":1728070635000,"type":"Password","createdOn":1728070635000}],"profile":{"emailVerified":true,"firstName":"PW Cassandre","lastName":"Test Stark","contact":[],"attribute":[],"email":""},"sales":{"firstName":[],"lastName":[],"secondLastName":[],"createdOn":1728070635000},"status":"Active"},{"site":["theguide"],"subscriptions":[],"clientId":"ee87743f-3157-4977-8af2-52ad60793b75","address":[],"identity":[{"lastLogin":1728070686000,"type":"Password","createdOn":1728070686000}],"profile":{"emailVerified":false,"firstName":"PW Kenyatta","lastName":"Test Green","contact":[],"attribute":[],"email":""},"sales":{"firstName":[],"lastName":[],"secondLastName":[],"createdOn":1728070686000},"status":"Active"}]
Data in the extracts has limited overlap with just enough information to allow clients to (re)link records in their own systems.
If you are handling Subscriptions, the financial extract contains user IDs (UUIDs) to allow the client to link the information collected about a user to any financial transactions that they may have made. Similarly, subscriptions can be linked to both users and financial transactions via user IDs in the subscription extract and subscription IDs in the financial extract.
The following are the current reports and the extract(s) that the client should use for generating the equivalent reports in its own system.
Types of extracts
Arc XP Subscriptions has the following extracts available:
Extract name | Description |
financial | Orders and financial transactions |
user | Registered accounts |
activity | All changes made to subscriptions and users accounts: Subscription Starts, Terminations, Renewals, etc |
subscription | Subscriptions with Payment Details |
csrAudit | An audit log of CSR activities |
metrics | Statistics with paywall display and subscription conversions |
product | Products in Retail — Available only to Commerce custumers |
event | Events in Retail — Available only to Commerce custumers |
order | Order details — Available only to Commerce custumers |
In the cURL command, you need to replace <extract name>
with any of the values provided in the ‘Extract Name’ column, depending on the information you’re looking for..
Possible error messages
Extracts are limited to four per hour and there are no other limits. If the limit is exceeded, you receive an HTTP 429 error response.
200311; Missing startDate200312; Missing endDate200313; StartDate should be before the endDate300134; Invalid report type
Transitioning From Reports to Extracts
If you are using reports, you should consider using the extracts in place of the reports. The following are the current reports and the extract(s) that the client should use for generating the equivalent reports.
Report type | report API | Extract name |
refund-audit | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial |
subscription-event | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | activity |
subscription-event-v2 | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial |
subscription-summary | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
financial-report | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial |
financial-report-v2 | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial |
banco-sabadell-financial-report | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial |
current-subscription-summary | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
future-failed-payment | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | financial , subscription |
whitelisted-email-domain-summary | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
whitelisted-email-domain-members | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
applied-price-changes | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
upcoming-price-changes | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
duplicate-vindicia-payments | POST sales/api/v1/report/schedule | subscription |
sign-up-summary | POST identity/api/v1/report/schedule | user |
data-export | POST identity/api/v1/report/schedule | user |
account-activity-last-login | POST identity/api/v1/report/schedule | user |
account-activity-last-modified | POST identity/api/v1/report/schedule | user |
Finantial extract
Extract name: financial
The financial extract contains a list of financial transactions, tracked by Arc XP Subscriptions, that took place between caller-specified start- and end-dates.
The caller receives a comma-separated stream of records where each record is terminated by a new line (\n). There is no formatting to the data. Each record consists of the following fields:
Field name | Description |
clientId | The customer’s, to whom the record is attributed, client ID wrapped in double quotes. |
site | The client site to which the transaction belongs, wrapped in double quotes. |
transactionDate | The epoch time (in ms) that the transaction took place. |
amount | The total amount of the transaction. |
currency | The currency of the transaction. |
transactionType | The type of transaction. Can be one of:
tax | Total taxes charged with the transaction. |
orderNumber | Arc’s order number associated with the transaction. |
sku | A comma separated list of SKUs purchased as part of the order, wrapped in double quotes. |
paymentPartner | The name of the payment gateway that processed the transaction. |
creditCardType | The type of credit card used in the transaction. |
subscriptionId | A comma separated list of subscription IDs that were purchased as part of the order, wrapped in double quotes. |
amortizationStart | For subscriptions – the start of the amortization period. |
amortizationEnd | For subscriptions – the end of the amortization period. |
line1 | Address line1 wrapped in double quotes. |
line2 | Address line2 wrapped in double quotes. |
country | Address country wrapped in double quotes. |
locality | Address locality wrapped in double quotes. |
region | Address region wrapped in double quotes. |
postal | Address postal wrapped in double quotes. |
providerReference | An ID assigned by the payment gateway to the transaction. |
taxProviderReference | An ID assigned by the tax gateway to the transaction. |
financialTransactionId | An ID assigned by Arc to the transaction – guaranteed to be unique and can be used for preventing duplicates inserts into client’s own database. |
linkedFinancialTransactionId | Links transactions with transaction types GiftPayment and GiftRedemption. Note: transactions of type GiftPayment will see this value update when the associated gift subscription is redeemed. |
orderType | Parent (indicates a new order), Renewal (indicates that the order was for a subscription renewal) |
phone | The phone number associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
orderEmail | Email address associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
orderFirstName | First name associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
orderLastName | Last name associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
orderSecondLastName | Second last name associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
quantity | Number of items purchased. |
price | The price of an individual item. |
priceCode | The price code from Arc’s Retail system associated with the transaction. |
campaignCode | The campaign code associated with the order. As submitted by customer when creating the order. |
gift | Is the transaction for a gift? (boolean) |
taxInclusive | Were taxes calculated as inclusive? |
firstSix | First six of credit card - if available from payment gateway |
lastFour | Last four of credit card – if available from payment gateway |
cardExpiration | Credit card expiration – if available from payment gateway |
cardholderName | Cardholder name – if available from payment gateway |
identification | Identification number – if available from payment gateway |
documentType | Type of identification – if available from payment gateway |
gatewayTransactionID | TransactionID provided from Payment Gateway if applicable |
initialTransaction | Flag to indicate first transaction of subscription |
reasonCode | Customer care ReasonCode in case of refund transaction |
notes | Any additional note for the transaction |
User extract
Extract name: user
The user extract provides information that centers around the user. The caller must specify start- and end-dates that control how data appears in the extract based on date and time that data was first collected about the user. Note that the two extracts with the same bounding dates can look different due to users making updates.
Field Name | Description |
clientId | The customer’s, to whom the record is attributed. |
site | The client site to which the user belongs. |
status | Any from [Active, Disabled, Anonymized, PendingAnonymize] |
profile | User’s profile array |
email | User’s main email |
emailVerified | Flag if email is verified or not |
firstName | User’s first name |
lastName | User’s last name |
secondLastName | User’s second last name |
attribute | Array of user attributes |
attribute:name | Attribute name |
attribute:value | Attribute value |
attribute:type | Attribute type [String, Number, Boolean, Date] |
contact | Array of user contact details |
contact: phone | User’s phone number |
contact:type | Phone number type |
address | Array of all address types: profile, bill and shipping |
address: line1 | Address line 1 |
address: line2 | Address line 2 |
address: country | Address country |
address: locality | Address locality |
address: region | Address region |
address: postal | Address postal code |
identity | Array of all sign-in identity’s for the user |
identity: createdOn | Identity created or, in the case of a social connection, linked date |
identity: lastLogin | Last successful login date |
identity: type | Login type [Password, Facebook, Google, Apple, Cognito, OIDC] |
sales | Array of Sales contact information |
sales: firstName | All user’s first names in Sales |
sales: lastName | All user’s last names in Sales |
sales: secondLastName | All user’s second last names in Sales |
sales: createdOn | User created in Sales |
subscriptions | Array of Subscription IDs |
Activity extract
Extract name: activity
The activity extract contains information about changes that have been made to user and subscription objects. This includes notes entered by CSRs, failed payment attempts, cancelations, and terminations.
Field name | Description |
clientId | The customer’s, to whom the record is attributed. |
site | The client site to which the event belongs. |
activityDate | Activity date |
note | Financial/event/user note |
activityType | Type of activity |
subscriptionID | SubscriptionID if activity belongs to a subscription |
subscriptionSKU | Current Product SKU of subscription |
priceCode | Current price code of subscription |
campaignCode | Subscription campaign code |
productName | Product name if activity was a financial event |
repClidentID | CSR ID if event took place in the customer service admin |
transactionID | Object unique Id for which activity created on, financial, event or user note |
financialTransactionID | Unique Id from financial activity |
currency | Financial transaction currency type |
amount | Financial transaction amount |
tax | Financial transaction tax amount |
paymentProvider | Payment processor |
reasonCode | Customer care reason code |
reasonValue | Additional note from activity |
Subscription extract
Extract name: subscription
The subscription extract provides a list of all paid and non-paid subscriptions. All lines have SKUs while only paid subscriptions have price codes. Each record consists of the following fields:
Field name | Description |
clientId | The customer’s ID, to whom the record is attributed. |
site | The client site to which the subscription belongs. |
paymentPartner | Payment processor. |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID |
status | Current subscription status [Active, Terminated, Canceled, Suspended, Gifted, Dunning, Vindicia] |
startDate | Subscription created on date |
terminationDate | Subscription terminated on date, if subscription is in a terminated status |
sku | Current Product SKU of the subscription |
creditCardLastFour | Last four digit of credit card used for payment |
creditCardExpiration | Expiration date of credit card used for payment in MMYY format |
nextEventDate | Next renewal date |
priceCode | Current price code of subscription |
cycleIndex | Current retail price cycle |
group.accessCode | Nonce code used by the user to get access to their group subscription |
group.listName | Name of the group subscription |
group.packageID | Group package ID |
Audit extract
Extract name: csrAudit
The audit extract contains details of CSR sales event activity allowing clients to track actions taken by their representatives.
Field Name | Description |
eventTime | UTC time when the event activity happened |
csrClientId | Customer Support Representative ID who executed the activity |
site | Site for which Customer Support Representative did the activity |
eventType | Activity performed by Customer Support Representative |
event | Input detail of the event like emailId, clientId, search param |
csrIP | IP address of Customer Support Representative |
subscriptionID | Subscription ID if event is on Subscription |
Paywall Metrics Extract
Extract name: metrics
The paywall metrics extract contains data on paywall views, offers, and checkout to help make business decisions that improve subscription market strategy.
Field Name | Description |
eventType | Activity performed by user: display OR sign_in OR checkout OR purchase |
documentID | Data on the activity: productSku, priceCode, campaignCode, offerId |
paywallRuleID | Paywall rule that triggered the event to be started |
Extracts that are available only to Commerce Customers
Product Extract
The product extract contains details of all product data in retail.
Field Name | Description |
createdBy | The id of the user who created the product |
createdOn | The UTC date the product was created on |
modifiedBy | The ID of the user who last modified the product |
modifiedOn | The UTC date the product was last modified on |
id | The id of the product |
name | name of the product |
sku | sku of the product |
typeId | Subscription(1) , Physical(2) , Override(3) , Event(4); |
schema | Custom schema associated with the product |
specifications | Custom schema of specifications associated with the product |
hasVariant | Flag to indicate if the product has variants |
active | Boolean value to indicate if the product is in active status |
default | n/a |
location.createdBy | The id of the user who created the location |
location.createdOn | The UTC date the location was created on |
location.modifiedBy | The id of the user who last modified the location |
location.modifiedOn | The UTC date the location was last modified on | | The id of the location for this product | | The name of the event |
location.seoId | The unique friendly ID |
location.description | The location description |
location.statusTypeId | Available(1) , UnAvailable(2) |
location.schema | Custom schema associated with the location |
location.address.createdOn | The UTC date the address was created on |
location.address.modifiedOn | The UTC date the address was last modified on | | The id of the address for the location |
location.address.typeId | Location(1) | | The address country |
location.address.line1 | The address line1 |
location.address.line2 | The address line2 |
location.address.locality | The address locality |
location.address.region | The address region |
location.address.postal | The address postal |
location.address.schema | Custom schema associated with the address |
subtype.createdBy | The ID of the user who created the subtype |
subtype.createdOn | The UTC date the subtype was created on |
subtype.modifiedBy | The ID of the user who last modified the subtype |
subtype.modifiedOn | The UTC date the subtype was last modified on | | The ID of the subtype associated to this product | | Name of the subtype |
subtype.description | description of the subtype |
subtype.slug | The unique friendly ID |
Event Extract
The event extract contains details of all event data in retail.
Field Name | Description |
createdBy | The ID of the user who created the event |
createdOn | The UTC date the event was created on |
modifiedBy | The id of the user who last modified the event |
modifiedOn | The UTC date the event was last modified on |
id | The id of the event |
name | The name of the event |
dateTime | The UTC date of the event |
eventStatusId | Scheduled(1) , Cancelled(2) , Onhold(3) |
seoId | The unique friendly ID |
schema | Custom schema associated with the event |
location.createdBy | The id of the user who created the location |
location.createdOn | The UTC date the location was created on |
location.modifiedBy | The id of the user who last modified the location |
location.modifiedOn | The UTC date the location was last modified on | | The id of the location for this event | | The name of the event |
location.seoId | The unique friendly ID |
location.description | The location description |
location.statusTypeId | Available(1) , UnAvailable(2) |
location.schema | Custom schema associated with the location |
location.address.createdOn | The UTC date the address was created on |
location.address.modifiedOn | The UTC date the address was last modified on | | The id of the address for the location |
location.address.typeId | Location(1) | | The address country |
location.address.line1 | The address line1 |
location.address.line2 | The address line2 |
location.address.locality | The address locality |
location.address.region | The address region |
location.address.postal | The address postal |
location.address.schema | Custom schema associated with the address |
Order Extract
The order extract contains details of all order data in sales.
Field name | Description |
orderDate | The date the order was placed |
amount | Base amount of the order (no tax, shipping, etc.) |
currency | Ex:USD |
orderNumber | Unique id for the order |
firstName | Customer first name |
lastName | Customer last name |
phone | Customer phone |
orderId | Internal order ID |
shipping | Shipping cost |
email | Customer email |
paymentPartner | Payment provider name |
status | Pending(1) , PartiallyPaid(2) , Paid(3) , Cancelled(4) , AwaitingApproval(5) , Approved(6) , Rejected(7) , Authorized(8) , Declined(9) , Void(10) , Preauthorize(11) , PreApproval(12) |
subtotal | Base amount of the order (no tax, shipping, etc.) |
total | Total (including tax and shipping) |
totalTax | Sum of taxes |
billingAddress.line1 | The address line1 |
billingAddress.locality | The address locality |
billingAddress.region | The address region | | The address country |
billingAddress.postal | The address postal |
billingAddress.taxexempt | Flag indicating if this address is tax exempt |
transaction[].transactionType | Payment(1) , Refund(2) , GiftPayment(3) , GiftRedemption(4) , Authorize(5) , Void(6) , Error(7) |
transaction[].transactionId | Unique ID for the transaction |
transaction[].paymentId | Payment id for the transaction |
transaction[].transactionDate | Date of the transaction |
transaction[].paymentPartner | Payment Provider name for the transaction |
transaction[].lastFour | Last four of CC |
transaction[].cardType | Type of CC |
transaction[].cardExpiration | Expiration of CC |
transaction[].amount | Amount of transaction |
transaction[].tax | Tax on transaction |
transaction[].total | Sum of amount and tax |
orderLine[].productPrice | The price of the product purchased |
orderLine[].quantity | The quantity of the product purchased |
orderLine[].tax | The tax of the product purchased |
orderLine[].currency | Ex:USD |
orderLine[].productName | The product name |
orderLine[].productSku | The product sku |
orderLine[].subtotal | Quantity x Price of this line |
orderLine[].total | Quantity x Price + tax of this line |
orderLine[].taxInclusive | Flag indicating if taxes apply |
orderLine[].productTypeId | DigitalSubscription(1) , Event(2) , Merchandise(3) |
orderLine[].schema | Custom schema associated with the line |
orderLine[] | Event name |
orderLine[].event.eventDateTime | Date of the event |
orderLine[].event.categories[].name | Category names associated with the event |
orderLine[] | Location name of the event |
orderLine[] | Location country of the event |
orderLine[].event.location.address.line1 | Location line address of the event |
orderLine[].event.location.address.line2 | Location line address of the event |
orderLine[].event.location.address.locality | Location locality of the event |
orderLine[].event.location.address.region | Location region of the event |
orderLine[].event.location.address.postal | Location postal of the event |