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Configure third-party authentication providers: Facebook, Google, Apple, and OIDC

Arc XP Identity supports integration with several third-party authentication providers, including Google, Facebook, and Apple. It also supports integration with any authentication provider that uses the OIDC protocol. To enable this feature on your site, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Settings tab.
  • Under the Identity section, select Authentication Providers.
  • Choose and set up the desired authentication providers from the available options.

If your organization is multi-tenant (i.e., multi-site), you will need to enable these settings for each tenant where you want these features to be available.

Configure Third-party authentication providers

Once you select the third authentication provider (Facebook, Google, Apple, OIDC), fill out the form with the information given by the provider or as required by the flow you want to implement in your site.


  1. Create the App ID on the Facebook developer console

    • Navigate to the Facebook Developer Console.
    • If you don’t already have an app, click on “Create App” to start the process. Follow the prompts to complete the app creation. Check Create an App for more details.
    • Add a product (Facebook login).
    • Once the App is created, go to the “Dashboard” or “App Settings” section of your app.
    • You will find the App ID and App Secret listed there.

    Facebook developer console

  2. Configure App on Admin tool

    Copy and paste App ID & App secret from the Facebook Developer console into the Admin tool.

    Facebook as Authentication Provider


  1. Create the App ID on the Google developer console

    • Navigate to the Google Developer console.
    • If you don’t already have a project, create a project and get your Google API Client ID.
    • Create the OAuth Client Credentials page. Add the domains for your site to the Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs sections.

    You can also add origins and URIs for your test or staging environments, including local developer environments, but we suggest creating a second set of OAuth Client IDs for your test and developer environments.

    Google developer console OAuth Client

    After you add your origins and URIs, click Create, after which you should be presented with your Google OAuth Client ID and Secret.

    Google developer console Credentials

    Save the Client ID and Secret in a safe place.

  2. Configure App on Admin tool

    Copy and paste Client ID from the Google Developer console into the Admin tool.

    Google as Authentication provider


Whether you are adding Apple as a third-party authentication provider or as an OIDC provider, you will need to follow the next steps.

  1. Register an App ID: Create your Apple App ID

    Apple developer console Certificates Identifiers and Profiles

    • Select the App IDs option

    Apple developer console App IDs

    • Select App and Continue

    Apple developer console App

    • Add your App description and the Bundle ID. The Bundle ID should just be something like com.myreallycoolapp

    Apple developer console App details

    • Add Sign in with Apple and click on the checkbox

    Apple developer console App with Sign In with Apple enabled

    • Click on Edit and make sure Enable as primary App ID is selected and Save. After, click on Continue

    Apple developer console Enable as primary App ID

    • Click on Register

    Apple developer console Register App ID

  2. Register a Service ID.

    Apple developer console Service ID

    • Then select the Continue button on the far top right of the page to create your Service ID.
    • Fill out the form with the name of your app under Description and your Identifier name. After you fill it out, click on Continue to verify the info entered, and click on Register to create the Service ID.
    • So in this example the description would be My Really Cool App and your Identifier (Client ID) would be com.myreallycoolapp.appname.

    The format to be used as Identifier would be [com].[your App ID name].[your app name]. Here are a few examples of how you can use your identifier: com.myreallycoolapp.web,, com.myreallycoolapp.desktop.

    Apple developer console Register Service ID

  3. Add site to the Service ID

    Once you have created your Identifier (Service ID) you will have to apply additional configurations.

    Apple developer console Service ID Filter

    • Click on the Service ID you register on Step 2.
    • Select the Sign in with Apple checkbox, then click on Configure button to access the Sign in with Apple configurations.

    Apple developer console Service ID Configure Sign In with Apple

    • Select your App ID (the one created on Step 1) from the drop down, and click on the + button to add your website urls. You will need to add the domain urls that you will be using with Sign in with Apple. This allows Apple to know which websites can have access to Sign in with Apple.

    Apple developer console Service ID Web Authentication Configuration

    • Domains and Subdomains: When entering the Domain portion of the form you will need to add a comma delimited list. You also need to make sure you remove the “https://“ from the url and just have the domains or subdomains. We also require you to add your CDN endpoint (provided by the Delivery team) to the Domains and Subdomains (e.g.,
    • Return URLs you will need to add a required redirect url that will handle the authentication after a user is signed in. The format will be https://{endpoint}/identity/public/v2/oidc/redirect. This does require you to have the https:// in the url.

    Apple developer console Service ID Register Website URLs

    • After you add that to the form, make sure you click Done, then Continue at the top right, and then Save.
  4. Create a Private key

    Apple developer console Add Private key

    • Select Sign in With Apple checkbox & click Configure

    Apple developer console Add Private key Sign In with Apple

    • Choose your Primary App ID. The one created on Step 1

    Apple developer console Add Private key App ID

    • You will then be brought back to the previous screen. Click on Continue, and then on Register.

    Apple developer console Add Private key Register

    • On the next screen, you can download your private key. Click the “download” button. You should have a file named something like: AuthKey_U672Q22ZFQ.p8

    Apple developer console Download Private key

    • Copy the text in the file, EXCLUDING the “-----BEGIN/END PRIVATE KEY-----” sections.
  5. Grab the Team ID

    Apple developer console Add Private key

  6. Configure App on Admin tool

    Once you have completed setup on Apple and gathered all necessary information for your app, you can proceed to create a new Authentication Provider. Complete the form with the gathered information. The Redirect URI is the url that directs users to the login page.

    Apple as Authentication provider


To integrate any authentication provider using the OIDC protocol within Arc XP Identity, you first need to retrieve specific configuration settings from the provider. These settings allow secure communication between your application and the provider during the authentication process. Below is a general overview of how to obtain these settings from any authentication provider:

  1. Register Your Application:

    • The first step is to register your application with the authentication provider. This process typically involves creating a developer account on the provider’s platform.
    • Provide details like your application’s name and description, and register it to receive credentials.
    • As part of the application setup, you will need to specify one or more Redirect URIs. These are the URLs where the provider will send the user back to your application after authentication.
  2. Obtain Client Credentials:

    • Once the application is registered, the provider will generate some settings values, such as a Client ID, depending on the provider, a Client Secret and other values.
    • These credentials are unique to your application and are used to authenticate your app during OIDC communication.
  3. Configure App on Admin tool:

    • After completing the setup on the provider’s side and gathering all necessary information, proceed to create a new Authentication Provider in Arc XP Identity by selecting the OIDC type.
    • In the image below, you’ll see an option to select either Standard or Apple. Choose the option that corresponds to your provider. Note that Apple requires additional information, such as the Team ID and Key ID, which are not needed for most other providers.

    OIDC Authentication provider

    • Fill out the form using the details you’ve collected.

Standard OIDC

If you selected Standard option, make sure you already have the information described below.

name (required)string - 32 characters A name assigned to the configurtion by Arc’s client
publicKey (required)string - 64000 characters A PEM formatted public key used by Arc for validating the ID token received from the IdP. The CRLF characters must be removed before uploading the key to Arc.
secret (required)string - 256 characters The secret to be used by Arc when calling the IdP’s token endpoint
clientId (required)string - 64 characters The client ID assigned by the IdP
redirectURI (required)string - 256 characters The URL that the IdP will be requested to redirect the browser after the user authenticates
authorizationEndpoint (required)string - 256 characters The IdP’s authorization endpoint
tokenEndpoint (required)string - 256 characters The IdP’s token endpoint to be called by Arc
jwksEndpointstring - 256 characters URL from which the public provider keys can be downloaded

Apple OIDC

If you selected the Apple option, all the required values for the form can be obtained by following the steps outlined in the Apple section above.