How to Set up Vindicia Integration
Arc XP Subscriptions offers built-in integration with Vindicia Retain as an additional step to collect payments for failed renewal attempts and retain subscribers. Vindicia provides the final step in capturing payments when traditional Dunning logic fails and no future attempts would be made. More details on Vindicia’s data analysis and recovery methods are available at their site here.
You must establish an account with Vindicia, which can be facilitated by the Subscriptions team. Once your account is active and set up, Arc XP will enable Vindicia as part of your Smart Dunning settings. Clients must use the Smart Dunning functionality to also use Vindicia.
Sending a failed subscription payment to Vindicia is similar to setting up a Smart Dunning rule. You will select to add a new rule and choose “Send to Vindicia.” Select the number of days after the initial renewal payment attempt for the subscription to be sent to Vindicia. Then you can select the number of days Arc XP will wait for Vindicia to respond using the Number of Days Duration option.
Vindicia rules will supersede any other rules. If there are payment retry rules that overlap with a subscription being held with Vindicia then those retry attempts will not be made by Arc XP.
Reporting: Arc XP will populate the financial reports with the expected payments made by Vindicia. This is based on the payment request that is sent to Vindicia but Arc XP does not receive the transaction details from the payment gateway through Vindicia. It is expected that Vindicia has processed the payment as sent but if they incorrectly report a successful transaction or process a different amount that will not be reflected in the financial transaction reporting. There will be a record in the subscription activity extract noting “Active by Vindicia.”
Tax: Tax details for a successful Vindicia transaction will be populated in the Arc XP custom tax calculator and the Taxamo integration.
Events, Status, and Reporting
All Dunning events generate a WebSocket event which can be used to queue up Dunning emails or other messaging. You can find more information on the fail to renew subscription event that is sent under the FAIL_RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION
Following a failed renewal payment retry attempt a subscription will go into Suspended, Dunning or Terminated status. Suspended status is used when a subscription failed when Basic Dunning is turned on, Dunning will be the status when Smart Dunning is enabled. If the subscription is marked as Terminated, the reason will be noted as failed to pay. If the subscription is Suspended or Dunning, the customer can later reactivate their subscription by paying the subscription. If the retry attempt is successful a RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION
event is sent.
The Subscription Summary report offers a breakdown of subscriptions by status.