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CDP and the Arc XP Paywall

Understanding users’ behaviors and actions is key to increasing monetization. Clients have many channels where users interact with their marketing and brand, which provide valuable first party data. The best way to gather and use this first-party data is with a CDP.

We make it easy to connect your preferred CDP to create dynamic, targeted flows with Arc XP. Using our CDP Connector, you can benefit from data collected across their brand and use segments created from analyzing it with the targeting capabilities of the Arc Paywall. You will be able to recognize engaged users using audience segments and to get them through the registration process. Then, continue to track and segment those users to understand when a targeted subscription wall or other revenue-generating effort would be most effective.

This is quick and easy to do with our extendable CDP Connector. You will need to configure and setup a paywall to utilize the CDP Connector functionality.

Setting up your CDP Connection

There are a few steps required to configure the connection between Arc XP Paywall and your CDP. Some of these can be completed in the Settings Admin or using a developer API and some will need to be completed in your UI.

  1. Add CDP User Segment Values
  2. Configure Paywall rules with the User Segments
  3. Pass User Segments to the Paywall

1. Add CDP User Segment Values

CDP user segment options can be added by visiting CDP User Segments under the settings page.

Each CDP User Segment has a pair of {name, value}. The Value should match the value from the client’s CDP provider and the Name is a custom one that you can assign in order to make the CDP User segment more readable when adding this as part of the paywall rules.

2. Configure Paywall rules with the User Segments

Create or modify rules that meter on CDP segments that were adding in the Settings admin using Audience Criteria. Details on configuring and using the Arc XP Paywall can be found here.

In the Audience Criteria User Segment option, you can select the CDP User Segment Name that is associated with the Value. As with any other Audience Criteria, clients can have the rule applied to multiple segments.

3. Pass User Segments to the Paywall

The CDP segment needs to be passed when executing to use CDP segment based rules. The segments can be passed through in two different ways. The segment values can be passed as an array of strings using userSegments or with customSegmentCheck function that resolves to an array of segments.

Option 1 ({userSegments: ['SEG001', 'SEG002'] })

Option 2

async function customSegmentCheck () {

  const result = await getCDPSegments (); // function that resolves to the user's segment

  return result;

}{ customSegmentCheck: customSegmentCheck)

Adding CDP Segments to Arc XP Subscriptions

The flow the User Segments from the CDP with the Arc XP Paywall is provided below.

User Segments Flow

BlueConic CDP Connector Flow

We also provide an integration with BlueConic and the Arc XP Paywall. Soon this integration will use the CDP Connector functionality providing clients all the new options and configurations.

By leveraging both BlueConic and Arc XP Subscriptions, you can ensure that each step of your member journey is powered by market leading platforms and supported by experienced teams who understand what it takes to support projects like yours. BlueConic’s customer data insights integrate seamlessly with Arc XP Subscriptions products management and access filters, to give you control of your audience engagement.

BlueConic CDP Connector Flow

Arc XP Subscriptions:

  • Connect and develop your audience, dynamically meter content, & sell products online
  • Gives you tools necessary to build a testing culture & with first-class integrations


  • Enables marketing team to unify its first party data into granular, person-level profiles to power its segmentation and messaging efforts
  • World’s leading CDP

Adding BlueConic Segments to Paywall Rules in Arc XP Subscriptions

Segments can be used to classify our visitors (known and anonymous users) in various groups. These segments are set up based on the visitor’s profile or behavior, which can be monitored over time. The segmentation is dynamic, based on the latest profile property values.

Depending on the segments setup and the features of each profile, each user could fall into several segments. For example, a single user might be included in the segments “under 35 years old”, “Preferred visit hour: Morning” and “interested in politics”.

Step 1: The segments should be created in the BlueConic account. These segments are based on the client’s targets.

To create a segment, you will need to start by selecting the conditions customers have to meet to be part of the segment. These conditions could be profile properties (e.g. gender, interest, visit time, etc), extend existing segments, or objectives. Some documentation about how to create Segments in Blueconic: Creating Dynamic Customer Segments, Segment Overlap (Insight)

For example, different segments can be created to meter users according to preferred visit hours. The client could define different segments.

Selecting for each one of these segments, “visit time” as the condition, and the visit hours to meter the users falling in each segment.

Step 2: Once the segments have been created into the Blueconic account, one or several segments can be attached to the rules enabled in the paywall.

Go to the Paywall tab, and into the rules tab select Blueconic as ’Content Criteria’ in ‘Audience Criteria’. Finally, chose one or several segments, those created in the Blueconic account.

Local Storage

Each time a user falls in the site, if the paywall is enabled for that site, some user information will be loaded and stored in the Local storage.

BlueconicEnabled is a boolean flag which will be set to true, if the paywall has at least one blueconic segment set as an audience criteria on one or more rules (see Step 2). If Blueconic is enabled in the Paywall, additional user Blueconic information will be provided in the local storage.

Since the paywall script uses localStorage to store the user state, once a user lands in the site, if BlueconicEnabled is true, Blueconic script is loaded via p.js and it allows us to gather segment data for that particular profile, using their JS API. If that user’s blueconic profile is part of any blueconic segments, those segments are added to the bc array.

//Local Storage
BCSessionID: 33dd3ddc-9451-4983-8d16-7afc5c3e5ae5
bc: [ //blueconic segment(s) in which the user’s blueconic profile is falling
0: "All Visitors"
1: "frequency"
2: "Preferred visit hour: Afternoon"
3: "Engagement: High"
c: "story"

Browsing data is tracked under a Blueconic profile (BCSessionID). Thus, a new Blueconic profile is created each time an anonymous session is initialized. An anonymous session is initialized each time a no logged user just landed on the site, a user is logout or the user session expires. This is explained below:

  • User X visits the site, he/she is anonymous and is browsing articles. User X data stored on BC profile A.
  • User X logs in and he/she is still on BC profile A.
  • User X logs out. Now, he/she is an anonymous user. Then, a new Blueconic profile is created (BC Profile B).
  • User Y is anonymous and he/she is browsing articles on BC profile B. User Y logs in and is still on BC profile B.
  • User Y session expires. Thus, a new Blueconic profile is created (BC profile C).
  • User X visits site is anonymous and he/she is browsing articles. User X is on profile C.

Note: In the scenario described before, user X’s blueconic data will be stored on multiple profiles (A & C Blueconic Profiles). In order to avoid multiple Blueconic profiles for the same user, the client could implement a merge strategy in the Blueconic tool, using a listener to store a unique id for a user as a new profile property (ex: uuid) and a merging rule in settings, to ensure that arc identity users have one Blueconic profile

Data published to Blueconic via Blueconic SDK

Paywall-client is where we gather information on the user from the browser, page, and entitlements. All of this info populates the _facts object. It is in _fact where interactions and profiles are loaded and controlled to pass to Blueconic. JavaScript Front-End API.

The code below is our implementation of Blueconic in paywall-client side

//If Blueconic is enabled
if (window && bcEnabled) {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (
typeof window.blueConicClient !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.blueConicClient.event !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.blueConicClient.event.subscribe !== 'undefined'
// Blueconic is loaded
) {
} else {
// Loading Blueconic
const bcHostname = '';
let bcScript = document.createElement('script');
bcScript.async = true;
bcScript.src =
'https://' + bcHostname + '/frontend/static/javascript/blueconic/blueconic.min.js';
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
window.addEventListener('ArcSDK.logout', () => {
if (window.blueConicClient && window.blueConicClient.profile) {

Since we are creating new Blueconic Profiles each time an anonymous session is initialized. We are also checking the username and jwt to determine the logged in status and whether or not we need to create a new profile.

Additional resources: