Transform Images with Resizer v2
Photo Center stores images at their highest resolution, making it essential to use Image Resizer v2 for web display optimization.
For example, images that appear next to a story on a search engine results page must be thumbnail-sized so that the page loads quickly; they might also need to have a consistent shape, regardless of their original aspect ratios.
Instead of storing multiple versions of the same image, Arc XP uses a just-in-time image resizing service to create transformed images as needed, known as transformations. Then, Arc XP Content Delivery Network (CDN) stores and distributes these transformed images optimizing page loading times.
This document guides you through Resizer’s v2 key features, supported image formats, and the most common transformation use cases.
Resizer v2 Key Features
Resizer v2 has the following key features:
- Provides a dynamic image resizing and transformation service.
- Enables SEO-friendly image naming capabilities to enhance site performance.
- Brings built-in authentication token system included in the image ANS.
- Enables automatic CDN distribution for optimized delivery.
Supported Image Formats
Resizer v2 supports the following image formats:
- Internal Photo Center images
- External images:
- High-quality JPEGs
- PNGs (recommended for images requiring transparency)
- GIFs
- Any standard web format
Dynamic Format Selection
Photo Center accepts image uploads and automatically optimizes delivery through Arc XP’s integration with our CDN provider. This system ensures optimal image format delivery based on client capabilities.
Upload Process
Users upload JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, or ICO files to Photo Center. The original asset is preserved as the source image, ensuring maximum compatibility and quality retention.
Image Delivery
When a client requests an image, the CDN automatically evaluates the client’s capabilities and delivers the most efficient supported format. For JPEGs, the format selection is as follows:
AVIF: Delivered to modern browsers with AVIF support, providing superior compression and quality
WebP: Served to browsers supporting WebP but not AVIF, offering improved efficiency over JPEG
JPEG: Provided as a fallback for clients without WebP or AVIF support
This process occurs transparently without requiring any action from content creators or developers. The CDN handles format selection and conversion automatically, optimizing both performance and visual quality.
Transformation Guide
Learn how to build transformation URLs to resize, crop, and modify your images. This guide covers the following:
- Resize v2 Base Path
- Path Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Resize Transformations
- Crop Transformations
- Additional Transformations
Resizer v2 Base Path
All image transformations start with the following base path:
Path Parameters
The following are the elements that identify and grant access to your images:
String (Required)
Original image to perform resize operations on. The source can reference an internal image from the Photo Center or a full external URL.
Source Examples:
- Internal Photo Center image: Arc ID of an image from Photo Center. Ensure to include the extension as it appears in the CloudFront URL.
- External non-Photo Center image: Encoded URL of a public external image, including the protocol.
SEO filename
String (Optional)
SEO-friendly filename to add descriptive text to your image URLs for better search engine visibility. This parameter appears before the Arc ID for internal images. You must use alphanumeric characters and dashes in the filename.
URL Building Patterns:
Dynamically construct resizer URLs using SEO-friendly photo metadata:
- With extension:
"/resizer/v2/" + photo.seo_filename + "-" + photo._id + "." + photo.url.split(".").pop()
- Without extension:
"/resizer/v2/" + photo.seo_filename + "-" + photo._id
Example URL with SEO Filename:
Query Parameters
String (Required)_
Validate your image source using a Base64-encoded SHA256 security code. The auth code checks only the source image and ignores SEO filenames and query parameters.
Auth Example:
Resize Transformations
Change image dimensions while maintaining quality using the following parameters:
Integer (Optional)
Resizes an image to the desired output width or height, considering the following data:
- No Dimensions Specified: The system returns a full-sized image.
- Width-only: Height matches the original aspect ratio.
- Height-only: Width matches the original aspect ratio.
- Specific transformations have unique dimensional requirements.
Dimension Considerations:
- Width or height are optional for Smart Crop and Focal Crop.
- Width and height are required for Fit/Fill.
- Unspecified transformation may cause image distortion.
Distortion Prevention
To prevent image distortion consider the following:
- Use Smart Crop to prevent stretching.
- Provide only one dimension for proportional scaling.
Width and Height Examples:
Boolean (Optional)
Resizes an image to fit specified dimensions while maintaining the aspect ratio, using a blurred version of the original image to fill any transparent space at the edges.
Fit/Fill Example:
Crop Transformations
Adjust your image framing and aspect ratios with the following features:
Manual Crop
String (Optional)
Manual Crop enables precise cropping of the source image by specifying the exact position and dimensions. The crop coordinates (X, Y) are measured from the image’s top-left corner.
Name | Type |
X (horizontal position) | Integer |
Y (vertical position) | Integer |
Crop Width | Integer |
Crop Height | Integer |
Manual Crop requirements:
- Both crop width and crop height are required parameters.
- X and Y coordinates must not exceed image dimensions.
{X},{Y}:{Crop Width},{Crop Height}
Manual Crop Examples:
Create a 500x500 crop of the top-left corner.
Create a 400x100 vertical crop starting at the point [1023,705] from the top-left corner.
Create a 640x480 crop starting at the point [250,365] from the top-left corner, and resize the result to 350px wide.
Focal Crop
String (Optional)
Focal Crop enables precise control over the center point of your crop while maintaining aspect ratio integrity. This transformation is ideal when you must ensure that specific image elements remain visible after resizing.
Focal Crop requires only the width
or height
parameter and automatically adjusts the other dimension to match the original aspect ratio.
Name | Type |
X | Integer |
Y | Integer |
Focal Crop Considerations:
- If the requested dimensions match the original aspect ratio, the image resizes normally without cropping.
- When cropping is necessary (aspect ratio changes), the system preserves as much of the focal point area as possible.
Focal Crop Examples:
Create a 500x500 crop focused on the point [1337,709] from the top-left corner.
Create a 400x100 vertical crop focused on the point [692,466] from the top-left corner.
Smart Crop
Boolean (Optional)
Smart Crop automatically identifies and preserves key image features when resizing and crops around them.
Smart Crop requires only the width
or height
parameter and automatically adjusts the other dimension to match the original aspect ratio.
or height
: Integer (Required)
Smart Crop Example:
Additional Transformations
Ensure image quality and apply filters, rotations, and other image effects with the following features:
Integer (Optional)
Controls output image compression level.
- Range: 1-100 (integer).
- Default: 75 if not specified.
Quality Example:
Integer (Optional)
Applies a Gaussian blur to the image.
- Effect: Higher values increase image blurriness.
- Range: 1-100.
String (Optional)
Overlays another image with a specified position and size on top of the source image.
Name | Type | Format | Default |
Source | String | URL - encoded public image | Required |
Scale | Integer | 1 - 100 | 100 |
X | Integer | 0 - width of source image | 0 |
Y | Integer | 0 - length of source image | 0 |
- The source image must be publicly accessible on the internet.
- Scale adjusts the overlay image’s size as a percentage of the main image’s width, keeping its original shape.
- If the values for X/Y exceed the original image’s width or height, the operation fails, and the original image returns.
Place external image
at 35% scale starting on the point [0,250] from the top-left-corner.
Place external image
at full-scale starting on the point [500,500] from the top-left-corner.
String (Optional)
Expands the canvas of an image by adding borders or extra space. The canvas dimensions must be larger than the original image. Otherwise, the image gets cropped.
Name | Type | Format | Default |
Canvas Width | Integer | Width of canvas | Required |
Canvas Height | Integer | Height of canvas | Required |
Direction | String | One of: n, nw, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, c | Required |
Canvas Considerations:
The direction parameter determines the image placement within the new canvas as follows:
Direction Parameter | Image Placement |
n | Centered horizontally along the top of the canvas. |
nw | Top-left corner. |
ne | Top-right corner. |
e | Centered vertically along the right of the canvas. |
se | Bottom-right corner. |
s | Centered horizontally along the bottom of the canvas. |
sw | Bottom-left corner. |
w | Centered vertically along the left of the canvas. |
c | Centered vertically and horizontally to the canvas. |
Canvas Examples:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY.jpg is a 1920x1080 image
Expand the canvas by 100 pixels on both dimensions to produce a white/empty border. Example image
Add a second image YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA to the right of the original image to make a 3840x1080 composite. Example image
Add a second image YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA to the left of the original image to make a 3840x1080 composite. Example image
Add a second image YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA to the right of the original image and resize that output to 600 pixels wide. Example image
Background Color
String (Optional)
Hexadecimal color code applied to an image background.
Background Examples:
Apply a black background to a transparent PNG. Example image
Add a red border by expanding the canvas by 100 pixels on both dimensions. Example image
Response Codes
The following table describes the status codes meaning after Resizer v2 processes your request:
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Successful |
400 | Bad Request | Malformed parameters |
403 | Forbidden | Image is unpublished or; Auth is invalid or; External image had 403 |
404 | Not Found | Arc ID doesn’t exist or; External image reference had 404 |
500 | Internal Server Error | Image Manager/EdgeWorker error |
502 | Bad Gateway | Upstream error for source image retrieval |
504 | Gateway Time-out | Upstream timeout for source image retrieval |