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Product Documentation

Resizer v2 Error Codes

The following table provides a list of response and error codes that you may receive in Resizer V2 or observe in your CDN logs.

200Indicates that the image successfully resized or optimized
404Indicates a third-party image not found
502Indicates the third-party connection failed
503You receive this error if any of the following errors occur:
  • 401 Unauthorized - Most likely a third-party image source failure
  • 403 Forbidden - Either the image is unpublished in CloudFront or S3 or a third-party image source is unavailable
  • 429 Too Many Requests - You are generating too many unique resizer paths, which is triggering a rate limit
504Indicates a third-party server failure OR if you see this error with an internal image from Photo Center, it’s an unexpected issue at the CDN, and you should report this issue to Arc XP Client Support.
408This error is not an issue, and is part of the redirect logic. It’s visible only in the CDN log. (The User-Agent in logs always contains the string Akamai.)
500This error is not an issue, and is part of the redirect logic. It’s visible only in the CDN log. (The User-Agent for this shows as the end-user, but this failure is internal and expected.)
301Indicates a successful redirect from V1 to V2