Resizer v1-to-v2 Redirects
When you complete the migration to Resizer v2, the system no longer generates new Resizer v1 URLs, and all images have a v2 path. Ideally, you fully transition to v2 before the deprecation of v1 to prevent any errors with your images. However, we understand that there may be circumstances where complete migration to v2 is not possible. Additionally, keep in mind that search engines may have indexed v1 image URLs, which might take some time to update.
For these reasons, we’ve implemented v1 to v2 redirects to safeguard your image URLs and the impact of SEO.
Redirect Solution
The redirect solution redirects existing v1 URLs to v2 URLs. Due to the large number of transformation variables and combinations that can exist, the redirect solution cannot accommodate and map every possible transformation. Instead, this list includes the supported v1 transformations that convert to v2 paths and then redirect.
Supported v1-to-v2 Redirect Transformations
Secret key /hmac/ | Auth token &auth=123... ex. &auth=e6199a7bb690e478e8.... |
Manual crop AxB:CxD ex. ../100x100:250x250/.. | Manual crop &crop=X,Y:CropWidth,CropHeight ex. ..&crop=100,100:150,150.. |
Fit-in fit-in ex. ../fit-in/350x350/.. | Fit-fill &fitfill=true ex. ..&width=350&height=350&fitfill=true.. |
Resize, positive values ExF ex. ../350x350/.. | Resize &width=x&height=y ex. ..&width=350&height=350.. |
Smart crop smart ex. ../350x350/smart/.. | Smart crop &smart=true ex. ..&width=350&height=350&smart=true.. |
../filters:blur()/.. ex. ../filters:blur(75)/.. | Blur &blur=x ex. ..&blur=75.. |
../filters:focal()/.. ex. ../filters:focal(100x100:110x110)/.. | Focal &focal=x,y ex. ..&focal=105,105.. |
../filters:quality()/.. ex. ../filters:quality(75)/.. | Quality &quality=x ex. ..&quality=75.. |
Not Supported v1-to-v2 Redirect Transformations
The redirector solution does not redirect the following v1 situations:
- Any v1 image URLs that are provided by Photo Center in ANS will not be redirected and are excluded from deprecation. We will convert these URLs to v2 at a later date.
- At this time, Queryly uses v1 images from ANS, and so those URLs are currently exempt from deprecation. We will convert these URLs to v2 at a later date.
Additionally, the following table includes the v1 transformations that the v1-to-v2 redirect solution does not support. We do not support these transformations because:
- Our logs say no one is using it, or
- The transformation is not directly supported in v2.
For the transformations not directly supported in v2, our redirect solution ensures that v1 URLs do not error by:
- Serving the image without the transformation applied, or
- If available, filling the gap with an existing v2 transformation that produces a similar output.
Trim trim | No customer usage |
Resize, negative values -Ex-F | No customer usage |
Resize alignment /HALIGN/VALIGN/ Tells v1 what side of the image to preserve when a resize request requires cropping | Not directly supported in v2 Instead, use smart crop &smart=true |
Fit-in, adaptive, or full adaptive-fit-in or full-fit-in | No customer usage |
../filters:autojpg()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:brightness()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:contrast()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:convolution()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:cover()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:equalize()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:extract_focal()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:grayscale()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:noise()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:proportion()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:rgb()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:rotate()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:round_corner()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:saturation()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:sharpen()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:stretch()/.. | No customer usage |
../filters:background_color()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. |
../filters:filling()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. |
../filters:format()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. This is also redundant because Akamai optimizes the format on Delivery |
../filters:max_bytes()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. |
../filters:no_upscale()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. |
../filters:strip_exif()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. This is also redundant because Akamai removes exif on Delivery |
../filters:strip_icc()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. This is also redundant because Akamai removes icc on Delivery. |
../filters:upscale()/.. | Not directly supported in v2. No replacement, will ignore. |
Important Caveats
Our v1-to-v2 redirect solution cannot guarantee a 100% match to the v2 image path you migrated to. This could have a negative impact to image SEO if the redirected v2 image path is different than the migrated v2 image path.
Do not rely on the v1-to-v2 redirect solution as a substitute for actual migration of v1 images to v2. This may negatively impact page SEO if there are a number of 301 image redirects.
The redirector solution operates in a way that if an image has already been served in a certain transformation before July 17, it won’t redirect the image if the same transformation is requested after July 17. For instance, if a user views an article with an image on July 3, and then views the same article on July 18 with the same image size, the image will still be available because it’s already cached. However, any new images or new transformations of existing images that haven’t been accessed before July 17 will be redirected to Resizer v2.
v1 images have a one-year time-to-live (TTL). As part of the v1 deprecation, Arc XP is NOT clearing cache for v1, so those URLs will NOT be redirected for one year at most (which is the cache limit). After the URLs fall out of cache, the redirector solution redirects them to Resizer v2.
Resize URLs from image ANS are exempt from v1 deprecation, including those used by Queryly. We will upgrade the URLs provided by image ANS to be v2 at some point in the future. This includes:
- Path includes
- Path includes
- Path includes
- Video thumbnail URLs
- Path includes
- Path includes