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Product Documentation

Image Resizer v2 Known Issues Tracker

This page tracks the current known issues for Image Resizer V2. If you experience additional problems not described in this table or have any questions, contact your Technical Account Manager

Images on clone/crop are copying over the Auth and not generating new Auth for the newly created imageWe are fixing the endpoint and going backwards to fix images that have this issue (in Production for beta clients). Note that we will not go backwards to fix images that have this issue in SandboxBeta client hotfix: Complete

General availability (Sandbox): Complete

General availability (Production): Complete (deployed with 1.77.5)
Unable to resize images without an extension, which can cause breaksPrerequisite: Signing Service V2 update (already deployed to Sandbox and Production)

Editing the CDN property to allow for no extension

Delivery CDN JSON update (1.9 release)
Beta client hotfix: Complete

General availability (Sandbox/Production): Ready to deploy. End of June (with Resizer 2.1)
Images with >=10k pixels on width OR height will fail and failover to pristineArc will automatically downsize the image for clients before it reaches Resizer V2 to be transformedComplete

Beta clients: May 26, 2023

General availability (Sandbox/Production): Complete (deployed with 1.77.5)
Resizer V2 transformation upgrade:

For smartcrop allow for just height OR width value
For smartcrop allow for just height OR width valueComplete

Beta clients: Complete (1.77.5, deployed June 1st)

General availability (Sandbox/Production): Complete (1.77.5, deployed June 1st)