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Product Documentation

Photo Center Image Field Mapping

Field in UIDefinitionANS FieldIPTC Mapping (if applicable)
IDPhoto Center ID_idDoes not correspond to IPTC
Path in Photo CenterPath to get to that image in Photo Center system Does not correspond to IPTC
Original NameIf transmitted from adapter/Arc I/O, then ID from previous system for tracking and debugging.
If manually uploaded to Photo Center, then file name.
Published/unpublishedImage published or not  
Restricted/UnrestrictedImage restricted or not. Restrictions can be applied in permissions configuration.additional_properties.restricted 
Date UploadedDate and time photo entered Photo Center system  
Date CapturedDate and time photo was taken  
SlugSlug or the informal ID used internally in newsroomslugTitle/Object Name
Headline (IPTC Record in Arc) subtitleHeadline
Caption captionCaption
Creator’s Job Title (IPTC Record in Arc) additional_properties.iptc_title 
Credit (IPTC Record in Arc) credits.affiliation[0].name (preferred)
[Credits.By]([0].org (deprecated because this should be representing the author’s organization)
Source (IPTC Record in Arc) additional_properties.iptc_sourceSource
Copyright copyrightCopyright
Status status 
Special/Usage Instructions additional_properties.usage_instructions“Instructions” in IPTC Core
Keywords additional_properties.keywords 
Editor Note editor_note 
Width width 
Height height 
Address Line 1 address.street_address 
Address Line 2 address.extended_address 
City address.locality 
State/Province address.region 
Postal Code address.postal_code 
Country address.country_name 
LatitudeLatitude coordinate of address provided in photo (subject to change)Currently pulled from other location information (subject to change)Does not correspond to IPTC
LongitudeLongitude coordinate of address provided in photo (subject to change)Currently pulled from other location information (subject to change)Does not correspond to IPTC
Location DescriptionA placeline or description of the locationlocationDoes not correspond to IPTC
Arc Source Name (Formerly “Source Name”) [Source.Name]( not correspond to IPTC
Arc Source Type (Formerly “Source Type”) source.source_typeDoes not correspond to IPTC
Source ID source.source_idDoes not correspond to IPTC
PhotographerThe photographer who took the[0].nameByline
Uploaded byEmail of person who manually uploaded this photo into Photo Centeradditional_properties.ownerDoes not correspond to IPTC
Associated TasksWebSked Task ID that is used to create a Lightbox with the image(s) with the associated Task IDtaxonomy.associated_tasksTag original transmission reference, or Tag job ID