Using Video Features with Arc XP iOS SDK
The Arc XP SDK Video service enables developers to add video fetching, playback, streaming, and customized player views to iOS apps. This guide presents a list of delegate methods for responding to video player related events, facilitating seamless integration and an enhanced user experience. By incorporating the Video service, businesses and media organizations can boost user engagement with high-quality video content.
Notable components include ArcMediaClientManager
for fetching videos, and ArcMediaPlayerViewController
for displaying them. Additionally, we list some of the recommended PlayerDelegate
and ArcMediaPlayerViewDelegate
methods to manage video behavior and player bar interactions.
For more information on the new ArcMediaPlayer
, see Mobile Video Module - Getting started with the iOS SDK.
To use Arc XP iOS SDK Video service, you’ll need to set up Video service configuration. Refer to “Getting Started with Arc XP iOS SDK” for guidance on Video service configuration, as well as setting up other Arc XP services.
Loading and Displaying a Video
To load and display a video, you need to interact with two primary Video service objects: ArcMediaPlayerViewController
and ArcMediaClientManager
This view controller contains all the necessary views for displaying a video, controlling playback, and managing other player-related features.
This manager is responsible for fetching video content to use with the video player. It communicates with a backend service where the video is stored and provides an ArcVideo
object. This object can then be passed to an ArcMediaPlayerViewController
instance for playback.
Set Up the Video Player View Controller
Create an ArcMediaPlayerViewController
instance, and set a delegate
to listen to any player related events that might be reported.
let playerController = ArcMediaPlayerViewController.loadFromStoryboard()playerController.playerView.delegate = selfUIViewController().addChild(playerController)// Set constraints to make sure the the view controller is displayed as desired.
In the example above, we referred to the ArcMediaPlayerViewController
as playerController
. To play video content using the playerController
, you must first fetch a video using the ArcMediaClientManager
. To do this, you need to provide two pieces of information as parameters:
- Media ID
- Access token
With those two parameters, you’re ready to fetch the video, as seen in the following example.
// Load the video content mediaID: <#ID#>, adSettings: nil, accessToken: <#TOKEN#>) { [weak self] result in
switch result { case .success(let video): let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: video) playerItem) case .failure: // Handle error }}
Delegate Events
When setting up the ArcMediaPlayerViewController
, we recommended setting a delegate
property, which can be seen above, when we set the ArcMediaPlayerViewController().playerView.delegate
property. Whatever is set to that property is what will be responsible for responding to any player related events. Below is a list of unique events we’ve provided with Arc XP iOS SDK.
This is a list of AVPlayer delegate methods for video behavior, separate from Arc XP player views. These functions inform on player states during playback, including completion, progress percentage, mute/unmute, pause/resume, time skipping, user start, and full-screen presentation start/end.
- Player Completed Item
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, completed item: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Played 25% Video
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, played25Percent video: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Played 50% Video
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, played50Percent video: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Played 75% Video
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, played75Percent video: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Muted
-func playerMuted(_ player: AVPlayer)
- Player Unmuted
-func playerUnmuted(_ player: AVPlayer)
- Player Paused Video
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, paused video: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Resumed Item
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, resumed item: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Skipped Item to Time
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, skipped item: AVPlayerItem?, to time: CMTime)
- Player Started Video by User
-func player(_ player: AVPlayer, started video: AVPlayerItem?, byUser: Bool)
- Player Tapped Item
-func playerTapped(_ player: AVPlayer, item: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Began Full-Screen Presentation
-func playerBeganFullScreenPresentation(_ player: AVPlayer, item: AVPlayerItem?)
- Player Ended Full-Screen Presentation
-func playerEndedFullScreenPresentation(_ player: AVPlayer, item: AVPlayerItem?)
This list contains Arc XP player view delegate methods, separate from the AVPlayer
. These functions inform on control bar behavior, such as appearance and disappearance, enabling the ability to respond to changes in the player interface.
- Player View Control Bar Did Appear
-func playerViewControlBarDidAppear(_ playerView: ArcMediaPlayerView)
- Player View Control Bar Will Appear
-func playerViewControlBarWillAppear(_ playerView: ArcMediaPlayerView)
- Player View Control Bar Did Disappear
-func playerViewControlBarDidDisappear(_ playerView: ArcMediaPlayerView)
- Player View Control Bar Will Disappear
-func playerViewControlBarWillDisappear(_ playerView: ArcMediaPlayerView)