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Mobile SDK Video Module: Enabling Chromecast for your Android app

The Arc Mobile SDK for Android supports Chromecast integration for your app.

Step 1: Create an ArcCastManager object

The Video Module provides Chromecast integration through the ArcCastManager class. This class must be instantiated.

class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
private var arcCastManager: ArcCastManager? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
arcCastManager = ArcCastManager(this)

Step 2: Add the cast icon to the options menu

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu) : boolean {
menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
return true

This is the menu file:

<?xml version="1.0″ encoding="utf-8″?>
<menu xmlns:android=""
xmlns:app="" >
android:title="Cast On"
app:showAsAction="always" />

Step 3: Send the ArcCastManager to the media player

In order to enable Chromecast in your player instance, the ArcCastManager object created in step 1 needs to be sent to the media player, either by using the setCastManager method or through the configs.

Using the method:


Via config:

var config = ArcXPVideoConfig.Builder()

Step 4: Cast the video

Casting will be handled automatically by the SDK. The user will just need to touch the cast button and pick a device.

(Optional) Implement ArcCastSessionManagerListener

The activity can optionally listen for events coming back from the casting session. To do this, it must implement ArcCastSessionManagerListener.

class MyActivity: AppCompatActivity(), ArcCastSessionManagerListener {
fun onSessionEnded(error: Int) {}
fun onSessionResumed(wasSuspended: Boolean) {}
fun onSessionStarted(sessionId: String) {}
fun onSessionStarting() {}
fun onSessionStartFailed(error: Int) {}
fun onSessionEnding() {}
fun onSessionResuming(sessionId: String) {}
fun onSessionResumeFailed(error: Int) {}
fun onSessionSuspended(reason: Int) {}


The image associated with the Chromecast session can be set in the ArcXPVideoConfig object. this will show as a background art in the cast player window, and show on dialog when you press the Chromecast button, and will show on the notification window.

var config = ArcXPVideoConfig.Builder()
.setArtworkUrl(URL to image)