How to use Arc XP content in mobile apps
If you’re looking to display your Arc content in a mobile app, here are your options:
Utilize our Mobile SDK: We’ve built an SDK to make it easy to connect with Arc applications and display your content natively in mobile apps. We also have sample iOS and Android apps that utilize this SDK. We strongly recommend using our Mobile SDK.
Work with a mobile app platform provider: Arc XP is partnered with PugPig, which has experience developing mobile apps for Arc XP customers, including the Baltimore Banner, Minnesota Star Tribune, and the Boston Globe.
Develop your own custom solution: If you do not wish to use our Mobile SDK, you must develop a custom solution of your own. If you need an API for content retrieval, you can either use Outbound Feeds (which is how Arc XP’s mobile SDK and PugPig fetch content), or license the View API. Outbound Feeds (OBF) is built on PageBuilder and is licensed through the Site Experience Bandwidth line item on customer bills.
The View API is a read-only API to deliver content to web and mobile properties using Arc XP as a headless CMS solution. The API is available through a globally distributed CDN to accelerate content delivery and reduce latency. The View API offers proactive cache-clearing when stories are published or updated, which can lead to fresher content on your mobile experiences over OBF’s time-based TTLs. There is a separate licensing fee for the View API.