Arc XP Mobile SDK - FAQ
How do I add the SDK into my Android Studio app?
How can I access the SDKs / Sample Code? The SDKs can be found here:
Sample projects are linked there for examples.
How do I setup third-party login options?
You must create a developer account on Google, Facebook or Apple and generate a security key that you will load into the Commerce SDK Module on initialization.
Does the SDK handle content elements that are not listed?
Yes. If the content type you are trying to use is not supported by one of the explicit get methods, you can use the getContentSuspend call that will return a ArcXPContentElement object. Is Picture-in-Picture mode available in video player? Yes! Implementing the Video SDK will allow you to enable the Picture-in-Picture mode in the Builder class when creating the ArcXPVideoConfig
val mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.createPlayer(this)val config = ArcXPVideoConfig.Builder() .setActivity(this) .setVideoFrame(arcVideoFrame) .enablePip(true) .setViewsToHide(view1, view2, view3 ….) ... .build()
How do I add the SDK into my Android Studio app?
Inside your build.gradle(:app) file, add the following dependencies (use latest version):
implementation 'arcxp-mobile:arcxp-mobile-sdk-android:1.3.1'
What iOS software versions are supported?
Currently version 14.0 and above are supported in the SDK.
What SDKs are required?
Both arc-mobile-podspecs & the-arcxp-ios repos are required to run the app. Please request access by going to:Gaining Access to Arc XP repo