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Product Documentation

Integration Metrics Dashboard

The Integration Metrics Dashboard provides IFX customers with a metrics dashboard that provides at-a-glance visibility into how your organization’s integrations are performing. You can easily see how often your integrations are running, gauge the level of errors, and review integration execution duration over time.

Integration Metric Dashboard

Where to find the metrics UI

To access this interface, visit Arc XP’s Admin UI and look for a tile on the homepage for IFX. Within this section, you will be able to see metrics for your integrations including the number of invocations.

What metrics are provided?

The Metrics UI currently covers four core areas, which are covered in more detail below

InvocationsThe top left section of the dashboard provides visibility into the number of times each of your integrations executed over the selected period of time, which defaults to the last 24 hours. Two of the charts display executions over time, which can be helpful to debug issues where the integrations are hiring more or less often than you’d expect. The invocation count table provides an easy-to-skim summary of the invocation count per each integration.
ConcurrencyThe top right chart covers concurrency, which enables you to monitor how many integrations are running in parallel over time. This chart is particularly helpful for debugging race conditions and understanding potential load issues in downstream systems.
Execution TimeOn the bottom left, you can review how long your integrations are running for, which can be useful when chasing down performance issues. A spike in execution time could indicate an issue with your integration, or a downstream system.
ErrorsFinally, the bottom right widget covers errors. The chart shows errors over time, which is helpful for spotting an uptick in issues or uncovering ongoing persistent problems. The table shows top errors, providing insight into which areas of your integration are most frequently leading to unsuccessful executions.


Is there anything I need to do to get stared with the new metrics experience?

It is automatically available to your organization.

Will this cost me more money?

No. This is offered to our customers as part of the product.

How do I let you know if I have an idea for an improvement or a suggestion?

Your feedback is important to ensure we are providing features that give you the most value. If you have ideas or suggestions, please add them to our Ideas Portal.