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Product Documentation

How to Upgrade IFX's SDK Versions

This document is for developers who need to upgrade the version of IFX Java or Node SDKs.

Upgrade IFX Node Runtime SDK

Find desired version

Find the latest SDK tag on the arcxp-ifx-node-sdk page

Update package.json file

The SDK version is defined inside of package.json (do not include the “v”)

"dependencies": {
"@arcxp/arcxp-ifx-node-sdk": "1.3.0"

Now run npm install

If update is not sticking

package-lock.json is the source for what is currently running in the integration. You have the option to commit or ignore this file.

If the package-lock.json it is the wrong version run npm install @arcxp/arcxp-ifx-node-sdk@1.3.0 --save-exact

Upgrade IFX Java Runtime SDK

IFX provides release notes which will be available on ALC and through email notification. You can navigate here to find the latest released version of the SDK.

Update pom.xml File

Navigate to pom.xml in the root directory and identify the following:

Substitute the SDK version you chose:


Reload your Maven project

Right-click your project and from the “Maven” menu option, select “Reload project” to update dependencies: