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How fields in the Composer UI map to ANS

Admin users have the option to configure how and where available form fields appear in the Composer editor. You can control the availability of these fields from Composer Settings under ANS Meta Field Configuration. You can configure each of these fields and move them to either the Planning or Meta tab in the Composer editor. 

The the following table outlines each available field, what it means, and how it corresponds to ANS (Arc Native Specification) in the resulting JSON file for Composer stories.

Compound field (combo short and long text fields)
addressThe physical postal address of the story→ Required to publish
Compound field - Searchable picklist (against Authors)
→ Add me
→Add guest author(s) of the current storyPlanning
Budget Line
Long text field
planning.budget_lineInternal budget line for storyPlanning
A group of settings that enable/disable comments on the story→ Required to publish
Optional picklist + free entry
copyrightThe copyright details for the story→ Required to publish
→ Picklist
→ Allow for free text entry on picklist
Compound field (add correction type and free text entry)
correctionsA way to make note changes to the story→ Required to publish
Created date
Read only
created_dateThe timestamp when the story was first saved→ Required to publish
Long text field
description(none)→ Required to publish
→ Max characters
Display date
Read only
display_dateThe timestamp that overrides the last publish date→ Required to publish
Compound field
distributorThe distributor of the current story→ Required to publish
Editor note
Long text field
editor_note(none)→ Required to publish
→ Max characters
First publish date
Read only
first_publish_dateThe timestamp when the story was published the very first time→ Required to publish
Compound field
labelKickers/labels that apply to the story→ Required to publish
→ Has its own section in Composer Settings to configure
→ Picklist or free text entry
Optional picklist + free entry
languageThe language code for the story→ Required to publish
→ Picklist
→ Allow for free text entry on picklist
Last updated
Read only
last_updated_dateThe timestamp when the story was last saved→ Required to publish
Latitude & longitude
Compound field (two number entries)
geoThe latitude and longitude details for a story location→ Required to publish
Location description
Long text field
locationA description of the location, useful if a full address or lat/long specification is overkill→ Required to publish
Media planning
Non-searchable picklist
will_have_[image, video, gallery]
(Long line broken up, but is all one string)
The ability to set what type of content will be in the storyPlanning
Paywall status
Optional picklist + free entry
content_restrictions.content_codeAny content restrictions code that should apply to this story→ Required to publish
→ Picklist
→ Allow for free text entry on picklist
Planned character count
Number field
planning.story_length.character_count_plannedThe planned character count of the storyPlanning
Planned inch count
Number field
planning.story_length.inch_count_plannedThe planned inch count of the storyPlanning
Planned line count
Number field
planning.story_length.line_count_plannedThe planned line count of the storyPlanning
Planned ready time
Date field
planning.scheduling.planned_publish_dateThe date the author plans on the story being publishedPlanning
Planned word count
Number field
planning.story_length.word_count_plannedThe planned word count of the storyPlanning
Primary website
Searchable picklist (against Sites)
taxonomy.primary_site(none)Planning (permanent)
Publish date
Read only
_id.additional_properties.publish_dateThe timestamp when the story was last published (readonly)Required to save

Required to publish
Redirect URL
URL free entry
related_content.redirectA URL that either leads the user to this article, or redirects them when they access itPlanning
SEO keywords
Non-searchable picklist (free text entry to chips)
taxonomy.seo_keywordsA list of SEO keywords for this story→ Required to publish
Short text field
slugThe short name given to this story→ Required to publish
→ Max characters
Source system
Short text field
source.systemWhat system this story was created in (readonly)→ Required to publish
**Source type (legacy) **
Short text field
source.source_typeSource type (typically wire or staff)Short text field
Sponsored content
owner.sponsored [true, false]Necessary for including/excluding advertorial and native content in search results, story card features→ Required to publish
Stock symbols
Non-searchable picklist (free text entry to chips)
taxonomy.stock_symbolsA list of stock symbols that correspond with this story→ Required to publish
Story tags
Searchable picklist (against Tags)
taxonomy.tagsA list of tags that apply to this story→ Required to publish
Optional picklist + free entry
subtypeA way to give a classification to the type of content in the story→ Required to publish
→ Picklist
→ Allow for free text entry on picklist
Non-searchable picklist
syndication(none)→ Required to publish
Website URL
Read only with regenerate option
website_urlThe website URLs for the story. Generated on the first publish (readonly after it is set)→ Required to publish
Working headline
Short text field
headlines.basicThe default headline for the storyPlanning