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Utilities for Outbound Feeds Development

In addition to the blocks that have been created for feeds and content-sources, several npm packages have been created to be used in the blocks as utilities to reduce duplicate code. All of the blocks packages end in -block to designate they are blocks and should be in the blocks.json. These utilities are normal npm packages that start with feeds- and must be included in the package.json dependencies.


This package is designed to take an array of content_elements from a story and convert the different content_element types into xml. Each content_element type has its own function to convert the ANS to xml. Call the parse function and pass in the content_elements array, it will return a string of formatted xml. You might wonder why it returns a string of xml instead of an object, because the xmlbuilder2 CDATA function only takes a string.

import { BuildContent } from '@wpmedia/feeds-content-elements'
const rssBuildContent = new BuildContent()
const body = rssBuildContent.parse(
includeContent, // 0-10 or "all" for how many content\_elements to include in the feed
domain, // from blocks.json properties
resizerKey, // from environment/index.js stored encrypted
resizerURL, // from blocks.json properties
resizerWidth, // optional width to resize all images
resizerHeight, // optional height to resize all images

The parse function determines how much of each article to include using the includeContent, and uses a big switch statement to map each content_element type to the correct function. By breaking each one into its own function you can easily change how any content_element type is processed. If we want to change how headers are created we can create a new rssBuildContent function and redefine just the header function like.

import { BuildContent } from '@wpmedia/feeds-content-elements'
function rssBuildContent() {
this.header = (element) => {
return {
h1: {
'@class': 'headline',
'#': element.content,


ANS Video can have multiple video encodings. These can be different video types (mp4, m3u8) and bit rates (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 5400). The types and sizes are configurable in VideoCenter and might be different for each client. Each video has a streams array to hold the encodings. This utility will search for video encodings based on the fields and values you pass in. You can use any field(s) that exist in the streams object to match a video encoding. The default fields and values are:

{ bitrate: 2000, stream_type: ‘mp4’ }
import { findVideo } from '@wpmedia/feeds-find-video-stream'
const selectVideo = {
bitrate: 5400,
stream\_type: 'mp4',
const videoStream = findVideo(video.streams, selectVideo)


This package is designed to make it easier to process promo_items. Pass the story and the path to the promo_items (promo_items.basic || promo_items.lead_art by default) and it returns an array of objects ready to be add to the feed. Since it supports galleries, it always returns an array. It supports images, galleries and videos and can return them in three different formats. The three functions that can be called are:

  • imageTag for use in sitemaps <image:image> tags
  • mediaTag for use in RSS <media:content> tags
  • enclosureTag for use in RSS <enclosure> tags

The three functions share a common set of helper functions to parse the image, gallery and video objects. This makes it easy to override just these functions to change the default functionality to what you need.

import { BuildPromoItems } from '@wpmedia/feeds-promo-items'
const PromoItems = new BuildPromoItems()
const img = PromoItems.mediaTag({
if (img) ({ '#': img })


Outbound Feeds can be broken down into sitemaps and rss feeds. Each type shares a common set of customFields. This utility is a convenient way to add some or all of the shared customFields to a feed. The function

generatePropsForFeed( feedType, PropTypes, omit )

  • feedType - Either sitemap or rss
  • PropType - The fusion:prop-types
  • omit - Array of customFields to exclude

sitemap customFields

  • includePromo
  • promoItemsJmespath
  • resizerKVP
  • lastMod
  • priority
  • changeFreq

rss customFields

  • channelTitle
  • channelDescription
  • channelCopyright
  • channelTTL
  • channelUpdatePeriod
  • channelUpdateFrequency
  • channelCategory
  • channelLogo
  • itemTitle
  • itemDescription
  • pubDate
  • itemCredits
  • itemCategory
  • includePromo
  • promoItemsJmespath
  • resizerKVP
  • imageTitle
  • imageCaption
  • imageCredits
  • includeContent
  • videoSelect

To add the common customFields to an rss feed but exclude includePromo, call generatePropsForFeed like:

import PropTypes from 'fusion:prop-types'
import { generatePropsForFeed } from '@wpmedia/feeds-prop-types'
rss.propTypes = {
customFields: PropTypes.shape({
...generatePropsForFeed('rss', PropTypes, \['includePromo'\]

If you want to add your own customFields, add them after the generatePropsForFeed call.


All image urls must be generated using the resizer. This ensures the lowest latency and reduces potential impacts on your system. This also offers the opportunity to change the images width and or height if desired. The resizer function depends on a cryptographic key.

The resizerKey should be stored in environment/index.js as an encrypted value. The width and height are optional. If omitted the resizer will return the image’s original size. Call the resizer like:

import { resizerKey } from 'fusion:environment'
import { buildResizerURL } from '@wpmedia/feeds-resizer'
const resizedURL = buildResizerURL(


By default PageBuilder generates html output. To generate xml output a new outputType must be created. The outputType expects an object and uses the xmlbuilder2 module to convert it to xml. In your repo the feeds-xml-output package has already been to package.json and the output-type configured. By including the parameter ?outputType=xml in all feeds requests tells fusion to use the xml output-type.