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Setting Up Standard ANS Block with Outbound Feeds

The standard ANS block is an out-of-the-box template that uses no custom fields to quickly and easily set up, configure and manage your feed.

Feed Setup

The ANS Article feed returns a single JSON object using either the items _id or website_url. It shares the standard ANS feed template, but uses two new resolvers, one for _id and one for website_url.

Steps to configure the standard ANS feed if one does not already exist.

ANS Configuration

The ANS feed has no customFields to configure.

Resolver Configuration

Each feed template needs to have a resolver applied, but can have multiple resolvers. To Create A Resolver, you’ll want to configure these fields. This will document creating two resolvers, one for searching by _id and a second one to search by website_url. Where values differ between the two resolvers, they will be called out with 1 for _id and 2 for website_url.

1. Resolver Name

  1. Article by _id
  2. Article by website_url

2. Resolver Priority

  1. Article by _id: 10
  2. Article by website_url: 9

3. Regex Pattern

  1. ^/arc/outboundfeeds/article/$
  2. ^/arc/outboundfeeds/article(/.*/)$

4. URL Parameters

  1. Add a required _id parameter. Note _id is an approved parameter. Only use Approved Parameters. URL Parameters

  2. For website_url do not add any parameters. If you try to pass the website_url in a parameter it will get URL encoded and not work correctly.

5. Websites


6. Content Source


7. Patterns

  1. For _id add the _id parameter. Patterns

  2. For website_url add the first pattern to website_url. Website URL

8. Default Template

Select the ANS template you just created to use with this resolver.

9. Default output type

Select json.

10. Content Mapped Template



To preview your ANS json, modify the URL below with the your client org and website name.



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