Setting Up Sitemap Section Front Index Feed with Outbound Feeds
The Sitemap Section Front Index block is an out-of-the-box template that uses custom fields to quickly and easily set up, configure and manage your feed. This Sitemap Section Front Index block is a sitemap index feed which means it returns a list of links to sitemap feeds that contain stories from the sections. For a sitemap feed containing links to your website’s sections, use the Sitemap Section Feed.
Feed Setup
The Sitemap Section Front Index feed is a platform level Arc feed block with configurable and customizable parameters. This block will only work with the site-service-hierarchy content source. It must be linked to one of your site service hierarchies to generate a sitemap link to each section in that hierarchy. You can customize which sitemap format is used and exclude sections that should not be displayed.
Steps to configure the Sitemap Section Front Index feed.
Sitemap Section Front Index Configuration
1. Path
This path will be used in each link generated. By default it generates links to your sitemap filtering on each section. It starts with /arc/outboundfeeds
to match the URL to your sitemap or sitemap-news.
default: /arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap/category
2. Sitemap at root (Available with Web Delivery 1.7)
Optional checkbox to convert sections from slashes to dashes for sitemap links at root. For example it will convert /sports/football
to -sports-football
. You must also change the Path to use dashes.
default: unchecked
3. URL Extension
Optional, add a file extension to the end of the generated URL, for example .xml
. If you add an extension you will need to change your sitemap resolver to match.
default: blank
4. Additional URL Parameters
Optional parameters to append to URL, join multiple parameters with &
. For example, outputType=xml&ref_src=sitemap
default: blank
5. Section IDs to exclude
Comma separated list of section IDs to exclude from the feed, for example, /subscribe,/test
default: blank
6. Exclude Links
Checkbox used to exclude navigation links from the feed.
default: checked
Resolver Configuration
Each feed template needs to have a resolver applied. To Create A Resolver, you’ll want to configure these fields.
1. Resolver Name
Unique, easily recognized name given to the resolver, such as sitemap-section-index
2. Resolver Priority
Number to indicate priority order (1 to 100). Lower numbers are evaluated first.
3. Regex Pattern
4. URL Parameters
No parameters are needed.
5. Websites
6. Content Source
You must choose site-service-hierarchy
7. Hierarchy
Enter name of the Site Service hierarchy. Typically default
but you can select any available hierarchy.
8. Section ID
9. Default Template
Select the template you just created sitemap-section-index
to use with this resolver.
10. Default output type
Select xml
11. Content Mapped Template
Sitemap Section Front Index URL
To preview your Sitemap Section Front Index XML, modify the URL below with the your client org and website name.
https://Outboundfeeds.CLIENTORG.Arcpublishing.Com/Pf/Arc/Outboundfeeds/Sitemap-Section-Index/?\_website=CLIENTWEBSITE NAME
Additional Information
All sitemaps adhere to the Standard Sitemap Protocol and implement Google’s extensions for both Images and Videos.
- Steps To Create And Manage Outbound Feeds.
- Optional Content Sources For OBF.
- Using Jmespath To Map To CustomFields ANS Values.
- More details on Resolvers.
- Regex Debugger.