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Setting Up Sitemap Feed with Outbound Feeds

Feed Setup

The standard Sitemap feed is a platform level Arc feed block with configurable and customizable parameters.

Steps to configure the standard Sitemap feed.

Sitemap Configuration

1. ANS Image Title Key

ANS field to get the image title from promo_items.basic.

default: title

2. ANS Image Caption Key

ANS field to get the image caption from promo_items.basic.

default: caption

1. Include Promo Images

Used to determine whether to include an image in the sitemap or not. True/False

default: true

2. Path to promo_items

ANS field to use for the featured image, supports a JMESPath statement.

default: promo_items.basic || promo_items.lead_art

3. Image height and or Width

A set of key value pairs where you can set an integer height and or width to resize all images. Zero means no resizing will be performed.

default: height: 0, width: 0


1. Last Modified Date

Which ANS date field should be displayed.

Select one: created_date, display_date, first_publish_date, last_updated_date, or publish_date.

default: last_updated_date

2. Priority

Sitemap priority is a hint to the bots consuming the sitemap of how important these links are in the website. Google says they ignore this field and instead look at how often the content changes.

Select one: numbers from 0.0 to 1.0

default: 0.5

3. Change Frequency

Denotes the suggested frequency bots should revisit the sitemap for updates. This has no impact on how long the page will be cached in Arc. Google says they ignore this field and instead look at how often the content changes.

Select one: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never, Exclude field

default: always

Resolver Configuration

Each feed template needs to have a resolver applied. To Create A Resolver, you’ll want to configure these fields.

1. Resolver Name

Unique name given to the resolver

2. Resolver Priority

Number to indicate priority order (1 to 100). Lower numbers are evaluated first.

3. Regex Pattern


4. URL Parameters

outputType xml (required: true) You can add optional parameters like; from, size, etc.

Site Map URL Parameters

5. Websites


6. Content Source


There are additional content sources available out-of-the-box, details here.

7. Patterns

These positions come from the regex pattern. There are a number of ways to pass a section (or author, keyword or tag) to the content source from the resolver. All of them use a grouping () in the regex.

Section - Pattern 1


Author - Pattern 2


Keywords - Pattern 3


Tags - Text - Pattern 4


Tags - Slug - Pattern 5


Include - Terms - Modify the query used by the content source. More information on queries can be found here.

Exclude - Terms - Modify the query used by the content source. More information on queries can be found here.

Exclude - Sections - You can enter a comma separated list of sections to exclude. For example /premium,/paid-content.

Feed - Size - Integer 1 to 100. Defaults to 100. If you added a size URL parameter, select the parameter option and select size and enter a default value.

Feed - Offset - Integer. Defaults to 0. If you added a from URL parameter, select the parameter option and select from and enter a default value.

Sort - last_updated_date:desc

If left blank it will default to publish_date:desc. Which ever date field you selected to display for the Last Modified Date is the date you should enter here. The format is date_field + : + sort order (desc or asc). Valid date fields are created_date, display_date, first_publish_date, last_updated_date, or publish_date

Source-Exclude - A comma separated list of ANS fields to remove from the default list of ANS fields. See the default list here.

Source-Include - A comma separated list of ANS fields to add to the default list of ANS fields. See the default list here.

Include - Distributor - Name

If you only want content from a single distributor, enter the name here. You may only populate one distributor field.

Exclude - Distributor - Name

If you want to exclude content from a single distributor, enter the name here. You may only populate one distributor field.

Include - Distributor - Category

If you only want content from a single distributor category, enter the name here. You may only populate one distributor field.

Exclude - Distributor - Category

If you want to exclude content from a single distributor category, enter the name here. You may only populate one distributor field.

8. Default Template

Select the template you just created sitemap-feed to use with this resolver.

9. Default output type

Select xml.

10. Content Mapped Template


Sitemap URL

To preview your Sitemap XML, modify the URL below with the your client org and website name. NAME

Site Map URL

Additional Information

All sitemaps adhere to the Standard Sitemap Protocol and implement Google’s extensions for both Images and Videos.

Steps to create and manage Outbound Feeds.

Optional Content Sources For OBF.

Using Jmespath To Map To CustomFields ANS Values.

More details on Resolvers.

Regex Debugger.