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Setting Up Your Dev Playground


List the steps to run a PageBuilder instance locally.


Developers learning to work with PageBuilder.

Getting Started

To start using PageBuilder Engine, you must use the Arc Fusion Command-Line Interface (CLI), which enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Create pages and layouts using a local PageBuilder Engine and PageBuilder Editor server.
  • Test your custom components (feature blocks) locally.
  • Create bundles for deployments if you have access to an Arc XP organization.

Prerequisites to Running PageBuilder

Ensure you have the following prerequisites before you run PageBuilder locally:


Ensure you have the following skills:

  • Basic web development knowledge
  • Proficiency with Javascript
  • Working knowledge of Docker
  • Basic knowledge of React
  • Familiarity with Node.js
  • Familiarity with npm

System Requirements

Ensure you have the following system requirements:

  • Installed Docker: In Docker’s Settings, ensure to set up the Resources as follows:
    • CPUs: 6
    • Memory: 8GB or more
  • Installed Node.js.
  • Installed npm: Ensure that the version is 5.2 or later.

To verify the version, take the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Run the following command: npm -v
    If npm is installed, the command returns the version. For example, 10.7.0

Access to an Arc XP Organization (Optional)

Access to an Arc XP Organization requires a signed contract with Arc XP. After becoming a customer, you get the credentials and settings to use Arc XP’s full feature set.

To connect to an Arc XP Organization, you must configure access tokens and website information in your local development environment while using the Arc Fusion CLI. However, you can use Arc Fusion CLI without connecting it to an Arc XP organization.

The Arc Fusion CLI works in the following scenarios:

  • Running PageBuilder Locally without Arc XP Credentials (Available for anyone).

    • Enables you to try core Arc XP functionalities.
    • Runs a local server with PageBuilder Engine and PageBuilder Editor.
    • Enables you to test custom feature blocks with content from APIs you already have access to (non-Arc XP APIs).
  • Running PageBuilder Locally with Arc XP Credentials (Available for onboarded Arc XP customers).

    • Runs a local server with PageBuilder Engine and PageBuilder Editor.
    • Enables you to set API access tokens as environment variables.
    • Enables you to test custom components with content sources from your Arc XP organization.

Running PageBuilder Locally Without Arc XP Credentials

To run PageBuilder locally, complete the following steps:

  1. In the location of your choice, create the directory for your local PageBuilder instance:

    mkdir <directory-name>
  2. Enter the directory you created:

    cd <directory-name>
  3. Install Arc Fusion CLI:

    npx @arc-fusion/cli init
  4. Type y to grant permission to install @arc-fusion/cli packages
    The initialization process continues and completes.

  5. Start the PageBuilder Engine and PageBuilder Editor local server:

    npx fusion start

    The project builds and runs the server.

  6. In your browser, open the following URL: localhost/pagebuilder/pages
    A PageBuilder page displays:

    Figure 1. PageBuilder Editor

The PageBuilder Engine homepage is empty because you have not created any pages. Complete the Creating with PageBuilder process to populate the PageBuilder Engine homepage.

Figure 2 shows the Site Service Configurations error message.

Figure 2. Site Service Configurations Error in PageBuilder Editor

Stopping the PageBuilder Engine Locally

To stop the PageBuilder Engine on your local machine, run:

npx fusion down

To verify that all the PageBuilder Engine services stopped, run:

docker ps