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List of Identity Web socket events

Identity: user account events

Account Deletion notification

ACCOUNT_DELETION_NOTIFICATION is sent when an account is slated to be deleted due to one of the following reasons: inactivity or email was not verified.

This event is generated by the system based on the _User account configuration: Automatic account deletion_ setting.

message: {
uuid: '8d9294d3-3aec-48c7-86c6-b2d97b93aefb',
email: '',
deletionDate: 1597536000000

Account deletion requested

ACCOUNT_DELETION_REQUESTED is sent when a CSR requests initiates a request to delete an account.

message: {
uuid: '82d2884c-4ab7-4e50-964f-c5c4716f526f'

Account deletion requested with nonce

ANONYMIZE_USER_DELETION_REQUESTED is sent when a end user request to have an account deleted.

message: {
uuid: '82d2884c-4ab7-4e50-964f-c5c4716f526f',
nonce: 'GAib1uYD835DYFZ340KVpr-pOXwR_pDMpju2YZZ2gGU968qc'
// APIs dispatching this event
DELETE /identity/public/v1/user/anonymize

Account deletion requested decision

ACCOUNT_DELETION_REQUEST_DECISION is sent when an end user rejects the decision using a nonce or when CSR rejects a deletion request in the Requests tab.

message: {
type: 'DECLINED'
// APIs dispatching this event
PUT /identity/public/v1/user/anonymize/decline/{nonce}

Account deletion request completed

ACCOUNT_DELETION_REQUEST_COMPLETED is sent when an end user approves the deletion using a nonce, the CSR approves the deletion via the Requests tab, or a developer deletes a user account.

message: {
uuid: '82d2884c-4ab7-4e50-964f-c5c4716f526f',
// APIs dispatching this event
DELETE /identity/api/v1/user/anonymize/email/{email}
DELETE /identity/api/v1/user/anonymize/uuid/{uuid}
PUT /identity/public/v1/user/anonymize/approve/{nonce}

Email verify request

VERIFY_EMAIL is sent when an email verify request is sent by a CSR, an end-user, or during Sign up when the verify email setting is _0N_.

message: {
email: '',
nonce: 'q1aGlVxfmeqv0_B2N8LTVKA1jU2bsd7qUG_7jiIXhCxuxrBG',
uuid: '92252cf0-1aa9-4ab8-9071-5d9ca976e510'
// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/public/v1/email/verify
POST /identity/public/v1/signup

Email Verified

EMAIL_VERIFIED is sent when an email verification has been completed by a CSR or end user.

email: '',
uuid: '82d2884c-4ab7-4e50-964f-c5c4716f526f',
createdOn: 1552413860000,
lastUpdatedOn: 1572468392597,
previousEmail: ''
// APIs dispatching this event
GET /identity/public/v1/email/verify/{nonce}

Profile edit

PROFILE_EDIT is sent when a profile is updated by CSR, end-user or developer.

// APIs dispatching this event
PUT /identity/api/v1/profile/{uuid}
PATCH /identity/api/v1/profile/{uuid}
PUT /identity/public/v1/profile
PATCH /identity/public/v1/profile

GDPR report

GDPR_REPORT_READY is sent when an end user requests a GDPR report.

clientID: '',
reportID: '',
// APIs dispatching this event
GET /identity/public/v1/gdpr/${id}

User account locked

USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED is sent when a user account has been locked due to failed password attempts.

uuid: "803a0521-63c7-4ffe-9915-c7789fc2245f",
email: "",
reason: 'Incorrect Password Attempts',
// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/public/v1/auth/login

User sign in added

USER_SIGN_IN_ADDED is sent when an end user connects an additional sign-in method to their profile.

// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/public/v1/auth/login

User sign up

USER_SIGN_UP is sent when a new user signs up. This can be done by the end user or a developer.

// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/api/v1/signup
POST /identity/public/v1/signup
POST /identity/public/v1/auth/login

User status updated

USER_STATUS_UPDATED is sent when the user status is changed.

"uuid": '803a0521-63c7-4ffe-9915-c7789fc2245f',
"status": 'active' | 'PendingAnonymize' | 'Anonymized' | 'Disabled',
"email": ''
// APIs dispatching this event
PUT identity/public/v1/user/status

Identity: Password events

Express checkout password reset request

EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST is sent when a user completed a purchase prior to creating an account using the Express Checkout flow. These users do not have a password and will need to complete their account by going through the password reset process to gain access to their subscription.

message: {
"identifier": "",
"nonce": "q1aGlVxfmeqv0_B2N8LTVKA1jU2bsd7qUG_7jiIXhCxuxrBG",

Express checkout without password

EXPRESS_CHECKOUT_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST is sent when a user completed a purchase prior to creating an account using the Express Checkout flow. These users do not have a password and will need to complete their account by going through the password reset process to gain access to their subscription.


Force password reset

FORCE_PASSWORD_RESET is sent when a forcePasswordReset is requested for a user.


(Previously Magic Link Request)

MAGIC_LINK_SEND is sent when a magic link is requested by an end user.

// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/public/v1/auth/magiclink

Password reset request

PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST is sent when a password reset is requested by the CSR or end user.

// APIs dispatching this event
POST /identity/public/v1/password/reset

Password reset

PASSWORD_RESET is sent when a password is reset by the end user or a developer.

// APIs dispatching this event
PUT /identity/api/v1/password/{uuid}
PUT /identity/public/v1/password/reset/{nonce}
PUT /identity/public/v1/password