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Canonical URL Service and Photo Center Integration

Photo Center uses the canonical URL service API to create and retrieve canonical URLs for only galleries. Photo Center manages the information sent to the URL API and retrieves the response the URL API returns.


A canonical URL is created in the following scenarios:

  • When a gallery is published for the first time, a canonical URL appears if a valid format exists in the canonical url service.
  • When a published gallery is updated:
    • If no changes were made to fields linked to format, the same URL persists.
    • If changes were made to fields linked to format, a new URL appears (the following endpoint is called: /url-deprecated/v2/url/allwebsiteurls?redirect_existing=on_change)
  • When a gallery is unpublished and republished with changes involved in the URL, a new URL appears.
  • When you click the Regenerate URL button in Photo Center with changes involved in the URL format.

Canonical URL API Interaction

  • When saving a gallery for the first time, the system does not call the URL API.
  • When a gallery is published, the system calls /url-deprecated/v2/url/allwebsiteurls?redirect_existing=false. This generates and sets the gallery canonical_url property.
  • When you press the Regenarate URL button, the system calls /url-deprecated/v2/url/allwebsiteurls?redirect_existing=on_change.

Best Practices

  • Ensure you have a valid format in the canonical URL service for your org and site (https://{ORG_ID}

  • Ensure you have a criteria type set to gallery or a default format in the Edit URL Formats section.

    Edit URL Formats


  • These formats are handled by URL service. Photo Center sends the website information to its API and retrieves the response to display.
  • You can have different formats with different priorities for the same ANS object type.
  • You can have different formats depending on the site.
