Guide to using Entitlements with your paywall
The Arc XP Entitlement provides access to the section or content type when a paywall is deployed for subscribers. The product SKUs are your method for users to purchase a subscription, while Entitlement provides your users access to the content they have purchased. Entitlement is the grouping of sections, sites, content types, or other categories that users have access to via their subscription or action. These Entitlement groups provide a separation between the product SKU and the paywall access controls. Each product will have one or more Entitlements, while a paywall rule will have one entitlement that governs access control.
Because Entitlement is not site-specific and the data element resides at the Organization level, products can be created that provide cross-site entitlement. Currently, the product SKUs are site-specific, directly provide the user access to their entitlement, and require using Linked subscriptions to create cross-site product bundles. Entitlements provide a quick and easy method to create cross-site products, with many bundling options, for your users.
Entitlement Best Practices
Creating a smart plan for your Entitlement options is crucial to long-term flexibility of your subscription strategy. While it may be tempting to create many different Entitlements with all the options that you may want to provide separately to users, too many Entitlements will make it difficult to adjust your strategy or pivot to different product bundling options.
We recommend starting with two to five entitlements. You can always add more and adjust in the future.
Main site | Premium Content | Upgrade Section
Primary site | Second Site | Third Site
Step 1: Create your Entitlements
Under the entitlement tab in the Paywall section, add a new Entitlement. At this time you can add a name and description but future fields will be available. The name and description can be updated in the future as needed.
Step 2: Link Entitlements to your product SKUs
For each of your products you will need one or more Entitlements. These can be added by selecting the Products and then selecting the Entitlement. These can be added and removed as needed in the future. The step by step guide to create basic offers provides more details on creating products.
Entitlements can be linked in the Product screen, just select the Entitlement in the drop down menu. These can be added and removed as needed in the future.
Step 3: Add Entitlements to paywall rules
Options for using Entitlement, Product SKU or Registration are available for bypassing the paywall controls.
Details on the API response for a user’s entitlements is here.