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Quick-selecting groups for Site Service

Site Service has the option to create section groups, also known as quick combos. These groups are a fast way to have website sections in one place. You can add the sections from any website within the organization.

For reference on the API calls, see Site Service API

When you configure section groups, they appear in Composer on the Circulation tab. You have the option to choose from Manual Selection and Quick Selection. Your Section Groups appear in the list.

Creating section groups

To create a section group using a curl command, specify the _id and the display_name for your section group.

Remember to set the headers in your call. You must have an authorization token and the Content-Type to send the request.

curl -X PUT \
'https://api.{org}{section_group_id}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H '***Authorization Credentials***' \
-d '{"_id": "{id}", "display_name": "{section_group_name}"'


Creating Section Groups Example

Adding sections to section groups

You can add sections from different websites to your section group. Execute the following call for each of the sections that that you want to add in the section group.


Note: The URL must contain the same parameters as the JSON statement.

curl -X PUT \
'https://api.{org}{group_id}/section?section_id={section_id}&website_id={website_id}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H '***Authorization Credentials***' \
-d '{"_id": "{group_id}", "_website": "{website_id}", "_section": "{section_id}"}'

Adding Sections to Section Groups

Now your section group is visible in the selector when clicking on the section group.

Quick Selection

Deleting section groups

To delete a website section from a section group, use the following curl command:

curl -X DELETE \
'https://api.{org}{section_group_id}/section?section_id={section_id}&website_id={website_id}' \
-H '***Authorization Credentials***'

To delete the entire section group, use the following curl command:

curl -X DELETE \
-H '***Authorization Credentials***'