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Product Documentation

Subscription Managment: CSR perspective

Arc XP Sales offers Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) a comprehensive platform, commonly known as the Arc Admin tool, for managing subscriptions. With its intuitive interface and robust features, CSRs can efficiently access, update, and review subscription details, supporting a smooth and responsive customer service experience. By centralizing data management, the system improves accuracy, shortens response times, and enables personalized support, making it an invaluable tool for delivering high-quality customer interactions.

This page will walk you through use cases related to Arc XP Sales using the Arc Admin tool.

The landing page of the “Subscriptions app” provides CSRs with an easy way for searching and retrieving user account information and orders.

Order search

On this page, CSRs can search for orders using some parameters. Based on the values entered, the system retrieves orders that match these parameters in different ways. CSRs can populate one or multiple fields, and the system will return results that best align with all the specified parameters.

Order totalOur system performs a search based on the total order amount, returning all orders within the range order_total - 1 ≤ total order ≤ order_total + 1. For example, if you enter “10“, the system will return all these orders with a total amount between 9 and 11.
Date range startOur system performs a search based on the selected date range. If an end date is not specified, the system will return all orders from the start date up to the current date.
Date range endOur system performs a search based on the selected date range. If a start date is not specified, all orders up to the end date will be returned.
Credit card numberOur system performs a search based on the last 4 digits of the credit card.
Order numberOrder number corresponds to the unique identifier of the order. For this field, we perform an exact match search.

Since orders are attached to user accounts, a CSR can perform an order search based on the data of the user account associated with the order. The fields that allow this type of search are the same as those defined in Manage user account: CSR perspective.

Once you enter the parameter(s), the system may return one or more results. By clicking on the order number of any row, you can navigate to a page that provides additional order details.

CSR audit

Once you navigate to the order details, you will see information about the order, including all transactions associated with it (e.g., payments and refunds).

Whenever you view user account details or order details, a left sidebar appears on the page. In addition to the user account details described on Manage user account: CSR perspective, you will see a Subscriptions section that lists the active subscriptions and their types. By clicking on each subscription in this list, you will be directed to the Subscriptions tab, where you can find the subscription details.

Order detail

Activity tab

As we mentioned in Manage user account: CSR perspective, this tab provides information about the user account history, including all these related to subscription purchases and management.

If the user account has subscriptions, a dropdown will appear in the UI. For each subscription associated with the user account, the dropdown will display the current product name. By selecting a product name, you can filter all activity records related to the selected option. If the user account has too many records, the results on this page are displayed using pagination.

Order detail

Each activity card related to subscription follows the similar structure described in Manage user account: CSR perspective. Depending on the activity, the system may provide additional information on the card.

Activity cardDetail
activity card subscription paymentPayment: You can view the order details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription refundRefund: You can view the order details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription cancelCancelled: If the subscription is in a cancelled status, it can be restored using the overflow menu. Additionally, you can view the subscription details.
activity card subscription restoreRestore
activity card subscription extendExtend
activity card subscription skip paymentSkip payment
activity card subscription terminateTerminate
activity card subscription start paid subscriptionStart paid subscription: You can view the subscription details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription start paid subscriptionStart complimentary subscription: You can view the subscription details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription start shared subscriptionStart shared subscription: You can view the subscription details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription start shared subscriptionStart gift subscription: You can view the subscription details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription start shared subscriptionStart linked subscription: You can view the subscription details via the overflow menu.
activity card subscription update payment methodUpdate payment method
activity card subscription update payment methodUpdate product/price
activity card subscription update expiration dateUpdate expiration date
activity card subscription update billing addressUpdate billing address
activity card subscription update billing addressAdd/Remove tax exempt

CSR management

The admin tool includes two tabs related to the subscriptions and orders associated with a user account. These tabs provide a CSR with details about orders and their transactions (i.e., payments and refunds), as well as subscription details and various management options for subscriptions.


Under the Orders tab, you will find all orders associated with the user account. The orders are displayed in a table, where each record includes the order number, total amount, payment date, and payment type.

This table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by column. If there are more than 25 records for the user account, the results will be displayed using pagination.

Orders tab

By clicking on any order number, you can view the order details, including all transactions associated with the order, such as payments and refunds.

Each time a payment is made, whether it is an initial payment or a renewal, a new order is created. Each order includes a payment transaction and may also have related refunds.

Under the order detail, you can find 3 sections:

  • Order details
  • Payment details
  • Refund details (If it applies)

Order detail

The Order Details section provides information about the order total, order number, order date, billing address, the website where the purchase was made, and the products associated with the order. The first payment in a purchase may include multiple products and prices. These products and prices are displayed in a table, which can be sorted by product name or price name. Each product in the table includes a link that redirects the CSR to the subscription details.

Order details


Each order, identified by its unique order number, has an associated payment. The payment section is a collapsible component; when expanded, it displays details about the transaction. This section includes the transaction number (with a link that redirects the user to the transaction details), transaction date, card information (e.g., cardholder name, card number, card type, expiration date, and payment type), as well as details about the amount, applicable taxes (if any), and the total amount.

If the total amount is greater than zero and the total of the refund(s) is less than the total amount (i.e., payment), a Refund payment button will appear.


When you click the Refund payment button, a sidebar opens, displaying information based on your tenant’s settings and other transactions related to the order.:

Issue refund

  • Refund Options: If the order is from a paid regular subscription, our system checks for existing refunds.

    • If previous refunds exist or there is more than one product/price in the order, two options will appear:

      • Refund custom amount: The CSR must enter the amount to be refunded, which must be equal to or less than the remaining amount, calculated as: remaining_amount = total_amount - refund(s).
      • Refund remaining amount: Our system calculates the remaining refundable amount and provides it as an option to the CSR.
    • Otherwise, our system computes a prorated amount.

      • Our system computes the prorated amount by multiplying the total payment amount by the ratio of the remaining time in the current billing cycle to the total time of that cycle. Tax is included in all calculations, and all time calculations are precise to the millisecond.

        prorated_amount = (paymentAmount) * [remainingTimeOnCurrentCycle / totalTimeCurrentCycle]

      If the prorated amount is greater than zero, the following options will be available to the CSR:

      • Refund prorated amount or custom amount: The prorated amount will be displayed in the field, but the CSR can change it to a custom amount.
      • Refund original amount.
  • Refunds summary: This section provides a summary about prior refunds, new refunds and total refunds.

  • Customer Care Reason Codes: Our system checks if customer care reason codes are enabled for the current tenant (organization + site). If they are, a dropdown will appear, and the CSR will be required to select a reason code from the available options. Otherwise, the CSR must enter information in the Additional Information field.


If refunds exist, each refund will appear as a collapsible component. For each refund, you wil see the refunded amount, also the transaction number (with a link that redirects the user to the transaction details), and transaction date.

Refund detail


Each payment and/or refund has their unique transaction number. And a CSR is able to see all the transaction details. As part of the page that contains the transaction detail you will find: the transaction number, transaction date, transaction type (i.e., payment or refund), the card information (e.g., cardholder name, card number, card type, expiration date, and payment type), as well as details about the amount, applicable taxes (if any), and the total amount.

transaction detail


As mentioned in What is a subscription in Arc XP Subscriptions, our system supports different subscription types.

Under the Subscriptions tab, you can find details for all subscriptions associated with the user account. Depending on the subscription type and subscription status, different details and management options will be available through the overflow menu. Each subscription is represented by a subscription card and identified by its unique Subscription ID. Each subscription card has a title, wich corresponds to the product name, followed by the subscription type (e.g., Annual billing (paid), Special product (Complimentary), etc.).

Identity Reset Password

If the subscription product allows associate subscribers and the subscription is being shared with at least one user, an Associate Subscribers section will appear. For each associate subscriber, you will see their name or email, along with the Remove option.

For each subscription, if its status is different from active (e.g. Cancelled, Terminated, Suspended) a badge indicating the status will appear in the subscription card header. For example, the previous image displays a subscription card where the subscription is Cancelled.

If the end user doesn’t have subscriptions associated with their account, a label indicating that there are no subscriptions for this customer will appear.

Identity Reset Password

Through the Admin tool, a CSR can create complimentary subscriptions. By clicking on Add Complimentary Subscription, a form will appear on the UI. After selecting the Website, the End date, and the Product for which you want to grant the subscription to the current user, the CSR can start a new subscription by saving the changes.

Identity Reset Password

  • Title: Product name followed by (paid)
  • Tax exempt: This label will appear if the tenant has Taxamo enabled and the paid subscription is set to tax-exempt status.
  • Type: paid.
  • Subscription ID, Last order number, Website, Next payment, Payment method, Start date, Product name, Price name.
  • Current cycle information: Remaining days for the next payment, Term start and Term end.
  • If the subscription is in a terminated status, information about the current cycle will not appear. Instead, the end date will be displayed.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Change product or price, Skip payment, Cancel, Change billing address.
  • If the subscription is not in suspended or terminated status:
    • Extend term
  • If the subscription is not terminated:
    • Terminate.
  • If the subscription is in cancelled status:
    • Restore.
  • If the tenant has Taxamo enabled:
    • Remove tax exempt status from billing address, Add tax exempt status from billing address. One of these will appear depending on the current tax-exempt status.
  • View last order.


  • Title: Product name followed by (linked).
  • Type: linked.
  • Subscription ID Website, Start date, End date, Product Name, Price Name.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Terminate, Change product or price.


  • Title: Product name followed by (complimentary)
  • Type: complimentary.
  • Subscription ID, Website, Start date, End date, Product Name.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Change product, Change end date, Terminate.


As we mentioned in What is a subscription in Arc XP Subscriptions gift subscription involves the gift giver and gift redeemer.

Gift giver

Every time an end user purchases a gift subscription, a subscription is started on their side and immediately terminated. Then, a new subscription can be activated on the redeemer’s side.

  • Title: Product name followed by (unredeemed gift) if it has not been redeemed, or (gift) if it has been redeemed.
  • Type: Gift subscription.
  • Subscription ID, Last order, Website, Payment method, Start date, Product name, Price name.
  • If a recipient was set: Recipient email.
  • If the gift subscription has not been redeemed: Copy redeem code button.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • View last order.
Gift redeemer

Once a end-user redeem a gift subscription, a new subscription on the redeemer side is started.

  • Title: Product name followed by (paid).
  • Type: paid.
  • Subscription ID, Website, Start date, End date, Gift giver, Product name, Price name.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Terminate, Cancel.


  • Title: Product name followed by (shared)
  • Type: paid.
  • Subscription ID, Website, Start date, Product name, Price name.
  • If the subscription is in a terminated status: End date.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Terminate.


Enterprise subscriptions only can be created via developer APIs. But each subscription should be started started/redeemed by the end-user.

  • Title: Product name followed by (paid)
  • Type: ${enterprise subscription name} (Enterprise).
  • Subscription ID, Website, Payment method: Enterprise, Start date, Product name.
  • If the subscription is in a terminated status: End date.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Terminate, Change product or price.


Subscriptions created from a group of packages based on the domain will appear under this tab

  • Title: Product name followed by (group)
  • Subscription ID, Website, Product name, Start date,
  • If the subscription is in a terminated status: End date.

transaction detail

Options available via overflow menu:

  • If the subscription is in active status:
    • Terminate, Change product or price.

Subscription management

Each subscription card provides different subscription management options. The options available for each subscription card depend on the subscription status and/or the current subscription settings.

The information displayed when applying subscription changes depends on details related to each subscription and the configurations enabled for the tenant. For example, if the tenant has reason codes enabled, a dropdown with the available reason codes will be displayed, requiring the CSR to select one. Otherwise, they must enter a note.


This option will appear for active subscriptions going through renewals. This allows to change the subscription status from active to canceled.

transaction detail

Once cancelled, a new Cancellation activity card should appear and a CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION event should be dispatched.


This option will appear for subscriptions on cancelled status. This allows to change the subscription status from cancelled to active.

transaction detail

Once restored, a new Restore activity card should appear and a RESCUE_SUBSCRIPTION event should be dispatched.


This option will appear for subscriptions with status different to terminated. Depending on the subscription type, you will see additional information an options available.

For example. If the termination action is initiated for a paid subscription, the last order number with a link to order details will appear. Additionally, if the remaining amount is greater than zero, refund options will be displayed.

  • If previous refunds exist or there is more than one product/price in the order, three options will appear:

    • Refund custom amount.
    • Refund remaining amount.
    • No refund
  • If the prorated amount is greater than zero, the following options will be available to the CSR:

    • Refund prorated amount or custom amount.
    • Refund original amount.
    • No refund.

transaction detail

If the subscription type is different to a paid one, you will need to select a reason code (if it applies) and enter the reason for termination.

transaction detail

Once terminated, a new Termination activity card should appear and a TERMINATE_SUBSCRIPTION event should be dispatched.

Skip payment

This options will appear for a paid subscription, and this action is used when a CSR wants to exempt the end-user from the next payment.

transaction detail

Once this action is completed, the next payment on subscription card will be updated, a new skip payment activity card will appear, and a SKIP_SUBSCRIPTION_PAYMENT event will be dispatched.

Extend term

This options will appear for a paid subscription, and this action is used when a CSR wants to extend the date of the next payment. The CSR needs to select a new date, which must be later than the current next payment date. The next payment will be collected on the selected date.

transaction detail

Once this action is completed, the next payment on subscription card should be updated, a new extension activity card will appear, and an EXTEND_SUBSCRIPTION event should be dispatched.

Change product or price

This option will appear for paid and linked subscriptions.

For linked subscriptions, the CSR needs to select the new product and/or price.

transaction detail

For paid subscriptions, the rates defined for the newly selected price will be applied to upcoming payments. The system will provide refund and/or charge options, and based on the options selected by the CSR, new transactions will be processed.

The same refund options provided for Terminate subscription will be displayed (i.e. refund prorated amount or custom amount, refund original amount, no refund, etc). For upcoming charges, the CSR is able to select between charge today & update renewal date or Charge at next renewal date.

transaction detail

For paid subscriptions, a modal displaying a summary of the changes applied based on the selected options will be shown.

transaction detail

Once this action is completed, subscription card will be updated with the new product and/or price, a new Update product/price activity card will appear, and an UPDATE_SKU_PRICECODE event will be dispatched.

Depending of the options selected by the CSR when updaing a paid subscription, a Refund and/or Payment activity card will appear, and the REFUND_SUBSCRIPTION_PAYMENT and/or RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION events will be dispatched.

Change product

Since complimentary subscriptions do not involve payments or renewals, only the product is required when creating this subscription type. For subscription management, an option to change the product will appear, where the CSR must select the product to which the user account will have access.

transaction detail

Once this action is completed, subscription card will be updated with the new product and/or price, a new Update product/price activity card will appear, and an UPDATE_SKU_PRICECODE event will be dispatched.

Change end date

This option will appear for free subscriptions with an active status. You can change the date on which the subscription will be terminated.

transaction detail

Once this action is completed, subscription card will be updated with the new expiration date. A new Update expiration date activity card will appear, and an UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRATION_DATE event will be dispatched.

Change billing address

The billing address is used to determine applicable taxes. For paid subscriptions, the Change Billing Address option will appear. This section displays the current billing address and provides a form where the CSR can enter a new billing address.

transaction detail

Before approve the change, the sistem will provide a summary about the old and new billing address, and the CSR will need to click on Change button to approve the changes.

transaction detail

Once the change is applied successfuly, the Update billing address activity card will appear, and the UPDATE_BILLING_ADDRESS event will be dispatched.

Add/Remove tax exempt status from billing address

This option will appear only for tenants with Taxamo enabled. The Add or Remove option will appear based on the current address status, depending on whether the flag is enabled or not. If the update was done sucessfully, the tax exempt badge will appear/disappear from the subscription card, an Update tax exempt activity card will appear, and the UPDATE_BILLING_ADDRESS event will be dispatched.

View last order

This option is provided for paid subscriptions. It redirects the CSR to the last order details page.